ForumsWEPRDrinking Age Lowered to 18???

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8 posts

You are old enough to vote, smoke, and even die for your country so why not have a cold one???

  • 101 Replies
1,098 posts

a stress ball at economic times..........

9 posts

Some children drink at 9 years old.

The age for drinking is different for everybody, but I think between 16-24 years old it's a good range.

1,101 posts

meh i couldn't care... To be honest you only live once. (unless u believe in reincarnation, which could still suck cuz you could come back as an ant or sumthing)... So why not have a cpl beers after a hard days work? Or get baked every now and then lol.. In this day and age everything damages the body is some retarded way.. Supposedly eating crust gives you cancer. Anyways i started getting drunk when i was 13, and i kinda like it... But im more for the drinking games... Quarters, nickels, sh't faced, tippy cup, and of course Beer Pong..

And by the way there are also studies showing the having one beer every cpl days is actually good for your brain.. It calms you down, and releases your stress levels, allowing you to look younger later in life, as well as feel more energetic later on in life... Thus of course giving you a longer life lol. Anyways 21 is a BS age to have a drink.. If your 18 and your able to die for your country, yet you cant have a beer at a bar.. I gotta say thats a nice big pile of turd nuggets right there. Sure everyone can say things about how bad beer is to make this seem a bit better... But a polished turd is still a turd...

996 posts

unless u believe in reincarnation, which could still suck cuz you could come back as an ant or sumthing

those who first enforced reincarnation drank.
18 and your able to die for your country, yet you cant have a beer at a bar.. I gotta say thats a nice big pile of turd nuggets right there. Sure everyone can say things about how bad beer is to make this seem a bit better... But a polished turd is still a turd...

"a polished turd is still a turd" is the quote that's perfect for support of beer for those under 22/23.

as i said before....
your brain develops back to front, finishing around the age of 25. the thing that the front of your brain controls is Common sense/decision making. drinking retards the sections of the brain that have not developed that.

if you drink in excess, or regularly, there's a very good chance the front of your brain will not develop correctly/as well as others.
1,573 posts

Young people should deffo NOT drink on a regular basis. Its mostly because they wanna appear cool, resposible, adult and like they can handle this adult stuff.

If my son asked if he could taste my beer, i would say "ja for shure"... he prolly wouldnt like it and think... fek this...

Its what I did when I was younger. I tasted the stuff and thought... "how the smeg does anyone EVER like this sourpiss"

and now I actually LIKE the taste. Wierd huh.

4,097 posts

And by the way there are also studies showing the having one beer every cpl days is actually good for your brain

Could you show me some of the results of those studies?
1,101 posts

"a polished turd is still a turd" is the quote that's perfect for support of beer for those under 22/23.

seriously guy, it took me a while to remember that one... so ffs dont use my own sayings agaisnt me, specially in a sentence that doesn't make any sense. Its just a very cheesy way to try and defend your thoughts...

as i said before....
your brain develops back to front, finishing around the age of 25. the thing that the front of your brain controls is Common sense/decision making. drinking retards the sections of the brain that have not developed that.

Firstly, i have taken bio 30 and am now taking the emr course at college.. Through both of these i have found out much about drugs and alcohol, mostly cuz ill have to deal with alot of people like this on call. I have learned about the brain, and affects drugs take on it. The brain does grow until you fully mature, which is different for every person, but is usually between 18-23. Normally not as late as 25. Yes alcohol does affect the brain, but to retard any part of the brain takes massive amounts, not just some little amount you can drink. What your saying is a scare tactic, cuz the only way to damage your brain with alcohol is to constantly exessively drink.
And let me get this straight here. So a person who joins the army (lets say 20 years old) risks his life or his country. He has killed, and has managed to survive war in Iraq or afghanistan. He comes back for a simple drink with his friends, and gets rejected at a bar because he's not old enough. He's old enough to smoke (which does far far far more damage then drinking), he's able to shoot a gun, and he's able to kill... Yet he can't have a beer because in your reasoning, having this beer could make him mentally incompetant later in life... this is why im saying this is a massive pile of turd crap reasoning... and you can polish a turd however you like my friend, but its still a turd thought.

As for green... here u are sir. and i guess a lil bit for German to read as well...

Top 10 Reasons Beer is Good for your Health
Michael Hall, 2007-02-06

Everyone is looking for a reason to drink beer. Right? It turns out that a lot of people are. So here are 10 great reasons to drink more beer. Not only that, but they're all true. Beer really is good for your health, so drink up!

1. Beer Reduces Stress

Alcohol in general has been shown to reduce stress. This one is obvious, and may be the best reason beer is good for your health.

2. Beer is Good for the Heart

A study was conducted from 1982 - 1996 on the elderly. It was found that those who drank at least 1.5 per day had a 20-50 percent less chance of having heart failure.

3. Beer Improves Blood Circulation

Beer increases your "good" cholesterol, or HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Its basically a kind of blood fat, so it reduces blood's tendency to clot.

4. Beer is Chock Full o' Fiber

The fiber comes from the cell walls of the malted barley. A liter of beer can have as much as 60% of your daily recommended fiber. The extra fiber will keep you regular and can also lower the risk of heart disease.

5. Beer as a Multi-vitamin

Beer is a significant source of magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12

6. Beer can Prevent Strokes

A study published in Stroke magazine in 2001 showed that alcohol drinkers have fewer strokes. Because it thins the blood, it increases the circulation in the brain, thereby protecting from silent strokes which are cause by tiny blood clots.

7. Beer keeps your Brain Young

A large study, published in the December 2001 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, was conducted on elderly italian men and women. It showed that moderate drinkers had a 40% lower risk of mental impairment.

8. Beer is Good for your Liver

Alcohol expands the small blood vessels in the liver. This speeds up metabolism so it can help clean all the toxins out of the liver. This is from Beer Net Publication, April 2001 Biological Institute.

9. Beer Cures Insomnia

Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, both present in beer, can promote sleep. Also hops are a natural sedative.

10. Beer Fends off Gallstones

According to Professor Oliver James at the University of Newcastle, beer protects against gallstones and kidney stones.

and some other site refrences, just because thats probably not enough..

996 posts

to all of those:

beer retards the development of the human brain if used before brain is fully developed.

it can help clean all the toxins out of the liver.

it also kills your liver's processing ability, so when you're on your death bed none of the pain killers will work. have fun with that.
1,101 posts

well it seems german hasn't even rea my above post...
to all of those:
beer retards the development of the human brain if used before brain is fully developed.

i laughed..

and please you keep saying that. show us some websites with proof... Cuz at the moment the evidence i laid before yea is alot stronger then beer retards the brain... you sound like a broken record which has no meaning behind it..

it also kills your liver's processing ability, so when you're on your death bed none of the pain killers will work. have fun with that.

yup it does =) when you drink 12 beers every day of your life.

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