Think about it, what is religion? The belief in something that cannot be proven, that has many, many things that as of yet we have found impossible, and in many people, it is unshakeable. Now I am not saying that all religious people are going to go kill someone or end up in an assylum, but think, in every religion, the basis is something that cannot be know, but is only faith. Faith in something that could turn out to be wrong, faith in something that you have absolutely no way of knowing. Also, think how many of these religions started, some person got a message from a "god" that told them what to do. Don't go crazy on me, I just want people to think about it.
man did chose him though God's influence. from what i read, you're supporting the side saying there is no God. Yet you just said that God exists in that statement. i don't know if you believe in God or not, but there was no need to make an insult like that.
God did not influence man to choose a retard to be become pope, the same retard who made it possible for rapists to go unpunished.
In government, if someone rapes a man, they are stripped of their position and thrown in prison. Sure, atheists have raped people and gotten away with it, but that's out of luck rather than government protection.
Hating homosexuals because it's a sin is the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard and if you honestly think homosexuality is a major sin, then your mother didn't slap you enough when you were a child.
Hating homosexuals because it's a sin is the biggest crock of **** I have ever heard and if you honestly think homosexuality is a major sin, then your mother didn't slap you enough when you were a child.
Perhaps not, but your father obviously beats you We don't hate homosexuals, we simply teach that it is wrong.
[/quote]n government, if someone rapes a man, they are stripped of their position and thrown in prison. Sure, atheists have ***** people and gotten away with it, but that's out of luck rather than government protection.[quote]
There is protection or them because other Catholics want to hurt them for their sins. I know that is hypocrisy, but that's why they are protected. They are stripped of their position.
So I have to ask you all. What are you belives based apon? What mommy and daddy pounded into your head since you were old enough to stand it?
And how mnay of you have read the bible from start to finish? If you do, it supports slavary, says nothing about homosexuals, and half of the things it does say, the church went against.
what I'm saying is, The church is a very selective organization. Slavary, the bible said it was ok, however after the 13th amedment was passed, the church suddenly supported it's biggest allie, the goverment. Then, when women decided they were equal, the church opposed it. And the bible said Women shall serve man. But after women won out, the church changed again.
what I'm saying is, The church is a very selective organization. Slavary, the bible said it was ok, however after the 13th amedment was passed, the church suddenly supported it's biggest allie, the goverment. Then, when women decided they were equal, the church opposed it. And the bible said Women shall serve man. But after women won out, the church changed again.
deserteagle If you let a atheist and a true believer in the Word of God stand side by side and tested if a snake bit them what would hapen? Well, they would both get bit, only the atheist would get sick or die cause the Christian's belief in the power of the Holy Spirit to protect him would make the snake bite harmless, obviously.
Can I have a link to this experiment? If give me a youtube video or some kind of evidence that shows a theist and an atheist being injected with the same kind and the same amount of venom; and the theist live... then you can make that assumption. Because you can not supply me with this information, I do not believe that God had affected your Dad's survival. ]
There are children out there who were molested in the church, and because of the church, the priests were never imprisoned and the victims were never able to sue or anything! The pope's a douche.
You think the bible says homosexuality is wrong?
The bible states that if a woman has sex before she is married, she should be stoned to death. If you get married to a girl who isn't a virgin, then you better take a stone and bash her skull in or you will go to hell! You go to hell and you die!
The bible states that if a woman has sex before she is married, she should be stoned to death. If you get married to a girl who isn't a virgin, then you better take a stone and bash her skull in or you will go to hell! You go to hell and you die!
That still doesn't change what I said. The bible still suggests you stone any woman who lost her virginity before marriage.
What atheists have or have not done is not important. I am talking about what the bible says, not what people do. What the bible says, is often BS, and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Youtube videos are not evidence. Including the ones you always post.
What the bible says, is often BS, and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Well, the first half of that sentence (ironically) is BS. But people (especially atheists) take the bible too seriously. I mean, you guys think all Christians believe God literally made the Earth in 7 days.