This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Xbox 360 for so many reasons. The community is so much better, dedicated servers, and PAID online. (Meaning not as many 10 year olds) Everyone on xbox live is much more skilled compared to PS3. Wii is cool, but it doesn't compare to PS3/Xbox mainly because it's game style. Wii should be compared to Kinect, and Move. But Xbox all the way.
PS3! First of all, PS3 has way better graphics than the Xbox, and the Wii only has games for 5-year olds(which I sometimes play).
Most biased and uninformed statement that all PS3 fanboys try to believe, sorry to burst your bubble but you're wrong. PS3 has the potential to have better graphics but developers never capitalize on this because it is hard to program for the PS3. Especially when the game goes across all platforms theres barely a difference. Also
Wii has CoD. I see where you're at, but it isn't little kid games. Mario, Sonic, Zelda, etc, are aimed towards 10 and up.
This. Wii has games for kids and for adults.... Ever hear of Red Steel? All the consoles have some childish content on them, ever hear of Xbox Kinect, now those are for kids like Kinectimals or whatever. PS3 has this too with Playstation move.
Also PC games look ten times better than PS3 ever could. I'm not hating on consoles, I have an Xbox and a Wii and honestly have nothing against PS3, Just stating the facts.
If I had to choose... I would say PlayStation 3 as You don't have to pay for online play, The graphics are decent and PlayStation Move also makes it the best by far, IMHO.
1: All consoles have the capability of netflix, even the Wii 2: Third person doesn't make a system, it breaks it. 3: Resistance had troublesome controls. 4: Xbox 360 fanboy is me. 5:
About my comment earlier... I realize that the Wii has SOME adult games, but most of them are for little kids, but you got to admit that some of them are fun. I generally just dislike the xbox. Not for that reason, but that they mostly have too adult games. But something that ticks me off is that no one follows the ESRB rating. I see kids in my class playing CoD even though they are like 13 or 14.
Its the producers decision, just Microsoft decides to carry it out or not.
but most of them are for little kids,
You keep saying little kids. Little kid averages from 3-6. I would say kids. The target audience for Nintendo is generally in the 9-13 age zone.
But something that ticks me off is that no one follows the ESRB rating
It's more about parental consent for the kid rather than what the rating says. It's recommended (except for "A", but it isn't a law. I played GTA when I was 4 at my cousin's. Parents didn't know a thing...
I see kids in my class playing CoD even though they are like 13 or 14.
I don't give 2 craps about kids playing games not "suited" for them, but it just gets me mad when they are obsessed and cocky like, "Yaaaaaaaa man got the CoD kicking butt maaaaaaan. Tooooootalllly."
I've always thought of myself as a Playstation player, but when the PS3 first came out, it didn't seem to have very many interesting games. I also had the Playstation when I was 4 four and I loved playing watching my dad play rpg's and games such as Crash and Spyro on it. I've always loved the Playstation2, but when the Xbox360 came out I had to get it. Mainly because it had a very diverse online community, and the because that I really wanted to get Halo 3. I saw Halo as being more fun than Cod, and I thought that for a long time until I became a gun enthusiast and got obsessed with guns(I especially love WWll weaponry). Then I really started getting into Black Ops and World At War(Awesome games) but still played Halo. I have to admit though, that the PS3 also has really good exclusives like Resistance, Uncharted, Motorstorm, Little Big Planetetc. At this point, I can truly say that I prefer the heavier, manlier Xbox controller, as opposed to the lighter, more simpler Playstation controller. But what else can I say? Both systems have incredible graphics, but the PS3 can play BlueRay aswell. Another plus. It also is disapointing that Microsoft, with vast economic riches charges users for XboxLive. Now that's what I really dislike about the Xbox360. I'd say the PS3 wins this debate. It's a more well rounded system and has the around same amount of features as an Xbox360 but it has really good games of all genres and probably more exclusives that a general age group will like. As for the Wii, terrible graphics compared to the other two, Xbox360 Kinect kicks the Wii's butt, and most of it's games are directed to the audience of a six year-old. I said _most_ keep that in mind. Overall, Xbox360 and PS3 are very close. I prefer the Xbox360, but in all honesty, the PS3 wins because it's audience is wider and has more games than Xbox360 that are directed for all age groups.
I dunno which is best, I just know that the wii has many more games for 6 year olds than the xbox and ps3, and vice versa. I like all. People probably say that the wii is bad because they don't have any good wii games. If you have games like super smash, it's awesome. It is also awesome to play games where you slash around with a sword. Kinect vs wii: I think the kinect is an extreme copy, and that you should stick with the original thing.