but nObama is too much of a girl to declare war for one and nuke people second...
Every time you post I can just hear your thoughts, "You are a bored immature child. Do something to get attention." You're pathetic, just remember that.
He was the first president to not automatically condemn any/all actions by arabs and palestinians. he engages in and supports multi-nation talks instead of taking immediate action on international politics, which is really what matters in the long run.
Flag He was the first president to not automatically condemn any/all actions by arabs and palestinians. he engages in and supports multi-nation talks instead of taking immediate action on international politics, which is really what matters in the long run.
So he deserves the Noble Peace Prize because the left supports him, the right opposes him, and the middle has yet to critique him? In politics, it's impossible to tell which side is correct, and therefore it's impossible to judge actions as right or wrong. I'm not saying the direction Obama's taking is wrong, but it's not necessarily right either.
ok first off it wasnt technically his decision he won it and 2nd wat have any of the recent presidents done other then clinton ie the bushs they put our economy in a huge debt and obama doesnt hav much to work with so for now all he can do is keep doing wat hes doing which is talking big and all we can do is wait and see if he'll back it up
and one other thing for the people who say hes not a good president he hasnt been president for very long and hav you seen bush he;; bush was pushing for this war and i think we can all agree it was for the oil but then again maybe not this is an oppinion
sry to get a little off topic just hate to see people say obama is not a good president when we had bush... twice and tht really questions them cuz they voted for him twicewats their judgement value now
I'm not seeing a whole lot more than left-wing rhetoric in your posts. I'm not insulting the rhetoric itself, but I'm just not sure you know exactly what you're talking about. You seem to be echoing empty thoughts. In your posts, you didn't state why Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, and you didn't give any real reasons for why you hate Bush. You can blame the recession on him if you like, but there are many theories as to why it happened. Just out of curiosity, what is your theory? How do you think Bush caused the recession, and what evidence has led you to this conclusion? One last thing; I and a lot of other people on AG are grammar Nazis. Please edit your posts before you post them. It's a little hard to interpret.
Honestly you guys, getting the US out of a recession from a man YOU voted in for 8 years and is actually DOING something about it earns some kind of reward.
A: The recession is getting worse (if you want to go further into that, my messenger is the place). B: Did know Ghandi never won that prize while he was alive, despite being nominated many years in a row?
"The award came as a surprise even to the President himself, commenting, "To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformative figures.""
That is exactly along the lines of what famous people without a doubt say when/every time they win a big award or something of that nature.
And stop being like a prick and asking over and over again for evidence.
And people who are calling him a terrorist, you need to stop following Ron Paul blindly.
Fail award He wins it for stuff he's going to do. (Wtf?) He was humble enough to say he was humbled, but not humble enough to refuse it. I mean W-T-F , He hasn't done anything worth caring for. He's made quite a few promises, but really its a little freaky.
I mean I usually say not to be harsh on obama - Its not even half a frkin year yet, let it go. But I also think his first half year is going way off the road.