ForumsWEPRIs religion insanity (justified)?

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5,552 posts

Think about it, what is religion? The belief in something that cannot be proven, that has many, many things that as of yet we have found impossible, and in many people, it is unshakeable. Now I am not saying that all religious people are going to go kill someone or end up in an assylum, but think, in every religion, the basis is something that cannot be know, but is only faith. Faith in something that could turn out to be wrong, faith in something that you have absolutely no way of knowing. Also, think how many of these religions started, some person got a message from a "god" that told them what to do. Don't go crazy on me, I just want people to think about it.

  • 379 Replies
145 posts

You are a very unintelligent little boy. The church does not say that atheists go to hell.

Nice arrogance. We learned in my religion class "PSR"... basically Hebrew school for Catholics lol, but you're catholic so I'm sure you knew that. We learned that Catholics go to Heaven, other branches of Christianity goes to pergertory (sorry for misspelling) and all other religions go to hell. So yeah Catholicism does teach that Atheists go to hell.

the catholic church doesnt teach to discriminate against gays. the bible says that homosexualitly is a serious sin though.

Even if it doesn't teach to discriminate against gays it doesn't stop it. People have been excommunicated from the church for being gay and Atheist, just wondered if you knew that.

. the bible also doesn't discriminate against women. when jesus was resurrected, the first people he saw were women. he always included women.

Didn't say that, I said "many religions" do which is true. It is also true that Christians early on did and still do discriminate against women. i.e not letting them be priests.
676 posts

Think about it, by not doing this research and supporting not doing it you are indirectly killing hundreds... THOUSANDS of people every day.

theres always that possibitly that one of those unborns had the potential to cure sicknesses, without killing other unborns

I know that it's not true. But many people cling to it as fact, including most priests and other officials. So religion is still being closed minded, even if not all its followers are as closed minded as its teachings.

every organization has some corruption, some have alot. jsut like in sports, there's the human element. people believe what they want to believe and look at the bible differently and take different things from it. alot of times, they get the wrong ideas out of it. the vatican try to teach people what it is trying to say, but alot of people dont listen and go around preaching incorrectly. it happens everywhere

were not letting you catch up lol. this must be so confusing to people trying to read this lol
2,520 posts

Nice arrogance. We learned in my religion class "PSR"... basically Hebrew school for Catholics lol, but you're catholic so I'm sure you knew that. We learned that Catholics go to Heaven, other branches of Christianity goes to pergertory (sorry for misspelling) and all other religions go to hell. So yeah Catholicism does teach that Atheists go to hell.

I'm sorry, you have been taught incorrectly.

Even if it doesn't teach to discriminate against gays it doesn't stop it. People have been excommunicated from the church for being gay and Atheist, just wondered if you knew that.

Why are you lying to me

Didn't say that, I said "many religions" do which is true. It is also true that Christians early on did and still do discriminate against women. i.e not letting them be priests.

Men can't be Nuns
676 posts

Why does a man of God need a whole dam palace anyway?

its not a palace, its a state of being, you could call it another "dimesion", for lack of a better word

Slim possibility, and might I add not a good rebuttal. Sorry.

doesn't matter, no one's going to gain any ground on this topic, they probably have a huge thread on it somewhere
2,520 posts

Slim possibility, and might I add not a good rebuttal. Sorry.

Uh, and that was?

And so have you, sorry. Like I said before read your bible. It clearly states what I'm saying is true.

I'm terribly sorry, but I must encourage you to understand that you are making a fool out of yourself.

>.> Google it I'm sure you'll find stories. I saw a story recently on MTV about a gay teen who was excommunicated from the church. And yes it was a true story, and it wasn't a movie lol. It was a news story. I know I know, hard to believe from MTV.

Yes, Homosexuals are to be excommunicated. It is a mortal sin that is specifically condemned by the church.

Hmm touche. But religions that don't have nuns or positions for women don't allow women to be major parts in their religion. Islam is one example.

We are not talking about Islam.

The vatican is the source of all this bigotry, and where bigots get their ideas. Yeah the Vatican gives, but not as much as they could or should. Why does a man of God need a whole dam palace anyway? The Vatican in Catholicism has final say in excommunications, or hell ****ation basically and they do it to gays and atheists a lot.

