This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Don't be offended by this next part: Kinect is the biggest ******* piece of **** I have ever played with! It is extremely glitchy and the games for it suck ***.
Now for the Wii... Well it can take the most damage before breaking.
Nope. My Xbox is beat to hell and my Wii's face plate came off when I dropped it 3 ft. The week don't hold up for ****.
Yeah, I normally don't swear that much, but that guy had the wrong idea on everything.
If you are a gamer, and I mean an actual gamer, you would go with the PS3, it has the biggest library and still delivers the best MP experience(If you have a good router)for multi-platform games.
I think PS3 is the best because it doesn't break all the time like the xbox 360 and the wii only has a few good games and not very good online. plus PSN is freee and xbox live is expensive
You must only play it for about an hour every few days, then.
No, not really, play almost everyday for a few hours(2-6), the screen has frozen a few times, but when that happens just don't play on it for a while and let it cool down.
I'd like to read reasons why it's better.
I already posted why I think its better(check page 270), now I'm just reacting to other ppl.
PLaying online on a ps3 sucks. Because you don't have to pay for it there are a lot of hackers.
I've met around ten hackers online while playing my PS3, and I've been playing on the PS3 for a few years now.
But yes, it does suck that PSN got hacked or cracked, whatever you want to call it.
No, not really, play almost everyday for a few hours(2-6), the screen has frozen a few times, but when that happens just don't play on it for a while and let it cool down.
You have the best Xbox 360 in existence, then. I've never met someone that has had a working Xbox 360 for more than three years.
What model is it?
I already posted why I think its better(check page 270)
Yeah, but you only posted about the online gameplay and graphics, not much to discuss there.
someone earlier said something about the xbox having the worst security id just like to remind them that the hackers are now in jail because they got caught by microsoft when they were trying to hack xbox live so I think its the other way round the ps3 has "the security security features of a potato".
You have the best Xbox 360 in existence, then. I've never met someone that has had a working Xbox 360 for more than three years.
I would be flabbergasted if it was a genuine original XBox360. I don't know what year I got mine, but mine is an Arcade and it runs smooth as a whistle. Why is this? Every part inside is significantly smaller than the original, but yields higher capacities. As a result, it heats slower and cools softer. It runs as soft as my computer if you install the game directly to the hard drive.
You have the best Xbox 360 in existence, then. I've never met someone that has had a working Xbox 360 for more than three years.
You probably just don't know that many people that have Xbox 360s. I personally prefer PS3 but I have plenty of friends with Xbox 360s and they all work perfectly fine (except for one of them)
So i finally got to see the xbox graphics with out an HDMI cable... HAHA xbox fanboys thinking there graphics are the same as a ps3s... The xbox 360's graphics are a joke, unless you have an HDMI cable attached.. My PS3 doesn't have an HDMI cable but runs at 1080i and looks exactly like an xbox 360's does with an HDMI cable... Therefore yes ps3's graphics are better. Ill also post a website i found comparing both systems together, proving which system is better