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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
60 posts

I think you guys really need to change your opinion of the Wii. For one, if, like me, you don't like FPS games, XBOX is absolutely terrible. PS3 is OK, but I simply believe the Wii is better, for a couple reasons. I agree that the motion on the Wii is terrible, but those are not the only games that exist. SSBB and Mariokart Wii are great games, but there are many underrated games that the Wii has as well. Super Paper Mario is a great game with an actual storyline, something which most modern console games don't have (many handheld games still have storylines, such as pokemon). Pikmin, and if you can get it, Pikmin 2, are probably the most forgotten games in history. The gameplay itself is great, and the replay value is amazing. Overall, Nintendo has created many bad games, but the games that are good are probably the best that have ever been created for console.

I am more of a fan of handheld gaming, but the Wii has some great games that many people seem to forget about that do not use the motion controllers, which is what many people don't like about it. Mariokart Wii is an exception, but you don't need the wheel to play it, contrary to what many people think. Overall, I think handheld gaming has by far surpassed console gaming, but the Wii is definitely the best out of the three consoles.

676 posts

The XBOX and PS3 aren't that different from each other than the controls. I like the XBOX, just because PSN was caused to be down for a month because of hackers.

1 posts

well i have a wii but i vote xbox because there's a lot of accessories and games for the xbox

2 posts

i own all three of these systems and have done lots of research on them. The Nintendo Wii is just horrible the Wii shouldn't even be considered a console. All you do is wave some dumb stick around and play mario.The PS3 and XBOX 360 are both great systems. I love to play both. But my favorite is the PS3. The online is free and you have awesome exclusives. Halo is a piece of crap compared to the Uncharted series which has one several awards. Also you just cant compare Gears of War to God of War. God of War is better by far. Another thing, what's up with the controller for XBOX 360 it looks like an alien ate a PS3 controller and pooped that **** out. So now I hope I ended this topic.

242 posts

the people who play it are ***s. All you do is wave some dumb stick around and play gay mario

I wonder if you at least played something for Wii, because most people who say :WAAH THERE'S ONLY MARIO. THAT'S STUPID, probably never seen Wii because it's not only Mario. I think it's same as saying Xbox 360 is only Halo! Also I wonder what do you think about PS MOVE. Next time read thread rules - there's written No flaming please.
4 posts

I think the Wii used to be the best because it was the first console to use motions to play the game, but then the other consoles started copying it and now the Wii is not that popular anymore.

16 posts

I have always had a Nintendo console (Gameboy Color, GB Advance, GBA SP, and the Wii) but that doesn't make me a Nintendo fanboy.

Several things that Nintendo has in their favor include:
1. They've been around FAR longer than Sony or Microsoft. Ever see the Pokemon trading cards? That's their roots, a card playing company. 1989 was Nintendo's 100th anniversary, while Sony was founded in 1946 and Microsoft cane around in 1975.

2. Until 2005, Nintendo had cornered the handheld gaming market. The PSP didn't hurt that trend that much, and Microsoft has yet to release a portable gaming console (a laptop with Windows doesn't count).

3. Nintendo had the first motion sensing game. Duck Hunt (released in 1984) may or may not have been a motion sensing game (I'm unsure), but they definitely took that title with Kirby Tilt n Tumble for the Gameboy Color back in 2001. I find that the Playstation Move is too much of a rip-off of the Wii Remote, and Kinect makes people look like idiots, and in the case of my mom, hurts people because of the absurd motions you have to do.

4. Nintendo's consoles and games have ALWAYS been cheaper than the competition. It took 5 years for the Playstation 3 to fall to the Wii's starting price. And I spend $10-$30 less per game than the Wii's competition.

5. Since Nintendo makes family friendly games, parents are probably going to buy Nintendo games for their children, rather than the abominations that people affectionately refer to as "CoD" and "MW".

6. The highly successful Mario and Pokemon series' have never once appeared on a Microsoft or Sony console. If Sega and Nintendo could end their rivalry and team up, then Microsoft could make better computers and Sony could make their great TV's better.

That was not intended to be bashing/flaming, I was providing positives of the Nintendo system.

I'll admit I'm a little kid inside; I'm a fan of Sonic, Mario, Pokemon, and even Spongebob; I'm 16.

I've got 4 Sonic games, 3 Mario games, 4 Need For Speed games, and 4 titles with Wii in the name. The other three games are The Simpsons Game, Game Party 2 and De Blob (a painting game with great music). I'm asking for Mario Kart Wii, Game Party 3, and De Blob 2 this year, and will probably buy the Wii U in a few years.

