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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
2,911 posts

[quote]Graphics have diluted the minds of many. Now all that most people look for in a console is the graphics - they don't mean much.
it really does mean much because the better the graphics for a game are, the better they sell. i do agree with your opinion on graphics though, graphics shouldn't be what make the game

15,595 posts

it really does mean much because the better the graphics for a game are, the better they sell.

The graphics didn't matter years ago, look how well those games sold. But I suppose now a majority of what they look for in a game is the graphics. I don't understand that, you should play the games for the gameplay, not how good the graphics are.
2,911 posts

yeah that's exactly what i'm saying. i still play the older games. sure the newer ones are fun, but some game programmers focus so much on graphics that the games themselves get really boring or are just too easy

15,595 posts

YES! I like it when others like games for the gameplay of games instead of graphics. Graphics shouldn't matter when you choose a gaming console, that should be just about the last thing you look at when you get a console. You should focus on the gaming aspects first, and how much enjoyment the console will bring you. People choose the Wii because of how fun it is, they don't choose it for the graphics, because obviously, the graphics aren't that good.

608 posts

But if you have a game with good graphics and good gameplay then you win.

15,595 posts

But if you have a game with good graphics and good gameplay then you win.

I see graphics as a bonus with games. Not something that I look for when going for games. Main focus - gameplay, bonus - graphics. Well, that's how it is to me.
482 posts

I laugh when people say the Xbox is better because the PS3 gets hacked... the 360 might as well have been made to be hacked.

4 posts

i say PS3

it has the best graphics out of all the system. x-box live is fun, but it costs more money then he PS network. And the wii has a bunch of stupid party games. thats why id was that the PS3 is the best.

6 posts

Duh? Xbox is the greatest to me. Ps3 has had it's moments but it's network got hacked. Do you see Xbox getting hacked on a regular basis? don't think so.

15,595 posts

You don't see the PS3 getting hacked on a regular basis either. It's happened a few times, but it doesn't happen 'regularly'. And PSN is up anyway, so there you go.

20 posts

O.K., I saw this, and had to put my two cents in. In my opinion, after playing all three platforms for a prolonged ammount of time, that Xbox is better. Wii... Well, what can I say about the Wii? It was, essentially, a flop. Yes, it's fun every once in a while, but it can't compete with Kinect. Or, even the Playstation Move. I had a Wii for my 12th birthday. I played it for 3 months, new games, and accesories ate my money like no other. And after those three months, I wanted to take an axe to my Wii. It just gets too boring after prolonged playing.

Xbox- 1
PS3-- 1
Wii-- 0

Wii, is out. Now the PS3.

The PS3 is a great console. I will not lie about that. But I'll start with it's cons, instead of the pros. The PS3's disc reading thingy, it can easily get something in it, and never come out. The touch sensitive buttons, to turn on, off, and open/close, can glitch. Yes, I know there is another model without those, but still. I had a PS3, with that. After a full year of playing my heart out, it had to happen, it died. But not permanentley, no. Just, for a few weeks, then it decided to work again, and erase all of my memory on MW2 (8th prestige, and most of the prestige challenges done.). Sorry for putting contempt into my analysis, but it has to happen with my experiences. The controllers, yea, they are good, but flimsy, thin, and non-conformative. The joysticks aren't in there good (if you own a PS3, you know what I'm talking about). And then the online. Okay, I don't want to sound biased, but Xbox Live, is better. If you don't agree, you are ignorant, and sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. It is, and PSN is good and all, but, when did Xbox Live get hacked so badly, they had to take down the whole network, and rebuild it? And then, get hacked again, when you take the safeguards down? Sorry for bringing that up, but it was inevitable. O.K., summarization:

Wii- No
PS3- Good
Xbox- Undiscussed

If you are still reading this, good job. Xbox. Xbox, Xbox, Xbox, Xbox. Wow, okay. Let's talk about the system.

