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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
1 posts

I would say either the ps3 or the 360 because while the xbox has better exclusive games the ps3 has a higher graphics engine

1,989 posts

360 always breaksdown

ummm they have made a new model of the xbox 360 that stops the breakdowns. Mostly the breakdowns are RROD (Red Rings Of Death) But thats only with the old model of the xbox 360 . The new model is improved it's got a thing that stops RROD called Jasper. It prevents RROD.

ps3 has a higher graphics engine

mmm I say Xbox 360 & PS3 sort of have the same graphics. Whats with "Higher Graphics Engine" . Is'nt it easier to say "Higher Graphics".

ps3 because of blu ray , style, free online, nice controlers

You spell controllers like this not controlers. Blu-Ray is okay i suppose but nice controllers? The controlling to PS3 is just like Xbox 360 except more complicated. Who cares about the look of the controllers? anyway Xbox 360 has more choice of controller colours and console colours. There is Red , Black & White Controllers for xbox 360. Xbox 360 Console Available oolours: Red Console, Black Console, Black Console & Silver CD-Rom Tray, White Console & Silver CD-Rom Tray & White Console. They also have names too. There is Elite , Pro & Arcade. Elite = Any Black Xbox 360 , Pro = White Console & Silver CD-Rom & Arcade= White Xbox 360. The Red console is just a Limited Edition Console so is the Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360.
5,420 posts

Who invented the D-Pad? The Analogue Stick? Who saved the gaming world in the early 1980s after the Great Video Game Crash? Who has dominated the handheld scene since the Gameboy? Who made the first motion controller? Who made the greatest selling franchise of all time (Mario)? Who created the RTS and set the mold for 3D platforming? Who made the first 3D console, in 1994?

To be fair, Atari at one time did a lot of things to revolutionize the gaming industry as well, but guess why the Great Video Game Crash happened? Because Atari tanked. Just because a company was once great does not make them that way forever. Though the same could be said vice-versa, prime example being Apple.

I would say either the ps3 or the 360 because while the xbox has better exclusive games the ps3 has a higher graphics engine

So you would be willing to choose graphics over content? I'm sorry, but I have only found that to work with Avatar, and I'm not talking about the game. If a console clearly has the better games, and the only argument against it is slightly better graphics, then why would you have to think twice about that?
1,989 posts

Who made the first 3D console, in 1994?

Pretty sure it was Atari. Not Nintendo.

So you would be willing to choose graphics over content?

Yeah umm well if you buy a console would'nt you want awesome graphics? Wii does'nt really have the Awesome Graphics bit but it has stuff like GH still and Wii Fit but that does'nt make it better. Okay Everyone I don't hate PS3 I am saying it's just as good as Xbox 360.
5,420 posts

Wii doesn't really have the Awesome Graphics bit but it has stuff like GH still and Wii Fit but that doesn't make it better. Okay Everyone I don't hate PS3 I am saying it's just as good as Xbox 360.

Sorry but I can't say I'm all that interested in either of those games. The Wii has the least amount of decent games on it, and the controls to me personally, are horrible. So in turn I do not see your point.
1,101 posts

ight well i kinda drop in and out of this thread alot.. cuz theres always new games and new updates, shizz like that.
Now i have a wii and ps3.. I dont have an xbox which kinda leaves be a bit more biased to the ps3. But i will in turn try to not be so biased.
The Wii:
If people are talking about content, its definately not found here. There are 2 games for the wii that I can sort of recommend.. SSBB and the new mario bros. They are amazing (but the mario bros does get boring after beating it once). Almost 3 quarters of the games out for this system is made a crap factory, molding there games from what is excreted through there bowels. The graphics are even worse than this, unless you like playing a game where everything is converted into kid cartoon graphics. It was pretty much a game consol for the breeding ground of greedy game designers trying to do anything to make money. BTW congrats guys on getting cod4 finally.

