This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Have to go with xbox simply because my wii broke i dont have a ps3 although the call of duty multiplier and its so fun but i have to go with the xbox because its awesome
I only have a wii so i cant realy judge however in black ops and in mw3 there is to many hackers and moders, crap like that. How ever it takes the cake cause you dont get fat useing it.
PS3 is a pretty cool, but not as superior than the Xbox. And the Wii, I remember when it first came out. Everybody wanted it, but after a while, the games became very low in quality, and now you don't see much great games for the Wii now.
I like all of them, but the xbox 360 REALLY stands out for me b/c of the kinect, and all the halo games, although I have never played on a PS3, Wii is okay. 360 BEATS ALL!
In terms of hardware, PS3 and Xbox 360 are very similar and the Wii is lagging behind.
In terms of irrelevant ArmorGames user opinion, nobody gives a ****. The PS3 is not "winning" anything in this thread. It fluctuates, I went back five pages and most people said Xbox 360.
Please realise that this thread is only here to concentrate console war spam. Posting here makes this section worse.
PS3 all the way the wii is just for little kids and the Xbox is more like a family console and the PS3 got a blue-ray player so you just saved yourself money if you got some thing different.
I like playing the Xbox 360 and PS2, that's right PS2 i like all those older games like San Andreas and Final Fantasy. Though i can't say i like Wii, Its not as fun as the other consoles.