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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
100 posts

i've done a reflection:

wii: play with your friends!!
playstation: your a normal person
xbox: o man, you're a nerd >.<

15,595 posts

Again, False.

No. You do have to purchase your memory cards that are Microsoft made. They do cost a lot too.

You can just get a net-book hard drive that's 500GB for the PS3 for about the same amount as the Microsoft memory cards but the ones you buy for the PS3 have much more space.

They also say PS3 has better graphics, but personally I don't see the difference

If does have better graphics. Most people don't really pay attention to them though.

If you pay attention to it you will see a slight difference.

Xbox 360 is defenitely the best because its not too expensive like the ps3

Oh really?
You don't think that paying for online play then batteries for the wireless controllers. Or you can get wired ones or a rechargeable battery pack.

But nonetheless it's still more expensive then the PS3 when you add it all up.

ps3 is to expensive and the menu of the xbox is the best

Is that all you care about is the menu? That doesn't really matter. Though it is better.

But I just care about the features, games, graphics, online play.

First off, this whole argument is really stupid and It has no point. It's basically fanboys who fine the best thing about their console and the worst about the other.

I'm not a fanboy. In all my post in here. I've discussed the best and the worst about both of the consoles. It's not pointless if you bring a good discussion but for people that spam they need to just stay out.

The controller i find to be quite small and the xbox controller is better to me,

Yes the PS3 one is smaller but I like not having to pay for batteries or a rechargeable battery pack like with the Xbox's.

I do like the size of the xbox's controller but I don't like how I have to spend money every couple days for new batteries or having to buy a wired controller just to play.
904 posts

Playstation 3 is the best console - The quality of the games are good and it's easy to handle the joystick.

Ya if you have tiny hands.


So the cheap kids like you don't buy it.

Also, kinect is not a copy of the wii. The ps3 copies the wii.
15,595 posts

Ya if you have tiny hands.

Not really. I have big hands and the controller is okay for me. I prefer the Xbox's controller. But I can handle the PS3 one since it doesn't require me to purchase batteries everyday. My hands do get cramped if I play excessively. but if I only play for about 2-3 hours then I'm fine. And that's mostly the longest I play.

Also, kinect is not a copy of the wii

Not an exact copy. But it got it's idea of the kinect from the Wii.

The ps3 copies the wii.

It did a little. It got the motion idea from the Wii. So did Xbox though.

So the cheap kids like you don't buy it.

That's not true. I'm not a cheap person. I just don't want to spend a ridiculous amount on something that'll only last about 1 year and then having to buy batteries every other day and new things for the system to keep it working.

You look at it and add everything up. You spend on the Xbox is almost equivalent to a new system.
5,043 posts

Also, kinect is not a copy of the wii. The ps3 copies the wii.

Not an exact copy. But it got it's idea of the kinect from the Wii.

First of all, why does this matter? There's no dibs in marketing. If one company comes up with an idea and another company uses that idea to create something better, then good! So really, it doesn't matter who was first, but rather which one is best.

Second, Nintendo was already working on different ways to play video games. If anything, the NES influenced the Kinect and PSMove. It doesn't matter. Again, it's not about who's first, but rather who has the best quality.
5 posts

Hmm the Ps3 copies the WII.
In fact Sony developed the technic that is in the sixaxes controller and in that is used by WII first.
The guys of Nintendo just developed it further.

At the end I must say none of the consoles are better.
All have god and bad arguments but some more and some less.

4 posts

The Xbox 360 Is Awsome Its Got CrackDown 2

15,595 posts

The Xbox 360 Is Awsome Its Got CrackDown 2

That doesn't make the Xbox awesome. That game is fun. But not a great game. The only reason I'll ever play Crackdown is only if I'm really bored or feel like destroying some stuff.

The only things that I can think that make the Xbox awesome are: online gameplay
bigger controllers
the exclusive games
the kinect, you don't need to use controllers while playing. But it is expensive to buy.
That's about it. I can't really think of anything else for the Xbox that I would like it for.
15,595 posts

Two words. Eye Toy.

I forgot all about that. So actually Sony came out with the first good movement device?

I know that NES influenced them but Sony was the first to come out with a good one.[In my opinion]

I haven't really played with all of them fully. I'm talking about the movement devices. PS3 move, Kinect, Wii.

