This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
The playstation pwnes all!accept for the xbox like he said they have many similar features.....................................................................................................................................
As a gamer that owns all three I can honestly say I prefer my xbox360, sure the PS3 looks nice and I get my movies, the wii is more fun for my nephews and niece and really all the good team games and single player games come out on the xbox360, with the new kinect it pretty much makes my wii obsolete and playstation move doesn't work nearly as fluently it's much better for single player games even with the free internets. So I have to vote XBOX360!
Xbox and PS3 are pretty much related. Store, graphics, variety of games, etc.
Graphics are different, the exclusives are different, the way you play is different, the design is different, the gameplay is different, the online is different. Just about everything between these systems are different, one has backwards compatibility while the other doesn't.
Some things they do have in common are that they are gaming systems, you can play movies on them, they both have motion gaming, both have online gameplay.
xbox360 is better because all cool kids in are school has one
That is the most idiotic reason that I've read on this thread. That's like saying smoking cigarettes is cool because the Fonz smokes. And cool is subjective.
since i am speaking from when the wii is pretty old i just wanna say the xbox is pretty nice but i have to say that my child in me is saying playstation so i have to go with playstation
I think that they are all cool. I have a Wii and a PlayStation2. I think that they are kind of copying each other now though. I think that they are all cool in there special ways.
hmmmmmmmmm well this is not really fair wii really does not compete with ps3 or xbox360 it competes with kinckt and move. just look at the choices of games for them. almost the same basic ideas sooooooooooooooo i would say that ps3 wins caus of good graphis and games andi like it more. its just my opion