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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
15,595 posts

Too bad fanboys can't realize that, and like to think that graphics make or break consoles. "OMG, the texture in this game isn't good enough!!111! i hatez this console!!" ...

126 posts

ikr,if you think about it ps3 has same exact graphics/quality then xbox just a different online mode which doesnt make either console better then each other,but im not a fan of wii at all,its fun when you playing it with the family but i just hate the controller on the wii,just hands down xbox and ps3 are almost the same except for the online mode

7 posts

Im no idiot fan boy, but i prefer the Xbox 360 by far. But this is a personal preference as i don't mind paying the extra 50 for live as i spend most of my money on gaming anyways, and i am willing to pay for the better quality live. The PS3 controllers feel cheap to me, though again that is personal. Also people talk all about this "failure rate" stuff, but how is a failure rate actually measured? Im positive that some people would not contact the company in any way though most would if there console failed, and im sure there are others that claimed it failed while in reality the broke it. Also people basing it of there own localized understanding of the 5 Xbox's or PS3's they have seen personally fail/not fail, that is ridiculous because it varies extremely from console to console. Ive had a Xbox 360 for 3+ years and shown any of the red ring yet, and i play it ALOT and leave it on for days and sometimes weeks at a time, and some other people have it red ring fairly quickly. Also, if it changes anything i have a PS2 that i still play every once in in a while that still works, and ive had it for at least 6 years. One more thing, Wii's suck period. The only reason i bought one was so i can play the few classic nintendo games like Mario and Zelda, but i prefer them on older consoles definitely.

15,595 posts

xbox and ps3 are almost the same except for the online mode

I honestly see no difference in the online gameplay. I have both consoles and I normally play both of them because they each have games I enjoy playing. I use my PS3 for everything, and the Xbox 360 for exclusives I like.
i am willing to pay for the better quality live.

Explain the difference in quality, because I see none. All I see are gullible people pouring out hundreds of dollars just to play online. I currently don't have live but I had it last month, and when I did I saw no difference in the quality of gameplay online or anything else. It's exactly the same, except you pay to play with the Xbox 360.
The PS3 controllers feel cheap to me

I know this is your opinion and all, but how? They are sturdy, though they are not built for throwing at walls if you mean something like that, which you shouldn't be doing anyway. It doesn't requires batteries to run, just charging it once it's needed. It's symmetrical, so that's another plus for me. Only issue I have is that it's kind of small and that the back triggers don't have anything to prevent slipping; however, my hands aren't immensely huge, so I don't have a problem with the size that much, but I would prefer for it to be a bit larger. And as for the back triggers, you rarely ever use those when playing games.
Also people talk all about this "failure rate" stuff, but how is a failure rate actually measured?

Obviously like how most other statistics are measured.
126 posts

[quote]I honestly see no difference in the online gameplay. I have both consoles and I normally play both of them because they each have games I enjoy playing. I use my PS3 for everything, and the Xbox 360 for exclusives I like.

I mean that it looks a whole lot different when you log into a ps3 then an xbox

15 posts

it depends what kind of mood im in. if i want to kill people by myself i'll play xbox but if i want to have fun with my family or friends i'll use the wii

7 posts

Explain the difference in quality, because I see none.

I own an Xbox only, so my opinion is probably biased anyways, but there is a major difference in live that i find affects my a lot. I can see advantages and disadvantages to both sides, but i strongly prefer the way my Xbox does it. (This difference actually affects co-op to) Where i find the main difference is logging in. The reason you didn't notice it is probably because for the month you had it, you never played on the same box as somebody with bothering logging them in. You see, when on Xbox you actually have an account logged in for every individual controller. So for instance if you were playing call of duty (im not a fan of it i just play it when friends come over sometimes) You could both just log in on your own account on your controller and play with your two separate accounts together. On the PS3, there can only be one user logged in at a time on it. So say if me and my friend both wanted to level an accounts, we could on an Xbox but not a PS3 because we both are forced to play with the same profile. Also, im not sure about this one, but can you "recover accounts" on PS3? What i talking about is on an Xbox and i don't know if there a similar function for PS3 or not, but you can move your account freely from your box to a Friends and back. You just need to enter your email and password and it transfers it from whatever box it was last on.
267 posts

omg if we all just realize ps3 and xbox have same graphics!!! we are all saying xbox has better graphics or we are saying ps3 has better graphics because we like the console we are used to be playing if u just realize it ps3 and xbox have same quality.

Untrue. Xbox 360 has better graphics than ps3.
3 posts

I'd say Xbox 360, I only have the Wii of all 3 of them but I've played all. Xbox 360 has the largest variety of games, I think, and has a lot of good games. Xbox live is also really fun to do.

2,917 posts

Untrue. Xbox 360 has better graphics than ps3.

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15,595 posts

You see, when on Xbox you actually have an account logged in for every individual controller.

I never actually tried to see if you could do that on the PS3, I'll have to test it in a few weeks when I get another controller and some more games. I mainly play solo, so I never actually cared for this. But as long as they can play as a guest on multiplayer games like CoD then I'm fine with it, an account would be a plus because it would track their progress as well.
Also, im not sure about this one, but can you "recover accounts" on PS3?

I believe so. You just have to sign into PSN with it on a different PS3.

But this doesn't really have to do with quality of the online gameplay, just account management and how many people can play.
Xbox 360 has better graphics than ps3.

There's barely any difference in the graphics, so take the fanboy-ism somewhere else. The most difference you'll see are some lighting and texture changes, but who really pays attention to that? Games are all about actually playing them, not sitting in a corner or against a wall and examining the graphics.
4 posts

I have a 360 they're pretty good but there's no denying that PS3's are good. If only live was free on the 360. But who would want a wii there's no good shooters on them that's all i have to say my fav's the 360 but there is always the battle with the PS3.

5 posts

Ps3 haves bluray and online

15,595 posts

who would want a wii there's no good shooters on them

Not everyone out there likes shooters.
there is always the battle with the PS3.

Take it like this:
Controller doesn't require batteries - you can charge it, however it is small to a lot of people.
The online is free, meaning you don't have to waste money.

Xbox 360:
Controller requires constant battery changes unless you purchase a charge kit or wired controller.
Must pay to play online, when there is no difference in the quality.

Online gameplay with these isn't an issue or something to talk about, they are exactly the same. All that's different in the interface, but I don't care about how things look, as long as I can play.

And the graphics isn't an issue either. The most you will notice are some texture changes and lighting effects. But who the hell goes around in a game looking at the walls and such instead of playing? Play the games and don't pay attention to every little detail and the graphics will be exactly the same.

Now, the main reasons why you would pick either of these are because if you want to save money get the PS3, and because of the exclusives on each console. I admit I do like exclusives on the Xbox 360, and that's the only real reason why I have it, I like everything else on the PS3 because I'd rather put that money I save towards something else. I also dislike my games getting scratched, so I have to be extra careful around my Xbox 360, and if I only have my television and the console on in my room it's very loud, which is very annoying.

tl;dr: There's only a battle because some people can't be happy with one console and like to talk **** about the other ones when they don't know anything about them. Look at the exclusives to see what you'd enjoy playing more, and think if you want to save money or don't care to pay for some things. And if you have the money and like playing exclusives on both, get them and be happy.
1 posts

Xbox 360, each console has its perks with each game franchise behind them. Mario for Wii, COD for 360, Resistance for PS3. I personally bought the Wii because I love mario games, and the 360, because the only games for it are many that I like, unlike the ps3.

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