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ForumsGamesXbox 360 vs. Wii U vs. Playstation 3

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5,043 posts

This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!

No flaming please.
Avoid the 1-5 word answers.

  • 5,032 Replies
99 posts

XBOX 360 is the best console ever. If microsoft will make xbox 720 and sony wii make ps4, consoles will have this rates:
1)Xbox 360
3)xbox 720

126 posts


2,568 posts

the hybrid X-PLAY-WII360 WHAT

25 posts

my vote goes for ps3 it has better graphics + free multiplayer
i think the wii would makeme tired
and... xbox and ps3 is a bit the same thats why i don't buy xbox cuz

8 posts

PS3 is the winner by a mile and a half in my book.

15,595 posts

I look at the Xbox 360 as a FPS system. Mainly because the controller looks like it was built for FPS games and the online is better than the other two.

I look at the PS3 as a home entertainment system that can play games. The web browser is wonderful, blu-ray for superb graphics and movies, online gaming is second best and it's free. Though it will cut out at times. I don't have a big problem with it.

I look at the Wii as something that involves exercise for people that are too lazy to go outside. Of course the system is great and fun. But it's only that way when you play with family and/or friends. If you play by yourself, I can't see enjoyment with it. I'd say you don't need a console for exercise. It's convenient and all, but parents need to make their kids more active instead of purchasing them a console to hope for activeness.

PS3 pros:
Better graphics, blu-ray, controllers that don't require batteries, free online gameplay, better disk tray, some better exclusive games, and low failure rate.

PS3 cons:
Online is not as good as Xbox live, controllers are smaller, smaller range of exclusive games, and no backwards compatibility.

Xbox 360 pros:
Bigger controllers, better online gaming, wider range of exclusive games, and backwards compatibility.

Xbox 360 cons:
Controllers require batteries, higher failure rate, have to pay for online, and the disk tray scratches the disks.

Wii pros:
Great family and friend fun, disk tray is the same as the PS3's, lowest failure rate out of the three, and great exclusive games.

Wii cons:
PS2 graphics and uncomfortable controllers.

Hardware for the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Failure rate for all three consoles.
Prizefight between the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Online for 12 months $60. Batteries for controllers $10 for a pack of 20. Wired controller - $40 for one, if you want to have fun with friends and/or family you will need to buy more and that increases the price. Play and charge kit $20, that's for the wireless controller if you don't want to purchase batteries. Cooling fan $20, so your Xbox 360 won't overheat. 250GB internal hardrive $130, if you bought the console without the memory and you need the extra memory if you take up what's already there. When you add all that up. You could've purchased a PS3 and avoid all that money wasting.

Great exclusive titles for the PS3:
Metal Gear Solid
Heavy Rain
Little Big Planet
God of War
Rachet and Clank

Great exclusive titles for the Xbox 360:
Gears of War
Left for Dead
Splinter Cell
Mass Effect
Alan Wake

Great exclusive titles for the Wii:
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Epic Mickey
Monster Hunter Tri
EA sports active
The family and/or friend games
A lot of Mario and Sonic games

Most of the games on Kinect aren't fun, to me. Of course Microsoft has some games that are fun but most are just there. You'll have to dig through the garbage games to find the good games.

The PlayStation Move has some good games, but I wouldn't invest in either the move nor Kinect yet. I don't use the PlayStation Move - I'd rather play with a controller and sit down. I don't need to exercise while playing games - I'd rather go to a gym or just go outside for that.

The Wii is the best if you want motion gaming. I suggest you wait a little more time for better games on the Kinect and Move to be released.

If you're going to say that Microsoft and Sony stole Nintendo's idea, or even say Nintendo stole Sony's or Microsoft's idea, don't do that. There's no dibs in marketing. There's also no reason to argue about it. If one company takes an idea and makes it better, why complain? It's going to be a better experience in gaming.
Nintendo was already looking for a different way to play games.

I know the Xbox 360 came out first, I preferred the first design. Then the PS3 came out with a different design with touch sensitive buttons and it was glossy. The first Xbox 360 wasn't, then Microsoft made the new Xbox 360. And it basically copied the old PS3's design for having the touch sensitive buttons and glossy design. I really liked the old Xbox 360's design because it wasn't a fingerprint magnet. All Microsoft could've done was just make it touch sensitive and keep the normal black matte design instead of making it glossy. Also, I don't like how the Xbox 360 has so many fans and it has a giant slash on it, it looks like a dent, and the cord you plug in to play is very large, I have to make a spot somewhere near the console just for it. Good thing the Xbox 360 for $199.99 isn't glossy, but it lacks memory.

