This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Hmm? Don´t know how much Xbox costs in your coutry, but over here Ps3 costs still about 50 dollars more than Xbox. When they were launched PS3 was almost twice as expensive.
Could you and the rest of the Xbox fans on this thread provide valid reasons please. I'm tired of seeing reasons involving controllers, game quality(it's basically the same, depends on the TV and game), and such.
new black xbox with a switch on button, easy to press is just simply awesome.
Wait, are you praising a button that turns it on? PS3 has this too. I must be missing something.
Hmm.....wii is a completely different gaming console than XboX in every sort of way.But betveen Xbox and PS3,and the number of all sort of gadgets and multiple applications,I have to choose Xbox 360.
And now i'm angry at my XBOX, i can't play almost any new game which has come out, because i have to update my Xbox, and to update, i have to Sign into Xbox Live, but if i have to sign into Xbox Live it will update first, and because of that, my Xbox has crashed twice!
I cannot really say which game system is best so i will list some benefits and draw backs:
Xbox 360: you must pay to play online and talk in a party, but if you do have this (thisis Xbox Live Gold or Gold for short) then you experience some of the best games ever. The Halo series, CoD series, not mention that you can buy games or personalize your Xbox dashboard by buying and using Microsoft points. I do own an Xbox 360
PlayStation 3: From what I have heard you can play online without buy a sort-of gold membership. I cannot say much about this system because i do not own one.
Wii: In my opinion one of the worst game systems of all due to the fact of horrible graphics, and games that quickly become boring because of things like controller failure i.e. battery runs out the sensor bar not "reading" the controller among other things. The only reason I have this is because it was a Christmas gift and it can play Game Cube games. The Game Cube games were, are, and will be amazing.
I think Xbox 360 has the best options for first-person shooter games, but I haven't played too much Ps3, so not sure. There isn't alot of gaming time that wii can offer before the players get bored.