This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I have a wii and it just isnt as fun as the Xbox or the PS3. How do I know, you might ask. Well it's pretty simple. Basically ALL of my friends have a Xbox or a PS3.
I look at it like three tiers. Wii on the bottom, then according to opinion, PS3 in the middle and Xbox on top.
For one topic, I look at the motion sensor-attachments. In this case, I would put PS3 on the bottom and Xbox would stay on top. The PS3 Move sucks... It's inaccurate and you have to over exaggerate your movements. As for the Wii, it's pretty accurate but has only a few decent games. Xbox doesn't even require a controller, and is pretty accurate, so that's my favorite.
There's other reasons why I like each system better, but this post is a bit long already.
You've stated that wii has only a few decent games so what about Kinect?
Good point. Kinect doesn't have very many (good) games either, but at least it doesn't require a controller and is more accurate.
Not really some posts contain over thousand words, it would be much better if you would actually write what you wanted to write.
Yep. The first thing that came to mind was the motion-sensor technology for all three systems, so I tried to focus my post on only that. For now anyway.
I have had a XBOX for about 9/8 years now and it is wonderful in not breaking down and has had no problems. About 3.5 years ago I got a Wii, and although I do like it better for some games, such as Wii Sports Resort, I never found any really good games for it. I played CoD4 on it for quite a while and had no problems. However, when I got PS3 2 years ago, I realized just how bad the Wii's graphics were. Although the Ps3 has more problems than my past two systems combined, including annoying crashes and internet issues, my friends with 360 have had many more problems, as about 6 friends of mine have had to had their XBOX 360 taken in.
Overall, I'd say that the original XBOX was the best system, however PS3 has allowed me to connect with my friends and was very good value for getting free internet and a blu-ray player. It also has Uncharted to call its own that could put up a fight with Halo. Also, with Journey and Flower among other minis, I think that PS3 trumps the XBOX 360 and the Wii.
Love the ps3. people seem to like xbox. I don't know why. you have to pay a whopping $50 a year if you want to play online. ps3 has many great games. wii. it's ok but I'm a big sony fan.
Playstation 3 is the better of the three options available, You don't have to pay to play online, Metal Gear Solid ('nuff said) and the availability to use Blu-Ray disks.
please support your posts. Why do people like the Xbox 360? Because more people play it? Then that means more people are falling for their scam of paying $50 dollars a year to play online, while the PS3 offers this for FREE. Also the controlers are very similar. so I don't see much comparison when it comes to controllers.