Xbox 360:
Alright so a couple of my friends have it. Most of them converted to ps3. (only took them 3 RROD and their xbox live to fail on and off for 6 months)... But anyways enough with that. The games out there aren't much different from that of ps3. Majority of the amazing games only come out for these 2 systems.. (mw2, ac2, darksiders, bayonetta, etc... just naming a few) Anyways the controller design i do like alot better than the ps3's, cuz after playing xbox and returning to my ps3 i feel like i might break my controller haha. Its a close fall behind with the ps3, but I definately wont be buying one, as I can just play on my friends.

K this system is boss, at least its showing that now. The blu ray disc allows for less lag in games, as well as producing way better graphic quality on most games. The reason everyone out there thinks "omg there the same as xbox" is because they dont have a HD tv. Get one of those and you'll soon realize how beast the ps3 is. Playing mw2 on my ps3 with 1080i graphics almost makes me j'zz in my pants cuz of how amazing it looks. The games like i said are pretty much the same... that is until jan 26th. Sorry xbox but MAG is gonna be a beast game only for ps3. 256 players online in one game... awe nvm just look it up for yourselves.

My choices still stand ps3, with xbox shortly behind. Wii shouldn't even be a choice cuz its just such a fail of system. The only reason its still being bought is because of 6 year old kids whining that there friends have it, and because of SSBB, and mario bros. Nintendo needs to pick it up ALOT.

Who invented the D-Pad? The Analogue Stick? Who saved the gaming world in the early 1980s after the Great Video Game Crash? Who has dominated the handheld scene since the Gameboy? Who made the first motion controller? Who made the greatest selling franchise of all time (Mario)? Who created the RTS and set the mold for 3D platforming? Who made the first 3D console, in 1994?

Wait, wasn't this the time with Sega Genesis =0.. Yes it wassss.. Sega rocked nintendo (to bad they got bought out)..

46 posts

i've got to say that each system has its plus like the wii was the first motion sensor, the 360 has great online options and im not just speaking of the games. the wii was originally created for this kind of gameplay and had great sales but have been reduced because developers havent taken the time to create a truly great game. developers need to try.

1,912 posts

PS3 for me. Mainly because it's my only good console (I got bored of the Wii), and it's the underdog between the everlasting battle between the 360 and PS3 ~_~. It also has better exclusives. Uncharted 1 and 2, inFamous, (heard there's a second one coming out), God of War III, Final Fantasy 13 (even though it's gonna be available for the 360), MAG, Gran Turismo, etc (I'm looking off of IGN's Upcoming Playstation 3 games x]). It's all good. Add to that, Blu-Ray compatable, free Online, and being able to search the web (which I have yet to try) is pretty nice.

I'm leaving now.

8 posts

XBOX 360 wins the fight. 1st place: XBOX 360 2nd place: Wii 3rd place PS3.
XBOX 360 is the best, it has the most online features, icluding facebook, 1 vs. 100, Netflix, Twitter, Zing, etc.

4 posts

I like 360 and wii, why PS3? i mean you can search the internet with the same ease on wii, and 360 has awesome content, halo and call of duty? 360.

5 posts

ps3 has better graphics and is more realistic!! Wii is more for family and xbox is nerdy

1,912 posts

360 has awesome content, halo and call of duty?

Who plays Halo still? No one I know still does. And Call of Duty is on the PS3 as well.

XBOX 360 wins the fight. 1st place: XBOX 360 2nd place: Wii 3rd place PS3

A true X-Box 360 fanboy would say that the Wii is better then the PS3.

XBOX 360 is the best, it has the most online features, icluding facebook, 1 vs. 100, Netflix, Twitter, Zing, etc.

I'm pretty sure the PS3 can also do Facebook, Twitter, and all those social websites. I don't really know, since i haven't tried the internet function yet.
45 posts

xbox 360 because it has most of ps3 games and it has halo 3

1,912 posts

xbox 360 because it has most of ps3 games

Refer to my post I made in page 80.

Uncharted 1 and 2, inFamous, (heard there's a second one coming out), God of War III, Final Fantasy 13 (even though it's gonna be available for the 360), MAG, Gran Turismo 5, etc
45 posts

you can by skins for your xbox360 not sure about ps3

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