It is a very sturdy console, with a nice curviture, just to add looks (but doesn't help to fit it anywhere.). If we are talking about the Arcade, or the Elite, there are so many things to say about each in part. So, I will talk about the Arcade, since I am a proud owner of one.

It's loud. Yes, the PS3 is much quieter. But when you see the Xbox insignia flow across the screen, you love it. It does great reading discs, it doesn'tt grab them. (Looks over at the Nintendo guys) But you just place it on a tray. That's awesome, not complicated, simple.
The sync for the controllers, is much easier than Wii. The cords. Well, not much good to say about the cords. They are thick, bulky, and annoying.
The hardrive system is great. Just going back to Memory cards from PS2/PS1, I love that. the PS3 definitely should have memory cards just like its predecessors.
The controllers. They are strong, sturdy, and a little rage doesn't hurt them. The buttons are convex, instead of flat, easier pushing. The joysicks are concave, to keep from slipping.
Did you ever hear about the test, where they dropped a PS3, an Xbox, and a Wii, off of a roof? Let's just say the Xbox didn't die as much.

Okay. Summary=

Wii -0
PS3 -1
Xbox -2

There you go. If you read this whole thing, I give you a voucher for an imaginary cookie. That is my opinion, from my brain, laid upon the computer screen. Thank you, and goodbye.

15,595 posts

Wii, is out

Since you are basing this on your opinion, I'll leave it as such. But if you try to state this as fact, don't attempt to do it. Because then, you'll be wrong when doing so.
The PS3's disc reading thingy, it can easily get something in it, and never come out.

If you intentionally put it in the disk reader, yes, something can get stuck in there. But the slot is small, nothing's going to get in there without someone putting something in there.
The touch sensitive buttons, to turn on, off, and open/close, can glitch.

You're talking about the old PS3 console. Which makes your argument invalid because it's updated now.
I don't want to sound biased, but Xbox Live, is better. If you don't agree, you are ignorant, and sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

You're basically saying: Xbox Live is better, you don't agree with my OPINION on it then you are stupid.
Not everyone is going to agree that it's better, people prefer different things from you.
It does great reading discs

It also does a great job at scratching disks.
The hardrive system is great.

Yeah, it's a great thing that you have to go out and purchase another HDD when you run out of room on your current one. While with the PS3 you can simply go on down to Best Buy and get a laptop HDD for a lower price.

If you want to discuss these consoles, then discuss the newer versions instead of old. Upgraded consoles are great. Dwelling on the past isn't such a good thing to do. It's like bringing the PS2 and original Xbox into this discussion.
20 posts

Since you are basing this on your opinion, I'll leave it as such. But if you try to state this as fact, don't attempt to do it. Because then, you'll be wrong when doing so.

I thought this whole discussion was opinion?
It also does a great job at scratching disks.

You got me there. I've had multiple discs scratched. sorry for leaving that out.
You're talking about the old PS3 console. Which makes your argument invalid because it's updated now.

Darn, I was talking about what I know. Okay, i slipped up.
You're basically saying: Xbox Live is better, you don't agree with my OPINION on it then you are stupid.
Not everyone is going to agree that it's better, people prefer different things from you.

Okay, when I said that, I meant: That Xbox Live has Live capabilities, including: Party chat, voice chat, stuff like that, instead of the text chat for PS3.

O.K., sorry for some things I said, if you don't agree, that's cool, if you do, that's fine also. I didn't think about the newer PS3 that much, but, I did mention it=
Yes, I know there is another model

Sorry for all the misconceptions, when I argue a case, it will have better, thought of information.
15,595 posts

I thought this whole discussion was opinion?

It's kind of transformed into a discussion about the consoles where you state the facts about each, then your opinions on each. I like to share my un-biased opinion of them while providing facts for each. I left a review somewhere, not sure what page it was on. Around 220 I think. I might post it again since I've updated it, but I don't want to post it too soon.
But I pointed the thing out at first because when people come into here they type things out as it were all fact based.
20 posts

Oh, I'd like to make sure it is clear, that everything I have said in this thread, and come to say, is completely opinion based.

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