This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
X box wins because lately my friends who own PS3 have been *****ing about the sever close due to the hack treat. Microsoft has a firewall, sony has a pop up about legal rights
@Coolnessman12 Lol, Sony has an amazing security grid, its just the fact that 80% of it is f***ing down do to the tsunami. As for Live, it has the worst security in the online gaming community... a potato is more secure than Live.
You probably just don't know that many people that have Xbox 360s.
I know many people with Xbox 360's and all of them have broken in three years or less. And they take care of them, by purchasing the cooling fan, keeping the area around it dust free, not playing it for a mass amount of time.
Is got Halo the Kinect came out and Wears of War 3!
Everyone is different, and a lot of people don't like Halo, Gears of War nor Kinect.
why would you vote for stuff like the Wii?
Because not everyone enjoys playing by themselves all the time or with strangers online. The Wii is there for family and friend gameplay, has great fun games available, was first to create motion gaming, free online and has netflix. I'm sure there are many other notable things about the Wii, but I can't remember all of them.
Oh, and Wii is top dog in sales thus far. People like it for a reason, that's how it got so many sales.
i've played with every console and i think the 360 beats all ps3 only sucks thanks to the online ability, since it is ftp online there is less care about it and a lot peoples hacks it, the 360 requires cash, but it is a lot safer
How? due to the retardation of my tv haha. it either runs at 480 or 1080... Because the people who made it boosted the graphics of the normal 480 to 560, so they figured they shouldn't put in 720.. So i tend to get screwed on games that maxes at 720.. Plus my tv is an older version of widescreen tvs (projector)... We haven't really had a chance to put an HDMI cable in yet, but the graphics are still better than the 360's with a HDMI... I have tried the PS3 with an HDMI and its just godly.. But still...
And as for every single xbox fanboy saying there online is more secure... Xbox has the most hacking problems out of every system due to that exact reason. Because people hack onto other accounts, and then those people lose all there money they've spent. Also they have the worst customer service out of everyone. They'd probably end up making you pay more for online due to the hacking problem. And its not safer, its just a fallback xbox boys rely on... Then when it does happen, everyones going to rage, and be upset, and probably cry.
i've played with every console and i think the 360 beats all ps3 only sucks thanks to the online ability, since it is ftp online there is less care about it and a lot peoples hacks it, the 360 requires cash, but it is a lot safer
Lol, great lies. Its almost impossible to hack on PS3, and PSN is faster and smoother than Live, due to the fact that Live servers run on the slowest connection speed in the lobby, and PSN runs on the fastest. As for security, Live has more hacks than !
The Wii is straight out for me, so it is between the Xbox and PS3.
I like PSN being free, but many many more of my friends have Xbox than PS3. It is hard, because I own a PS3, and not an Xbox... But I would have to choose Xbox ;-)
Everyone know that PS3 and Xbox Dominate Wii, so PS3 vs Xbox is the big deal. It's Kinda "roven" that PS3 wins from Xbox, with a couple of facts like: "The map of GTA IV is a lot smaller, because Xbox Couldn;t handle it." That's an disappointment for me so, I choose PS3 (No, I'm not a Fanboy, Fanboys would write something else)
But a lot of them are not used very frequently. Just sits around in the house. Collects dust.
I could easily say that about the Xbox 360 or PS3 if I wanted to, but it's wrong to say something like that if you don't have any evidence to back it up.
I prefer the Xbox 360? Why? It has all of the games I love. Now I believe that the Xbox Marketplace is neater, and I WAS going to compare it with PSN. However, as you all know, PSN is down so I cannot conduct my "research".