I'm not saying I totally support Nintendo (there are a few games I want that are not available on or are much better on another console), I'm just saying I grew up with Nintendo products aside from my aunt's PS1.

1,810 posts

some dumb stick around and play gay mario

The ignorance in this thread suprises me sometimes. I am hoping you don't really think that mario is the only thing on the Wii. I really can't take your post seriously because all you did was swear and say how Wii sucks *** and say how two PS3 games destroyed any chance Xbox has at being a good console. Nice try trying to end the thread though.

Halo is a piece of **** compared to the Uncharted series which has one several awards.

And did you just compare Halo to Uncharted? Why? They are completely different games. And fyi, Halo has won a bunch of awards too. Check your facts please and thank you.

That is the end of my rant. =P

Just to put this out there, I favor PS3 over Xbox, but that is mostly because I have a PS3 and not an Xbox.
10 posts

I own a Wii and a PS3.Before i had the PS3 i had only the PS2 and Wii and I thought ,,Graphics aren't important'' but i must say that the graphics on the PS3 are much much better and they really impressed me.Not to mention the gameplay,hardware...As for the Xbox 360 i have never played on it so i can't really say anything about it except that the controller is a little weird to me.

1,495 posts

Kush123, your post makes me want to vomit.
The Wii is much more than "waving a dumb stick around and playing Mario"
Comparing Halo to Uncharted? What the hell? They're nothing alike, and Halo has won plenty awards also.
Comparing Gears Of War to God Of War... they're nothing alike.
Why does it matter what the 360 controller looks like? I'd rather have a weird looking comfortable controller than an awesome looking uncomfortable controller.

9,504 posts

i own all three of these systems and have done lots of research on them. The Nintendo Wii is just horrible the Wii shouldn't even be considered a console. All you do is wave some dumb stick around and play mario.The PS3 and XBOX 360 are both great systems. I love to play both. But my favorite is the PS3. The online is free and you have awesome exclusives. Halo is a piece of crap compared to the Uncharted series which has one several awards. Also you just cant compare Gears of War to God of War. God of War is better by far. Another thing, what's up with the controller for XBOX 360 it looks like an alien ate a PS3 controller and pooped that **** out. So now I hope I ended this topic.

Nice research.

You didn't end the topic, but you did end your credibility.
1 posts

all systems have up and downs but i prefer the xbox 360. ps3 has bluray compatibility but xbox 360 has kinect. wii is fun but it doesn't play in HD and there is an overwhelming amount of accessories.

6 posts

Xbox 360 all the way. The Wii games are usually a lower quality than ps3 and 360.And when it comes down to the ps3 vs.360 the 360wins in my opinion. I know everyone has their own view but I think the online experience for xbox is by far greater.

2 posts

XBox 360 garanti sur tout la la kinckete

787 posts

I have all of these systems, and each have their own merits but i prefer an Xbox 360. Online functions, Wii 4/10 PS3 7/10 and Xbox 360 is 9/10. The Xbox's and near perfect, higher quality, and easy to navigate. The PS3's is alright, but it seems like the online wasn't quite acted upon, or fully incorporated in the system well, therefore less clean and nice. The Wii on the other hand, is near horrible, if it is there the lag is horrible, and all the players are no life's. But more commonly, it isn't there. It should just be dropped altogether on the Wii as it's just an annoying eyesore.

Campaign. PS3 9/10 Xbox 360 7/10 Wii 8/10. The campaign's for the PS3 are always very in-depth and intricate. The Wii's are long and enjoyable, but there are a slight bit too many puzzles to be completely enjoyable. The Xbox has alright campaign's but the system seems to be too online oriented for developers to care about campaign too much.

Human motion as controller. Xbox 8/10 PS3 7/10 Wii 8/10. In this category, everyone is very balanced and equal. The Xbox's Kinect is reliable and enjoyable, but somewhat choppy and annoying if youre too tall. The Wii's sensors work perfect and the equipment works forever, but it's time for them to upgrade. The PS3's is alright, nothing special. but it seems that it took them too long to jump on the bandwagon.

Other ratings. Reliability Xbox 6/10 PS3 8/10 Wii 9/10 Xbox crashes alot, PS3 breaks once and never gets better. But Wii is made for 6 year olds, it can take a beating. Controller Wii 8/10 Xbox 8/10 PS3 6/10.

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