ForumsWEPRIf America was invaded!

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210 posts

Here is an interesting question, what if America was invaded by land, by another huge army. What I am saying is if both the east and west coast were invaded by millions of foot soldiers that would move across the entire country. Think of this if like a D-Day happened in America. So where would you go? What would you do? Would you fight or hide? Hey you never know if this could happen but America would probably have a nuke war before this happens.

  • 393 Replies
77 posts

If America does fall it will not be by war, any large attack would cause the deaths of everyone on the planet due to nuclear fallout. But America could collapse under economic pressure or states declaring independence.

6,800 posts

If America does fall it will not be by war, any large attack would cause the deaths of everyone on the planet due to nuclear fallout

Nuclear war is highly improbable due to the MAD theory.

But America could collapse under economic pressure or states declaring independence.

More likely. I personally believe it would be through civil unrest coupled with economic woes and regionalism.
37 posts

if america was invaded, i would lol.

but they have so many different militia groups, it would just be a really big gun fight.

1,434 posts

tsk tsk tsk.... ok.... i hate all this negative crap about America.

"Our economy is in the trash" ahem. methinks this link do nicely to tie that little detail up

"Generic EMP comment based on what you saw in a video game!" Russia is a democracy. "we be cool bro", if you wanted to put it in such a way

"we're so much weaker than we once were" The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower commands a 2mile radius wherever it goes and carries enough troops, guns, and planes to win a war with most countries across the world. Just one of our aircraft carriers, not even a ship loaded w/guns, can do just that.

Ok let's now establish how this thread is total fail. Let's look at America's biggest REALISTIC enemies. even a few fictitious ones.

cuba was the missile base for the Soviets back in the day, and now serves as a worthless island in the middle of a gulf with a failed government, a dictator, and poverty up the butt. They still have cars from the 1950's, just imagine their tanks.

Iran (pronounced Ee-rahn) is a main OPEC member with limited naval capacity, and an extremist muslim dictator. Most of the most powerful nations on the planet are Christianity-based (ugh... hail satan... but later) and have seen what effect truly powerful dictators can have (germany's still licking its wounds). Safe to say the USS's will be fighting with HMS's in that one.

Russia is the least likely on this list, but it's been so portrayed as the nation we're inevitable to go to war with, it's kind of necessary for me to mention it.

Not a member of the EU? Check.
Huge *** alliance w/ the most powerful nations in the world still in place that was originally put into place to eradicate you? Check.
3rd-world country status? Check. trust me. google it. Russia is now a 3rd world nation. get used to it.

1 vs 1 on their southern neighbor? they don't stand a chance. 1 vs 1 on the most powerful nation in the world? bye bye peninsula. Don't worry Seoul, we'll move you some where near japan. get you some robots.

Alright... this is the most likely.
how fitting. as a powerful country status, we're the youngest. France, Britain, Germany, they've been around for a good millenia. We've just sprouted up in the past 200+ years. China was one of the first civilizations of man EVER, actually, probably the first. China has South Korea to its east (ally), Japan to its far east (non-militarized ally, but that could change in a war-time scenario), Russia to its north (ally), Australia to the south (ally), and its only friends are that speck north Korea and... yea... that little speck North Korea.

Now, i dont want to hear any of this Nuclear War bull****. the leaders of china are educated, unlike the Koreans, they know that if one too many bombs go off, its curtains for yellow and white people alike. Again, huge navy of UK, USA, and the like united in that pacific ocean? I don't care if you have 2 billion people, if they're all underpaid, underfed, and low on morale after the immense amount of NATO members follow suit w/the US after the initial war is declared, they'll surrender, and america shall prevail.

The main point? don't be pessimisstic. America has defeated its own share of superpowers and saved the world from global evil on more than one occasion, and it will do it again. Us 50 (and Puerto Rico...and Guam.... and you too Candada ^_^) are safe.

93 posts

i would laugh like a monkey while watching it on my (then) flying television in my hovercraft on the other side of the globe i dont think america will be invaded SOON but like everything else it is inevitable somebody sometime america will fall and russia/china/england one of them will take its place as a superpower oh maybe india (I AM NOT chinese russian american britian or indian)

622 posts

3rd-world country

That is quite a vague term. A third world country from what perspective? Surely, not on economic grounds, with it being the twelfth largest economy.

