This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I say Xbox 360, I own a PS3 after I decided I didnt want to pay to play online since I dont spend too much time on video games as I used to. I didnt really see a noticeable difference in graphics, The only graphics that seemed to be upgraded were the Blu-Ray Movies but thats beside the point. and there are games on the Xbox I miss like fable and GoW. Also the on xbox having a party is much better than what PS3 has. On the other hand PS3 has some games that are likable like Demons Souls and Resistance series. But in the end Xbox comes up on top.
It wasn't the PS3 that got hacked it was the Play Station network that did. And the same thing could easily happen to for the Xbox. Its just that Sony pissed off a lot of people when they took off the other OS feature.
The PS3 got hacked twice, by Geohot, and by whoever this new clown is. As for the 360... ever heard of the Freeware hack? It more or less lets you get any software for the Xbox 360 free. The hack was made by an eleven year old... the PS3 was hacked by probably the 2 best hackers of the generation. PS3 has pretty reliable security, and the 360 more or less has the same security features as a potato.
The only games that the Xbox has that the PS3 doesn't are Halo and Gears of War. As for the price, my family bought our 250GB console for $299, same price as the Xbox 360 Elite for the same HDD space.
ok first off i completly agree ps3 aall the way and i got an even higher gig one for the same price!
The PS3 got hacked twice, by Geohot, and by whoever this new clown is. As for the 360... ever heard of the Freeware hack? It more or less lets you get any software for the Xbox 360 free. The hack was made by an eleven year old... the PS3 was hacked by probably the 2 best hackers of the generation. PS3 has pretty reliable security, and the 360 more or less has the same security features as a potato.
so so true. and as for all of u who say "oh well xbox has better games" we have already determined that u only have 2 we do not have both of which i do not like. and if u want to see which consol has the most exculsive games, wii wins. (mario, mario, mario, mario, mario)
I say this because you can only play things like the wii so much before you get tired and exhausted and bored of playing it. I dont go with playstation because the controls on the xbox controller are so much easier and even though psnetwork is free, there are usually a lot mor people on xbox that you can talk to.
I dont go with playstation because the controls on the xbox controller are so much easier and even though psnetwork is free, there are usually a lot mor people on xbox that you can talk to.
If your version of talking (most of the time) is "you suck, sell your xbox" and "we lost because you all suck at this" then I guess there is
Xbox 360 because the Wii controls are hard to use, in my opinion. Even though the Wii could get you fit, you have to have a steady hand for most things and some moves sometimes don't activate. The 360 has easy controls and you don't have to point it at a monitor. The 360 controller is smooth on your hands while the PS3 is very uncomfortable. Even though I don't like the PS3 buttons, it's probably because I'm used to the Xbox buttons. Also the PS3 just got hacked and some people went bankrupt, and the whole system is down. When the Xbox 360 gets hacked, the people who run the game just move every 360 Live account to a new server. To add on to the hacks, the guy who hacked the Iphone has also hacked the PS3, but not the 360. That could be taken in a good way, or a bad way. To conclude this fourm, my vote is for 360 again, and I'm about to sell my Wii.