This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
[quote]Great exclusives for the PS3: Infamous Resistance series Metal gear solid series Heavy Rain SOCOM Little big planet series God of war series Yakuza Ninja Gaiden series Uncharted series Killzone series Rachet and Clank
Great exclusives for the Xbox360: Forza Gears of war series Halo series Crackdown series Fable series Left for dead series Splinter cell series Mass Effect series Alan Wake
This just makes xbox win more in gaming to me, btw ninja gaiden is for xbox360 too...
Yeah - everybody has different tastes in games. I prefer the PS3 exclusives over the Xbox's. However, I do like some of the Xbox exclusives such as Splinter Cell and Gears of War.
should it be wii vs xbox because ps3 network down and that means it rubbish
It's not down forever - and I've heard that when it's back up that they are going to give PSN users a free month of PSN Plus.
360 is much better than wii and playstation. The 360 has all the games as a playstation plus it has the kinect and its cheaper. The wii is fun but not when your by yourself.
The 360 has all the games as a playstation plus it has the kinect and its cheaper
It doesn't have same games as ps3, Playstation has move, so thats not a very good argument either and the xbox itself might be cheaper, but not if you want to play online(I still think its a good thing you have to pay for it). Still think xbox is better, but not because of the things you said, because they they don't make any sense :S.
@haloman77 Ugh... Do you know anything about the Wii!? Of course it has online Multiplayer! Gah! It even uses Netflix. Before you make a statement next time, read up on the topic beforehand.
The PS3 and Xbox 360 are about even. The downside about the Xbox is the Red Ring of Death. Also all the accesories and equipment for Xbox Live and such. Kinect though, is amazing. Now for the Wii... Well it can take the most damage before breaking. Overall my favorite is the PS3.