ForumsWEPRDrinking Age Lowered to 18???

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8 posts

You are old enough to vote, smoke, and even die for your country so why not have a cold one???

  • 101 Replies
1,573 posts

I didnt like the taste of beer until i hit about 21 tbh. Teaching our kids to drink responsibly is important. I enjoy drinking and dont think kids should get drunk, but to take the power of the parental consent away is becoming a common theme in society. I dont mind my son having a sip of beer, its not going to give him brain damage. I DO mind my son walking around a fume filled city tho, and this is something we should ALL be worried about for our own health. Dont you think its time we took back our freedoms from the rulemakerz!

996 posts

i haven't liked the taste of beer yet. it doesn't taste good.

i prefer Caribou Lou (151 rum, Malibu rum, Pineapple juice). if you wanna learn how to make it, there's a song called Caribou Lou and if you listen to the lyrics the recipe's on there.
The drinking age will never be lowered to 18, due to underdeveloped brains and fear of booze getting to MUCH younger people.

so it's pretty useless to talk about.
they'll never change it.

1,573 posts

Yeah I guess they never will.

And that Caribou Lou sounds tasty.

996 posts

it is very tasty my favorite drink, and i barely ever drink. so you know it's some kickass stuff!

"151 rum, pineapple juice, malibu-- Caribou get dem all numb!
Make baby girl come
outta her shell,
Raise hell!
gonna party till the cops come"

3,224 posts

I know this may sound hypocritical to someone who's just admitted they used to like alcopops, but Malibu is a girls drink

Also I'm curious German3945, why do you think alcohol is so terrible for young kids, when in all German states apart from 2, the drinking age for beer is 16?

1,573 posts

I dont think its about opinion, its common sense, kids shouldnt get DRUNK, but a sip is fine. And alchopops is only marketed towards wimmin giving a social impression of "its a womans drink"... I like any alchohol that I like and thats what I like about alchohol.

3,224 posts

I dont think its about opinion, its common sense, kids shouldnt get DRUNK, but a sip is fine. And alchopops is only marketed towards wimmin giving a social impression of "its a womans drink"... I like any alchohol that I like and thats what I like about alchohol.

Kids are going to get drunk whatever the legal stance is. Better make it easier for them to do so in a safe environment by lowering the age, than forcing them to resort to off licenses and park benches where they are in much more danger to themselves and/or others.

As for the alcopops issue, I reiterate that it's good for young people because it's not too bitter. Most women I know would never drink it now, because it doesn't even taste of alcohol, just lemonade or some other sparkly drink.

And yes Malibu is a girl's drink. In the same way you wouldn't expect women to do a yard of ale, you wouldn't expect a man to ask for an appletini (and yes I do love Scrubs.)
5,838 posts

I know this may sound hypocritical to someone who's just admitted they used to like alcopops, but Malibu is a girls drink

>.< Malibu is kinda dirty any way.... but I hate coconut.

I've never heard a single story of anything good that comes out of it.(At least for the person who is drunk that is)

As a friend of mine once said "you a better person drunk Pixie" (ok that comment actually pissed me off quite a bit but I do have alot more fun when I'm drunk). I'm a very anal OCD kinda person; if I cycle to school I waste ages every day checking the lock on it, if I'm last to bed I've gotta check the lights are off etc. but when I'm drunk I have no worries at all except having as much fun as possible. The negatives are I'm a sleepy drunk... the positive is I have great friends that don't mess with me when I'm uncoscious.

(and yes I do love Scrubs.)

mmmm.... thats one good nectarini.
887 posts

Wrong. Normal people wait 'til the legal age or go somewhere to where it's legal to drink younger.

Because the night in jail is no fun.

Well in jolly old England we have a binge drinking problem, to the point where there cases where 10 year olds are getting drunk.
3,224 posts

Well in jolly old England we have a binge drinking problem, to the point where there cases where 10 year olds are getting drunk.

Those are rare (funny) cases which probably would have happened anyway regardless of the drinking age. I'm talking about 20 year olds in America who can't get a drink. I mean seriously, when you're 20, you are considered an adult in pretty much every walk of life. Except you can't have a brewski. Where's the justice in that?
320 posts

Drinking from 18 at only a few beers isn't going to kill many brain cells. As long as you only drink a few. Personally I think it's absolutely stupid that you can't drink until you are 21. At 18 you are an adult and should know the consequences that you are imposing on yourself. So what if it damages brain cells. What you guys are talking about is getting hammered from drinking which is bloody bad at any age. Even chocolate destroys brain cells, you gonna want that taken away till you're 21 too?

Mind you I honestly can't care what age you have to drink there. My country lets you drink at 18. When you become an adult.

1,482 posts

Drinking from 18 at only a few beers isn't going to kill many brain cells. As long as you only drink a few.

Glad to hear you can control your self. Now just leave it up to common society to take you as their mighty role model and we'd all have the Drinking Age set to 12.

Sadly, that isn't going to happen. A friend of mine drove 100MPH after getting Drunk on a lane by his house and almost got himself killed. He doesn't do too hot in School either. I'm not sure if they correlate with Brain Cells -- But his life is obviously ****'d.
320 posts

Sadly, that isn't going to happen. A friend of mine drove 100MPH after getting Drunk on a lane by his house and almost got himself killed. He doesn't do too hot in School either. I'm not sure if they correlate with Brain Cells -- But his life is obviously ****'d.

I agree that alcohol is a dangerous drug. If not the worst out of all of em besides heroin or coke. There are 60 year olds who are dangerous drinkers and there are 18 year olds who are too. Let's face it alcoholism is an ugly thing.

3,224 posts

Sadly, that isn't going to happen. A friend of mine drove 100MPH after getting Drunk on a lane by his house and almost got himself killed. He doesn't do too hot in School either. I'm not sure if they correlate with Brain Cells -- But his life is obviously ****'d.

So we have to legislate for the idiotic minority? Honestly, people who drink drive deserve to have an accident, as they are endangering others, as well as themselves.

In any case, that's why there's laws on drink driving. Whatever you make the drinking age, there are still going to be idiots who break the law.
1,573 posts

Im sure every knock to the head wipes a few brain cells off the map as well. But we cannot treat everyone as if they are going to be a risk to society because of a minority of people who abuse something. It just doesnt work. Take this as an example...

In primary school, we must have been about 10 or sumthin, our teacher made our whole class stay back, because someone had nicked something, in the hopes they would own up ( I remember not what it was, prolly techers fave pen or somethin ). Sure we were sitting there going "what twat nicked the pen", but the general concensus of the class was "we dont give a darn". Eventually we all started standing up saying "I did it". In the end it backfired. Punishing the group only led to the class disliking the teacher and being annoyed at HER, not whoever stole the thing.

Dont punish the group for ones mistakes. I may dislike the person who caused disruption, but I darn well RESENT being punished for something thats not my fault, and the punisher gets the flakk.

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