I have played with them though for a couple minutes though. Not really enough to give them a fair review. But so far I say the Wii's is best. The kinect is good but I like the Wii's. I've played with the PS3 one before once. It was okay. But it felt like the Wii's.

At the end I must say none of the consoles are better.

I would have to disagree with you. I think their has to be a best. If you look at all the features, gameplay, failure rates, accessories, graphics, etc... then you can decide on which is the best.

And although the PS3 has it's problems. For example the internet cutting out, small controllers, less exclusives.

But that's all changing. The PS3 is getting more exclusives and I'm sure if you have a good internet connection then you won't be cut off as often. For the controllers though. It's not a big problem. But they could be bigger.

All have god and bad arguments but some more and some less.

They do. But if you look at all of them then you can see that the PS3 is the best with everything. Except for a few minor things that I've stated already.

playstation 3
because of the blueray player

That can't be the only reason to get it. It's a good feature but their are plenty more good ones.

I do like the blu-ray though. It makes the graphics better. And the movies you show on the PS3 are perfect with it.
3,523 posts

Xbox 360 had a great summer in 2010. During Summer of Arcade the Xbox 360 was crushing the PS3

15,595 posts

During Summer of Arcade the Xbox 360 was crushing the PS3

I doubt that.

Since the arcade doesn't even have any memory and it's just for people that don't need to play online or save anything big. Unless you buy a memory card for it.

Do you have any sources for this information? That it crushed the PS3?
30 posts

have to go for xbox 360, don't even know why wii is mentioned. The main reason I got an xbox was because of fable which was not a let down

566 posts

So really, it doesn't matter who was first, but rather which one is best.

You can't tell me it's a smart business decision to literally copy the Wii-mote in it's concept and general design (strictly talking about Move here) and then expect to make a profit on a console that is

a) More expensive then the Wii
b) Has no games the general Wii audience would be interested in/ games that don't already exist in some form on the Wii

Oh really?
You don't think that paying for online play then batteries for the wireless controllers. Or you can get wired ones or a rechargeable battery pack.

Paying for X-Box Live is not mandatory you know . Not to mention the battery argument seems like a moot point because every household needs batteries at some point for other things (not related to game-controllers). Even IF it is a problem, just buy wired controllers like you said. Problem solved.

I don't like how I have to spend money every couple days for new batteries

That's a vast overstatement because those batteries actually last quite awhile. And do you really only buy two batteries at a time?

But I just care about the features, games, graphics, online play.

None of those except the games should even matter when comparing consoles as that's the reason those exist in the first-place and because the whole thing falls apart if all the games suck. And if you really want to compare consoles you have to look at exclusive games and nothing else.

playstation 3
because of the blueray player

And the PS2 only sold because of it's DVD player am I right?

I doubt that.

Google searching tells me that Summer of Arcade is some X-Box Live event where they put discounts on games. But saying that is the reason the X-Box "crushed" the PS3 is just wrong because PS3 has been dead-last in hardware sales pretty much forever.

Two words. Eye Toy.

The Eye Toy failed miserably and for good reason. Lack of good games. It only had a few mini-game based things when it started and never evolved past that, so it was doomed to fail. Not to mention console add-ons never worked. Ever.
15,595 posts

batteries actually last quite awhile. And do you really only buy two batteries at a time?

Whenever I play with the Xbox wireless controller the batteries last 24 hours.
No I don't buy two batteries at a time. I buy a pack of 6. They don't last very long either. I buy the energizer ones. Also the Duracell ones too.

just buy wired controllers like you said. Problem solved.

The wired controllers that I see the cords aren't so long. So when I play I have to sit close to the TV and I don't like that. I like to sit far back and play.

And with the wired controller I have to worry about pulling it and the console falling on the ground and that just ruins it.

And the PS2 only sold because of it's DVD player am I right?


And if you really want to compare consoles you have to look at exclusive games and nothing else.

To me it's that plus everything else that makes them a great console.

Paying for X-Box Live is not mandatory you know

Yes I know. But that's the only reason most people buy it. I do. I like to play offline but the online play just makes it much more better and funner.
13 posts

I think the wii is the best because the gaames are simple and good, also the whole family can play and you don't need 100 fingers to play them. Th 360 and the PS3 have amazing grathics but the wii still the best. And uou get fit to.

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