The PS3's design is the matte black with two buttons and two USB slots in the front. It also only has one fan in the back. Very simple and sleek. That's how I like it.

The Wii's design is as simple as the PS3's but much smaller, so it could end up broken easily.

For the people that complain about the Xbox 360's online gameplay being too expensive:
The online gameplay is the best out of all three and it's not expensive. It's only five dollars a month. I recommend getting the gold subscription of fifty dollars for a year since it'll save you money and time.

For the people that complain that the Wii is a piece of junk:
The Wii is marvelous for playing with family and friends. Much better than the PS3 and Xbox 360. Those are more like individual consoles. Don't say that the Wii is just for children either. The system supports a wide range of teen and mature games aside from the games for everyone.

For the people that say that the PS3's online is garbage:
It might not compare to that of the Xbox 360's online gameplay nor community, but it's up there. It might be a little slow at times getting disconnected, but it's alright. Just connect yourself back into the game. To put it out there, I've experienced little problems with the online. I rarely get disconnected. Of course, PlayStation Network went offline for about a month or two due to hackers - but it was fixed right away. It's not like PlayStation Network goes down weekly, unlike Xbox Live. Xbox Live goes down often due to hackers, it just never effects the community as a whole, just certain individuals and groups of individuals.

The Xbox 360 250Gb costs $299.99
The PS3 160GB costs $249.99

However, you can purchase the PS3 320GB for $349.99. I think the PS3 would get way more sales if they made a 250GB for $299.99 like Microsoft has or just make the 320GB console for $299.99. Right there I think Sony would rack up a lot more sales. Personally, I would just buy the Xbox 360 4GB for $199.99 because I don't need all that extra memory. On the PS3 if you want more memory you can purchase a 500GB netbook hard drive from BestBuy that only costs around $100-200. Instead of paying Microsoft $100 for their specific hard drive that'll only hold about 120GB.

I know all three of these companies are multi-billion dollar companies. However, they do have to think about the customers as well. If Sony would just deduct $50 off of their 320GB console, they would sell more and thus resulting in more profit.

It's all personal preference, and I prefer the PS3. The Xbox 360 comes in second, and the Wii is in third.

9 posts

IMO they all are similar but they only have different games so it all depends on what you enjoy most

1,304 posts

PS3 cons:
Online is not as good as Xbox live, controllers are smaller, smaller range of exclusive games, and no backwards compatibility.
Xbox 360 pros:
Bigger controllers, better online gaming, wider range of exclusive games, and backwards compatibility

Although, having a smaller controller is not always bad. Since I have grown up with the PS the controller fits perfectly in my hands, and I can't stand the bulkiness of the Xbox Controllers. It's all up to personnel preference.
15,595 posts

It's all up to personnel preference.

I know, parts in my post are opinions and others are facts, the part about controllers is my opinion. I have large hands, so the Xbox 360 controller is far more comfortable. The PS3 controller isn't bad, but I prefer my hands not to cramp, or even have my fingers so close to each other, makes playing games difficult.
1,608 posts

Mass Effect

Mass effect isn't xbox exclusive because mass effect 1 was released for pc and 2 is xbox pc and ps3.
13 posts

PlayStation is okay... but I got an Xbox because it was cheaper and most of my friends have a Xbox. I already have a Blue Ray Player and my Xbox also has Hi-def. We get the greatest shooter game of all time and other cool exclusives such as Gears of War and Fable. Sure PS3 has uncharted but I am not going to buy a PlayStation just to play a couple exclusive games. With an Xbox subscription, Microsoft can update Xbox live constantly with the money earned.

3 posts

I would say xbox kinect because you are the controller in it

8 posts

yeap the xbox has more and bettter fps

603 posts

PlayStation is okay... but I got an Xbox because it was cheaper and most of my friends have a Xbox. I already have a Blue Ray Player and my Xbox also has Hi-def. We get the greatest shooter game of all time and other cool exclusives such as Gears of War and Fable. Sure PS3 has uncharted but I am not going to buy a PlayStation just to play a couple exclusive games. With an Xbox subscription, Microsoft can update Xbox live constantly with the money earned.

1. PS32 has HD
2. A blue ray player is already built in the PS3, instead of spending a couple hundred dollars more, you could've gotten a PS3
3 XBox costs money for online gaming, PS3 does not
10 posts

EVERYBODY knows that WII is better with mario, super monkey ball, pokemon, EVERYTHING

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