ForumsWEPRGod: Possibly Not a God?

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1,720 posts

Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both willing, and able?
then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him god?

  • 276 Replies
1,633 posts

K' They if god is talking to them then why do they sin and do horrible things?

1,720 posts

I might call this a troll thread if I have to.

Typical Kirby, always the one to call people trolls. Say whatever you want dude, but this is a place where we can all voice our opinions in any way we want whether you like it or not.
1,251 posts

You are right on part of that, he is the voice inside of your head, but he is so much more than that, he is the reason you are alive right now, he is the reason you are breathing he made you who you are.

........if you have a voice in your head your fucking crazy, no offense. And he's not the reason we're alive, he's (and by he I mean the interpretation of what everyone has but for some reason is called "God&quot the reason for a lot of deaths if anything >.>
1,251 posts

I'm just saying, you make an inaccurate accusation with a poem?

Before I say this just know, no offense intended whatsoever...

Umm that's a bit hypocritical from a Christian don't you think? A lot of their beliefs can be described from a few prayers, aka poems.
670 posts

K' They if god is talking to them then why do they sin and do horrible things?

again it goes back to free will, some people pick not to listen to God therefor they do what they want.

And he's not the reason we're alive, he's (and by he I mean the interpretation of what everyone has but for some reason is called "God&quot the reason for a lot of deaths if anything >.>

Not true.... God is life, he gives life, he does not wan tto take away life he wants everyone to have peace, Satin is Death, He takes away peoples life and puts thoughts in there head, the person may listen to it and then act on it.

Hearing the voice of God is not something you can just say "hey I want to talk to God today" it takes time to understand the voice of God, like I said be4 he may not talk to you in words, he may give signs or something in that order.
360 posts

Not true.... God is life, he gives life, he does not wan tto take away life he wants everyone to have peace, Satin is Death, He takes away peoples life and puts thoughts in there head, the person may listen to it and then act on it.
he may not talk to you in words, he may give signs or something in that order.

That's really an handy religion indeed!
Something is telling me to do that:Oh!It's God!
This guy is doing something I don't like:Oh!It's satan!
It's just fallacious excuses to justify all the things you want to do: God's speaking through me, or: God made me after his own image...
670 posts

That's really an handy religion indeed!
Something is telling me to do that:Oh!It's God!
This guy is doing something I don't like:Oh!It's satan!
It's just fallacious excuses to justify all the things you want to do: God's speaking through me, or: God made me after his own image

Ture it is a very handy religion. and the way your putting it is true. what God means for good Saten means for evil. God whats everything to be a good.
356 posts

I have a few questions for the christians in this forum. Just a few. First, and most important I think, the Abrahamic god is supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent right? He knows all things before they happen and supposedly has as plan for everyone and everything. Well why did he fail so miserably in that plan?

The major beef is, god supposedly created humans to have a relationship with them right? And yet, knowing that it was going to happen, allowed an angel, who, to my knowledge was not like humans in having that free will, but that is beside the point, rebel, and then, instead of either simply making that angel disappear, preventing him from rebelling at all, gives this angel his own kingdom, from which, he can tempt and taint the very gullible people that god created to have a relationship with. I mean I'm no god here but that is just stupid.

This is contradictory. I'm about to be a father, and we are supposed to be made in gods image. If so, my love for my son is already so great, I could never, ever, cast him out into the street to be run over, let alone let him burn for all eternity, and not only that but predetermine this based on a life that i know will happen and can prevent. Thus, if god really does these things, then he is an ass, and just as I wouldn't be friends with a person who did anything remotely like that, so I sure as shit am not going to devote my life to someone who does all of those things.

670 posts

I think, the Abrahamic god is supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent right? He knows all things before they happen and supposedly has as plan for everyone and everything. Well why did he fail so miserably in that plan?

He does not fail, he gives us free will, he lest us pick what we think is right for our life. Eventhough it is not what he wants us to do he still lets us bacause he loves us.

god supposedly created humans to have a relationship with them right? And yet, knowing that it was going to happen, allowed an angel, who, to my knowledge was not like humans in having that free will, but that is beside the point, rebel, and then, instead of either simply making that angel disappear, preventing him from rebelling at all, gives this angel his own kingdom, from which, he can tempt and taint the very gullible people that god created to have a relationship with. I mean I'm no god here but that is just stupid.

I can see why you think it is stuipid.... but in the bible it says that God did try and convince the angel to stay but insted that angel did not want to, He wanted to have his own kindome. The reason God did not disappear is cause even though that angel was evil God still loved him, the reason God let him have his own kingdome was so that we could pick if we wanted to believe in him*God* or not, if you dont believe that Jesus died for you and you dont let him in you heart then you go to Hell, God does not what that.

I'm about to be a father, and we are supposed to be made in gods image. If so, my love for my son is already so great, I could never, ever, cast him out into the street to be run over, let alone let him burn for all eternity, and not only that but predetermine this based on a life that i know will happen and can prevent. Thus, if god really does these things, then he is an ***, and just as I wouldn't be friends with a person who did anything remotely like that, so I sure as **** am not going to devote my life to someone who does all of those things.

first of congrats !!! .... next like I said God does not want any of this, this is not the world he wanted He wanted us all to get along and be happy, Live forever. God does not want anyone to go to hell.... that is why he sent his son Jesus to die for us, you see if Jesus did not come and die we would have to pay for our own sin and we would in the end die for our sin. and like I have said so many times in the forme It all goes back to FREE WILL
262 posts

cause its getting old .... and what makes you think God is not real??

What makes you think he is real? People who believe in a being that's not tangible are the ones that have the burden of proof. As far as I'm concerned, that's an unattainable burden.
I personally don't care what anyone believes in ...but when it comes to a person defending a non-palpable entity to try and make us non-believers believe, it becomes plainly absurd.

BTW - I was raised in a strict Catholic home, and went to Catholic schools for 12 years, taking theology classes throughout all those years, so I definitely know about Christianity.
262 posts

oops ... I meant to say "unattainable proof" instead of "unattainable burden" ... lol ...2 totally different meanings.

349 posts

What is really the point in discussing this on here? Your never going to change someones mind over the internet.. Im sorry but all of you guys saying he isn't real isn't going to make us think he isn't real...

262 posts

Im sorry but all of you guys saying he isn't real isn't going to make us think he isn't real.

You don't need to apologize, there's no reason to. I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally don't have a problem with people believing in God or any other entity. I personally don't believe, but that is my opinion.
Expressing opinions is exactly what this forum is about, so therein lies the point of discussing.
349 posts

You don't need to apologize, there's no reason to. I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally don't have a problem with people believing in God or any other entity. I personally don't believe, but that is my opinion.
Expressing opinions is exactly what this forum is about, so therein lies the point of discussing.

Thanks.. I have a lot of respect that. And i don't have a problem with non believers either and i don't try to force my beliefs on others either, I only tell it to people who want to hear.
262 posts

This thread is very insulting to those who actually believe.
If you don't believe, no need to act like a as.sholes.

I don't believe, and I don't believe I was acting like an a**hole either. I do agree however, because I see a couple disrespectful posts to believers in this thread. However, most posts here are NOT "insulting" so please direct your posts towards the few who DID insult. In my opinion, pointing out facts and ones own point of view without using harsh words is NOT insulting.
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