This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Forgot one thing, PLaying online on a ps3 sucks. Because you don't have to pay for it there are a lot of hackers. And ps3 players haven't been able too play online for some time now, cause of some hacker(s)... also online gaming, media, and commerce options still arenât as fully developed as Xbox Live, though theyâre getting better.
I have both, PS3 and xBox360. I would prefer the PS3. The games are more expensive than for xBox, but the onlinegaming is fpr free, the ps3 is so silence when you´re playing.... I can´t realy summayry all the aspects, but all in all the playstation just has better quality, in the Software an the Hardware.
But for people who dont´s have the money to buy the expensive ps3 and the expensive games for it and don´t need a blueray-player, the xBox360 is a very nice little cheap alternative...
Alright so here's my opinion on all three systems. The Wii is good for family games or if you want to have a family game night or something. The Playstation 3 is a really good system that features high definiton grafix and really good games. The Xbox 360 has the best online of all three systems and has better features. I own a PS3
As a Nintendo fanboy I would totally love to say Wii, however both the Xbox and PS3 easily surpass it. Wii is a great companion counsel, but for hardcore gaming you really should have a different one, preferably Xbox for me.
Xbox has one advantage, and that's Halo. Not to mention the big PS3 game is Call of Duty and Xbox has it too. Xbox's big game is either Halo or COD. PS3 doesn't have Halo so I think Xbox wins the gaming part of this.
One single game doesn't make a console beat another. Take a look at a few of their exclusives. But it's personal preference.
Here's some notable exclusives on both the Xbox 360 and PS3:
Great exclusives for the PS3: Infamous Resistance series Metal gear solid series Heavy Rain SOCOM Little big planet series God of war series Yakuza Ninja Gaiden series Uncharted series Killzone series Rachet and Clank
Great exclusives for the Xbox360: Forza Gears of war series Halo series Crackdown series Fable series Left for dead series Splinter cell series Mass Effect series Alan Wake
What you just said in your post was that the Xbox wins in gaming because of Halo, then you proceeded to thrash the Xbox by pointing out so many flaws and praise the PS3 for all the good things that it has - but the Xbox still wins. That doesn't make much sense to me.
I'd like to add in that the Wii is in the competition. It isn't the best selling console out of these three for nothing. People from all across the world have purchased the Wii and enjoy playing it. Suppose they like it more than the other two consoles since the Wii has sold so many.
It also reinvented the gaming world by introducing motion gaming, so you can thank Nintendo for that.
It also reinvented the gaming world by introducing motion gaming
And it did a terrible job at it. Before the motion + the best motion tracking it could do was a simple shake. I haven't tried the motion + but the Move is awesome. I haven't tried connect either but microsoft completely failed it by removing a lot of planned features and having one of the worst set of launch titles i have ever seen. It still only has 17 games and has been out for months.
Yeah, when things are new they aren't going to be great. It takes time for things to get that way. However, without Nintendo introducing this then Microsoft and Sony probably wouldn't have thought about it and improved it slightly.
I must say that I would definitely go for the PS3 although it's expensiver although it got hacked. I don't care! I just care about the fun and the feeling wich is best on a ps3 with a HDMI cable and a full HD television.