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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
3 posts

I vote xbox360
Wii- Okay, it had a game i loved but, It was the only game i found that i liked out of about 14 or so games.
PS3- Never really played it, but it does have some good games.
Xbox360- Ive only played it with friends, but i liked playing every game i had tried, Xbox360 and Ps3 are close.

5 posts

less games then Xbox

the first con is the price of the machine...

[quote]The only games that the Xbox has that the PS3 doesn't are Halo and Gears of War. As for the price, my family bought our 250GB console for $299, same price as the Xbox 360 Elite for the same HDD space.

WARNING! this next couple paragraphs or so of text is kinda ******y, do not post quotes saying stuff like "heh, your a ****** with no life that spends all day crying over random **** people say over the net, grow a pair, kid" beacause of this, please. i realise its kinda stupid, but its just something i wanted to get out there for the sake of not looking like a retard, even if its at the cost of my pride.

"your dumb and you should be banned" or "eh, your wrong about this, this and this. heres what you got wrong, please fix it." i cant decide. please clarify this if it is read.
err, is this supposed to be against my views? of so, i recommend you read my ENTIRE post, including all the stuff in (parenthesis). I like i said, i don't have a PS3, so some things i wrote may be incorrect (yes i know feel free to correct me, and i am kinda glad you did) but when i was looking around in the game stop (not sure where else to get a gaming console... suggestions please?) around the time the PS3 had just been released, i saw the price tag on PS3 higher then that of the Xbox360. and in parenthesis after the "less games then xbox" part, i said that some of the games are trash, like the random stuff you can find on xblivearcade. but yeah, i realise that the main two games it doesnt have are just Gears of War and Halo, but thats pretty much all some people care about(not me, i dont LIVE just for those two games!) so i decided to put down that little bit of info on the cons list. please dont hate beacause of i said, it may be different now, but when I was buying my machine, the ps3 was more expensive more. if you'd like, i could do a little research on the subject via Google or something, but i really doubt prices stayed the same, and it is likely that the PS3 price was lowered, i don't exactly check up on these things every day (or month... or year... or ever in my entire life, or lack there of) so please... if this was a "your dumb and you should be banned" comment, please read the entire post first. if this was a "eh, your wrong about this, this and this. heres what you got wrong, please fix it." comment, sorry for annoying you with my ******-bag comment about this. if its the non-mean (yes, i said mean) comment, please don't hold this BS against me, I'm just trying to make myself look like slightly less of a dumba** in the eyes of people who read stuff random other people post on the internet... no offense
5 posts

whoops! messed up on the quotation things... please disregard my noobyness, kinda new to the whole form thing.

1 posts

hi everybody

606 posts

PlayStation3 is horrible. Yes It's got some okay features. Not really worth it tho. I'm a Nintendo fan all the way. so the Wii is the best console ever. X Box360 is close to second. I like the Wireless Kinect they made. It's really awesome. So it' a tie for me. Between X Box360 and the wii.

15,595 posts

Why is the Wii even in this?

Wii is dominating in sales so far. And it deserves to be up there because it's a excellent gaming system.
avatar system is gr8

I've never used that when I had my Xbox - I only used the system for playing games. All that avatar stuff gets in the way of my gaming, but if people care about that kind of stuff then I suppose they'll like it.
PlayStation3 is horrible.

Explain in detail as to why one of the best consoles in existence is horrible.
608 posts

PlayStation3 is horrible.

Explain in detail as to why one of the best consoles in existence is horrible.

Here's the reason why this person think this.
I'm a Nintendo fan all the way.
15,595 posts

I'm a Nintendo fan all the way.

That's not really a reason to trash a console.

I'm a fan of Sony - but I like Microsoft and Nintendo as well. I always point out the good and bad things with all three consoles, so other people should do the same so it won't show bias towards one.
608 posts

I always point out the good and bad things with all three consoles, so other people should do the same so it won't show bias towards one.

Other people don't because they don't like pointing out things that are wrong with their favorite thing. Or the companies just brainwashed them with
5,952 posts

what do u mean?
jump in
it only does everything
wii would like to play
but yeah thats so true. i was having this conversation with some kid at school and he kept saying "well there all just systems" and i was all like "but ps3 is better!" and he was like "but there all just systems" and u see were im going with this. xbox users what can u do?
but yeah there are like blood fueds going on between differnt gamers with there systems. same with halo and CoD.

482 posts

PlayStation3 is horrible.

Playstation has a larger selection of games, and a lot more exclusives. PSN has, even with the recent fiasco, better security than Live, no one hacks Live cause it doesn't prove your worth in the hacker community.PSN runs faster and smother than Live, and you don't have to deal with every eight year old on the planet. Any game you can get on Xbox is also on PC, so there are no exclusives, making it not worth the money.
8 posts

Wii. Its just that it is more of a family console, so me and my family can join in when playing mario kart, brawl, wii fit and loads more.

10 posts

Pros: Different play style, more family oriented, free online
Cons: Graphics and game selections

Xbox 360:
Pros: Comfortable controller, HUGE game library, great graphics
Cons: need to play for online gameplay, low reliability (RRoD)

Pros: Good graphics, blu-ray player, free online
Cons: Small game library

I still prefer the 360

482 posts

Xbox 360:
Pros: Comfortable controller, HUGE game library, great graphics
Cons: need to play for online gameplay, low reliability (RRoD)

Pros: Good graphics, blu-ray player, free online
Cons: Small game library

The PS3 has a much larger library than the Xbox, and better graphics. The only "exclusives"(I say tis with quotes because they are all available on PC) on Xbox are Halo and Gears of War. PS3 has Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, Infamous, Gran Turismo, God of War, Killzone, Heavy Rain, Little Big Planet, Agent(When Rockstar releases it), Resistance, Twisted Metal, Motorstorm, Socom, Metal Gear Solid, MAG, Haze, Heavenly Sword, and Warhawk, just to name a few. And those are only the big ones, not to mention all the downloadable games. No matter what you say, PS3 has the larger selection, there are only two big exclusives for Xbox.
9 posts

Xbox360, I don't have a ps3 myself, so can't say much about that, but ps3 doesn't have that much better graphics than xbox360. It does have slightly sharper graphics, but I think xbpx360 has better lighting than a ps3. I do have a wii, I used to love the wii, but that was before I saw the difference between graphics of a wii and an xbox360. Haven't played on the wii in like a year. Only thing I like about nintendo are the mario games. Sonic just sucks...

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