I don't care if you have 2 billion people, if they're all underpaid, underfed, and low on morale

If my memory serves me right, the Chinese military is quite well off. Also, I'm certain they wouldn't be low on morale when they (or any country, for that matter) would be faced with a hostile on their soil. The possibility of cyber-warfare is conceivable as well.

Then again, the odds that the US would be faced with an invasion are almost negligible. A nation would be better off exploiting the economic incentives it would gain from an alliance with the US than show hostility towards it.
5,043 posts

ChillzMaster, I would reward you a merit for your post if I could. Very reasoned, and maps are always a plus!

3,437 posts

America has nothing to fear!

I'm sure the Romans said the same thing.

3rd-world country

I don't know if you used this correctly. 3rd-world countries are countries that have little to no industrialization, and poor economic stability. Russia has industry and decent stability ecomonically wise. This would place them as a 1st-world country.

Alright... this is the most likely.

I beg to differ. Yes, America and China have tensions, however, recentrly they have been working together to stop North Korea's weapon testing. China is no fan of North Korea seeing as China still places a claim to own the land of North and South Korea (ancient history).

Japan to its far east (non-militarized ally, but that could change in a war-time scenario)

I would deem this unlikely because it would breach the treaty the Japanese signed with their surrender at the end of WWII. Even in a war Japan wouldn't conscript for military purposes because their society believes in honour and to breach the treaty would be considered dishonourable and shameful. Most of the Japanese military support already comes from America.

We've just sprouted up in the past 200+ years. China was one of the first civilizations of man EVER, actually, probably the first.

Yes, but America was not built from the ground up as many civilizations. America was founded by an already existing system what was able to control the growth of their colonies. The colonies were protected, and the idea was one of exploitation. However, when America revolted against British rule they did so in a fashion that would not destroy their foundations, which has happened throughout history.

China on the other hand has a distinct society. Rife with revolutions that killed millions and several bloody civil wars it is no wonder that by the 20th Century China was still, by and large, an Agricultural economy. China has also, always had an isolationist policy, along with Japan and Korea. It's sad to think that the Chinese were the inventors of siesmographs, clocks and various other inventions before their time, only to lose that creative energy admist civil war, poor government and insular outlooks. Had history gone differently China very well have been a super-power before America.
922 posts

[quote]3rd-world country

I don't know if you used this correctly. 3rd-world countries are countries that have little to no industrialization, and poor economic stability. Russia has industry and decent stability ecomonically wise. This would place them as a 1st-world country.[/quote]

My russian friend said taht this is becasue of all the native/tribe people there

[quote]We've just sprouted up in the past 200+ years. China was one of the first civilizations of man EVER, actually, probably the first.

Yes, but America was not built from the ground up as many civilizations. America was founded by an already existing system what was able to control the growth of their colonies. The colonies were protected, and the idea was one of exploitation. However, when America revolted against British rule they did so in a fashion that would not destroy their foundations, which has happened throughout history. [/quote]

Excactly. I agree with you so much. So all you americans don't say taht kind of bull****

Had history gone differently China very well have been a super-power before America.

Yes. And then I wonder how WW2 would go, china would help us I guess.

but poland is just like england, only with fewer polish people

I don't know if I should treat that as an offence. And how is poland just like england?!
3,437 posts

Yes. And then I wonder how WW2 would go, china would help us I guess

There's already been a WW2...China played a crucial role in that war. Not many people would ever admit this, simply because they are uninformed of this. China was the first nation in WW2 to begin fighting, they of course, fought Japan. Japan slaughtered the Chinese, however, the Japanese also beat a few Russian armies on their march north. The Russians stationed an army on their eastern front, not to attack Japan, but to simply discourage Japan from attacking them. It wasn't until the Americans began threatening the Japanese islands that China won decisive victories over some of Japans most elite armies.
384 posts

China and North Korea vs. USA and South Korea in a puppet war.

93 posts

Psycho how would china and north Korea even get into war with America IF the went into war something would happen but why would they...

3,437 posts

Psycho how would china and north Korea even get into war with America IF the went into war something would happen but why would they...

North Korea doesn't need a reason for a war. Actually no one does. Why is there a war in Iraq? Oh sure there are "justifcations" but as humans do we really need a reason to kill?
337 posts

China and North Korea vs. USA and South Korea in a puppet war.

That is exactly what I was thinking.
1,017 posts

I'm not too worried about China invading, and even if they did the war would be over quickly, as their food supplies run out and starvation overwhelms the army, and the people.

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