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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
15,595 posts

The XBOX 360 has avatars that you can customize!

What does this matter? It's a gaming console that you play games on. Who cares about avatars? When on an Xbox I don't even pay attention to that. I just play games.
There are more and better games on the platform.

What games?
the PS3 has Blu-Ray, but still, the 360 can play stuff like that as well!

The graphics are improved on the PS3. On the Xbox they are lacking a little.
PS3, I would say that it costs more than it is worth.

You have it the wrong way. The Xbox costs more than what it's worth. With the PS3 you get blu-ray, controller charger, disk tray that doesn't scratch your disk, you can purchase a hard-drive from best-buy for around 100-200 dollars with the memory capacity of 500GB. With Microsoft you need to purchase theirs. Xbox requires constant battery changes, disk get scratched too often.
Kinect is the only one outta those three that does not require you holding somethin'.

Mediocre games.
XBOX 360 wins

Watch the CNET prizefight over the Xbox 360 Slim and the PS3 Slim.
6 posts

playstation is far better because :
free online,
blue rays,
3D TV,
the list goes on

81 posts

PS3, because it has hi def blu ray the multiplayer is free and the xbox isnt, bu thte wii can have some fun games but online is still free for wii
2.Xbox 360

100 posts

I once heard a vintage Nintendo fan talk about the struggle of the consoles before. He said that time and time again, Nintendo would come out on top. Why? Not because of the amount of bits in their system, because of the quality of the games in the NES and SNES library. Nintendo remained victorious until Microsoft stepped in with the xbox and blew everyone away, putting together top notch graphic ( for the time) and great gameplay.

Forget the the old days for a minute and look at the games in the wii catelouge. Drivel. Most of it Anemic stuff designed for children. I understand the approach, but for serious gamers the wii is not the way to go. I hope that Nintendo will someday regain the crown though. Wii2?

3,523 posts

There are more and better games on the platform.

What games?

Ahem. Gears of War 2, Gears 3 when it comes out, the Halo series except 1 and 2, Limbo, Dead Rising, Crackdown 1 and 2, Alan Wake, Fable, Child of Eden (upcoming Kinect game).

Upcoming 2011 exclusives: Gears 3, XCOM, Star Wars Kinect, Forza 4, Kingdoms (Crytek's recently announced game), Steel Battalion Heavy Armor, possibly Halo 1 HD
3 posts

I gotta say Xbox 360, I am a HUGE Nintendo fan but when comparing the two 360 takes the cake. With its amazing online play and great arcade games and community I enjoy it more than anything else. Also, PS3 while its fairly nice with the ability to watch blue ray disc and such, playing it just doesn't give you quite the excitement you get on 360.

846 posts

This is truth

And all 3 consoles have there ups and downs...for instance:
The wii is severely outdated technologically but appeals to families
The PS3 is the least outdated of all the systems and the most advanced technologically. It has the most features built in but the online play just doesn't compete with the 360
The 360 is essentially an outdated gaming PC that is really beginning to show its age (The NGP or PSP2 will feature a quad core processor while the 360 features only a tri-core processor) , but excels in delivering a good online experience

Everything I say is true I own all 3 consoles, I know the technical specs of them all, I have played them all. It is truly a matter of personal preference and nothing else. Do not attempt to prove what I have said wrong, because you won't succeed.

/end console wars
Now that that is cleared up, personally I do prefer the 360 because I am constantly playing online with friends.

15 posts

xbox by miles the xbox has better facciliteis on it but ps3 can play blu rays and easy to set up ps3 live

33 posts

Wii is best,because it has real games.X360 & PS3 are filled with shooters(not they aren't good,they just overflown them).Wii has great games like Super Mario Galaxy1 and 2,Brawl,Okamiand many others.

3,523 posts

Wii is best,because it has real games.X360 & PS3 are filled with shooters(not they aren't good,they just overflown them).Wii has great games like Super Mario Galaxy1 and 2,Brawl,Okamiand many others.

Actually we (Xbox 360 and PS3) have many good non FPS games. For example, Fable, Mass Effect, God of War, and Little Big Planet
202 posts

I only have a wii and a PS3, so I can't say anything about the Xbox games/systems, because I don't even really know anything about it.

Well, first of all, Nintendo was the first one (Was and is, right?) to create a succesful console with (a) nice game play.

Wii has some awesome family games: Mario Party series, Mario Galaxy series, etc.
Wii has some bad sides, that the controls suck a lot of energy (You'll have to change the batteries to the remotes pretty often, but not every second), the graphics aren't as good as they're in the PS3 and they haven't made any good Pokèmon games for Wii (My own opinion).

PS3 is good, or even better than Wii, because it has BlueRay dics system, the games have much better (Not always though) graphics and, well...

I don't really like of this "Console wars" thing.
They're all good consoles, with good games. Why couldn't people just shut their mouths and play with the ones they want to? It's so stupid to argue about the different consoles/systems.

I'm not that good at telling, which makes the PS3 better than wii, because I like of my wii, even though I haven't been on it for a while.

It's a bit of a pity, that most of the PS3 games are shooting games. I would like to see more games for families.
Wii is good, that they have some good games, but sometimes it's just slightly annoying, that almost every Nintendo game has something to do with Mario.

I'm a Nintendo/Mario fan myself, and I don't really like to argue about the consoles, just like I said before.

I'm also a LBP-fan, and I can tell you, that LBPs have very great graphics and gameplay, even though even that game sometimes starts hurting my head a bit.

I hope people would seriously stop the console wars. Very many people in LBP have made completely useless levels, which are titled "If you think, that the PS3 is better than Xbox360/Wii, then heart me". Those levels are completely useless and they're not even worth a play/try (If you people know what LBP even is)

I hope I could say which one's the best one. I myself would say, that the PS3 is somehow the best of them all, but I still love/like of my wii.

I hope, that they'd end this pain of the Console wars.

~ Rione

2,261 posts

KawaiiRion, I'll help you in your attempt to end this:
(I've posted this before but no one listened):

Okay, let me try to settle this once and for all. *takes deep breath* I think it's all about personal preference. The Xbox is more secure since you have to pay for it, as in, less broken games like Cod4 and mw2 are on the ps3. If you get Xbox Live, since you have to pay, people kinda make it their goal to be good at xbox. But hey, the Ps3 is free. So if that's enough for you, go ahead. I'm not stopping you from buying either. Oh, and the Wii. The Wii, well, it's kinda the reject out of the 3 consoles. The graphics aren't as good and there arent as many good games in my opinion. But, again, if you want to buy any of these, it's up to you. As in, I think it's better for you (and ONLY you) to decide.

9 posts

ps3 the best...

3,592 posts

PS3 will be good since it will cost you less on repairs and online gaming for people who dont want to play for online

10 posts

Xbox and PS3 both have great graphics and games, but I can't say much about the PS3 because I don't have one. I'm going with the Xbox on this one because even though it costs more, it has a better variety of games and the achievement system is pretty nice.

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