This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Also, all of those people saying that Ps3 has no good games should read this list.
*Guitar Hero *CoD ( you can even download the first one) *Plenty of Demos *Killzone 3 (only for PS3) *Little Big Planet *Free Online *Awesome Graphics *DiRT 2 * And many more
even though i own a wii, i would vote for that, but games on there are not as good as X-Box. (my vote is for X-Box and Wii if that is possible if not X-Box) (the reason why i know about X-Box's is because my friend owns one.)
The playstation pwnes all!accept for the xbox like he said they have many similar features.....................................................................................................................................
The PS3 because it has free online and it's the one I own! I own Wii and it has Brawl which is really good, and Mario Kart. The PS3 has Assassins Creed and a better COD than Wii... Yes, I play all different types of games, so I can't choose.