No, God does, silly.
676 posts

Do you realize how much faster the process would be if Religion would allow the research?

religon protests against it, but its up to the government on how fast the research will go. please tell how religon doesn't allow the research, i don't know any reasons currently so i can't respond very well.
145 posts

doesn't matter, no one's going to gain any ground on this topic, they probably have a huge thread on it somewhere

Agreed, let's talk about abortion there some other time, this is a religion thread lol.

its not a palace, its a state of being, you could call it another "dimesion", for lack of a better word

Ummmmm I don't think the humble teachings of Jesus wanted the leader of his religion to own basically a city. He should sell the vatican, in parts if neccessary and donate the money to worthy charities. That's what Jesus would have wanted. Or make the Vatican into a homeless shelter or SOMETHING more productive than a home for greedy religious officials.
9,821 posts

is correct on moral issues.

There is no definite right or wrong, it's based on your perspective. The Bible is correct for your moral perspective, not necessarily overall. Fail.

its immoral


We are not talking about Islam.

He is talking about religion as a whole, focusing on Catholicism. Read his arguments.
2,520 posts

Ummmmm I don't think the humble teachings of Jesus wanted the leader of his religion to own basically a city. He should sell the vatican, in parts if neccessary and donate the money to worthy charities. That's what Jesus would have wanted. Or make the Vatican into a homeless shelter or SOMETHING more productive than a home for greedy religious officials.

It is used for councils, not to mention that Vatican city DOES have citizens.

He is talking about religion as a whole, focusing on Catholicism. Read his arguments.

Then we shall talk about Catholicism.
1,026 posts

Ummmmm I don't think the humble teachings of Jesus wanted the leader of his religion to own basically a city.  He should sell the vatican, in parts if neccessary and donate the money to worthy charities.  That's what Jesus would have wanted.  Or make the Vatican into a homeless shelter or SOMETHING more productive than a home for greedy religious officials.

Yes, but I wouldn't exactly call them "greedy".
9,821 posts

Then we shall talk about Catholicism.

WTF? No, you won't. You'lltalk about religion as a whole, focusing on Catholicism. Don't bend the circumstances because you can't argue some of his points against religion.

I know you and cowmaster don't think this, but you're losing. Really, really badly. You guys should read up on how to debate and how to be logical, because you really can't do it here. You're losing and you don't even know it.
1,633 posts


Yes, Homosexuals are to be excommunicated. It is a mortal sin that is specifically condemned by the church.

So its a sin to be created differently? God just intentionally put one of his children who he loves in to Inferno. Homosexuality isn't a choice; its a hormone disorder.

We are not talking about Islam.

Then why can't women be Archbishops or Cardinals... Or even the Pope?!

No, God does, silly.

Funny thing. Jesus was telling me to give all my worldly possessions to the poor and to be thrifty... So why does God/Jesus need massive temples?
2,520 posts

I know you and cowmaster don't think this, but you're losing. Really, really badly. You guys should read up on how to debate and how to be logical, because you really can't do it here. You're losing and you don't even know it.

I'm afraid I cannot see what that has to do with this debate. I am embarrassed for you and your pitiful attempts to divert attention from the fact that we have handed your butts to you on a silver platter.

145 posts

We are not talking about Islam.

I thought we were talking about religion as a whole?

No, God does, silly.

Please offer valid points in the future and refrain from using your imaginary friend as a response. Thank you.

Yes, Homosexuals are to be excommunicated. It is a mortal sin that is specifically condemned by the church.

Was that sarcasm? Because that's the hatred and bigotry I'm talking about right there.

I'm terribly sorry, but I must encourage you to understand that you are making a fool out of yourself.

Um not really, you're the one who won't even read your own bible to check your own facts. You don't even have to read it, google it. dam.

Yes, but I wouldn't exactly call them "greedy".

Aren't they?

It is used for councils, not to mention that Vatican city DOES have citizens.

Yes, 300 citizens who are all Catholics living on their leader's every word. It's mainly a living quarters friend. So yeah, I stand by what I said.
1,633 posts

I'm afraid I cannot see what that has to do with this debate. I am embarrassed for you and your pitiful attempts to divert attention from the fact that we have handed your butts to you on a silver platter.


Wow.... you have to resort to insults... fail. contribute something plz!

Yes, but I wouldn't exactly call them "greedy".

I would.
Showing 91-105 of 379