ForumsWEPRIs religion insanity (justified)?

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5,552 posts

Think about it, what is religion? The belief in something that cannot be proven, that has many, many things that as of yet we have found impossible, and in many people, it is unshakeable. Now I am not saying that all religious people are going to go kill someone or end up in an assylum, but think, in every religion, the basis is something that cannot be know, but is only faith. Faith in something that could turn out to be wrong, faith in something that you have absolutely no way of knowing. Also, think how many of these religions started, some person got a message from a "god" that told them what to do. Don't go crazy on me, I just want people to think about it.

  • 379 Replies
9,821 posts

I'm afraid I cannot see what that has to do with this debate. I am embarrassed for you and your pitiful attempts to divert attention from the fact that we have handed your butts to you on a silver platter.


You guys have your entire argument based on pure rhetoric. No support whatsoever. You're in this little bubble tat makes you see you as winning. Half of your rebuttals aren't even tangentially related to what you're being smashed with. You guys should reread this argument, and anyone would agree that you're not properly debating in any way and fail to grasp the points of your opponents. You guys haven't put up more than one or two decent rebuttals this entire debate, and you continue to brag on your argument. Please, be a bit less narcissistic. You're not destroying us at all. In fact, neither you, cow, or Sarg have supported your arguments, so all three of you aren't debating properly and all three of you are basically saying "you're wrong because you're wrong and I'm right cuz I am!" and that's all. From an unbiased standpoint, you guys aren't even debating, you're quarreling.
2,520 posts

I thought we were talking about religion as a whole?

I am Catholic, so I agree on your views on other religions.

[/quote]Please offer valid points in the future and refrain from using your imaginary friend as a response. Thank you.

He does. I'm sorry, are you too stupid to understand that?

[quote]Um not really, you're the one who won't even read your own bible to check your own facts. You don't even have to read it, google it. dam.

Lol, are you really going to keep hanging on to that?

Aren't they?

Are you aware of how much the church gives to charity every year?

Yes, 300 citizens who are all Catholics living on their leader's every word. It's mainly a living quarters friend. So yeah, I stand by what I said.

The Vatican is being nice enough to build houses to shelter the less fortunate. Almost all the population was once homeless.
1,066 posts

Religion actually keeps a lot of cultures at peace and gives faith to the people that read it.

1,633 posts

Religion actually keeps a lot of cultures at peace and gives faith to the people that read it.

try telling that to the Taliban... >_<
996 posts

Religion actually keeps a lot of cultures at peace and gives faith to the people that read it.

It is also the main catalyst of the Iraeli-Palestinian War, the volatility of Iraq, and the Afghanistan War (Taliban).
145 posts

He does. I'm sorry, are you too stupid to understand that?

Ehem, proof please? Or even just any evidence that contradicts science? Didn't think so >.>

Lol, are you really going to keep hanging on to that?

Yeah, and just because you don't want to be proven wrong doesn't mean I won't mention it again and again.

Are you aware of how much the church gives to charity every year?

You mean the money that they get from the common poor people? They don't even give as much as they could, they have to spend it on their churches and palace they call the Vatican.

The Vatican is being nice enough to build houses to shelter the less fortunate. Almost all the population was once homeless.

Congratz to them, they made 300 people have homes with millions more still go without. Yep their nice.
1,720 posts

Comment removed by a moderator.

9,821 posts

It was also behind the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, all the Roman crucifixions and junk . . . . .

Religion has done lots of good and lots of bad - generally the individuals of a religion are the good ones, and the collective actions of the religion tend to be more bad.

5,552 posts

The church does not say that atheists go to hell.

Ohhh yes it does. Maybe not directly, but it's more of a, "if you don't believe in me you burn forever" type of thing.

the bible also doesn't discriminate against women

LOL!!! Have you EVER read the bible? There are so many sexist things in it, it's amazing it hasn't come up in a women's rights convention.

I doubt you would be eager to be sacrificed for the sake of a cure

You can't be eager if you are unaware.

Religion actually keeps a lot of cultures at peace and gives faith to the people that read it.

Have you watched the news in the past....10 years? Have you heard of the crusades? Do you know how many wars have been fought of religion?

Religion has done lots of good and lots of bad

Much more bad than good. All religion has ever done is give people something to believe in when there's no hope, other than that, it's been the deaths of who knows how many.
9,462 posts

I'm afraid I cannot see what that has to do with this debate. I am embarrassed for you and your pitiful attempts to divert attention from the fact that we have handed your butts to you on a silver platter.
618 posts

deserteagle If you let a atheist and a true believer in the Word of God stand side by side and tested if a snake bit them what would hapen? Well, they would both get bit, only the atheist would get sick or die cause the Christian's belief in the power of the Holy Spirit to protect him would make the snake bite harmless, obviously.

5,043 posts

Yes, Homosexuals are to be excommunicated. It is a mortal sin that is specifically condemned by the church.

It's funny as hell, because the Vatican has this thing where they must protect their image at all costs. This means that anything the church does wrong will be hidden from public. You know all those priests who molested children? Our retarded ass pope actually helped create a system to protect those priests and to keep them out of trouble as if nothing happened! Our current pope is a retard, God never chose him... man did.

Not everyone believes in the church, and for good reason! Maybe your religion is wrong. Maybe you should slice off a piece of your dick in the name of God.

Not all churches are bad. Not all priests are bad. However, the church is a super power that does strive to control what people think and believe in (for the sake of gaining more power and money).

Cell phones bad for your soul.

Condoms don't stop AIDs

Look at these claims!

If you think homosexuality is bad just because it's supposedly a sin, you are very mislead.
1,026 posts

However, the church is a super power that does strive to control what people think and believe in (for the sake of gaining more power and money).

Well, the Church does have a rocky history, but I believe in Jesus, not the Church.
676 posts

WTF? No, you won't. You'lltalk about religion as a whole, focusing on Catholicism. Don't bend the circumstances because you can't argue some of his points against religion.

are we going to talk as religon in a whole, or catholism. i don't really care about religon in a whole, ive already said what i wanted to say about religon as a whole and im not repeating myself. this is not admitting defeat for those who will quote this paragraph and probably leave out this sentence. i just really can't defend all religon as a whole, there's way to many religons, some are, some aren't. its kinda like asking if civilization is insanity, some is, some isn't. i will the defend christian side though.

In fact, neither you, cow, or Sarg have supported your arguments, so all three of you aren't debating properly and all three of you are basically saying "you're wrong because you're wrong and I'm right cuz I am!" and that's all. From an unbiased standpoint, you guys aren't even debating, you're quarreling.

i really dont think there's a way to debate inproperly. also you basically just said "wrong right and im right cuz i say" if we're debating wrong, then i assume you think you're debating right, am i wrong?

There is no definite right or wrong, it's based on your perspective. The Bible is correct for your moral perspective, not necessarily overall. Fail

get your head out of your ass. i said in that post, it could be incorrect some truths. please tell where you think it is wrong overall please, if you think that.

and for all those who keep trying to bash religon for "discriminating against women", that happens everywhere, religon or no religon. it happens in our society alot.
Then why can't women be Archbishops or Cardinals... Or even the Pope?!

why can't women play in the NFL, for the longest time, they couldn't vote. women are downgraded all the time in commericals and shows by the thing called "sex sells". terms like hor, slut, bitch are used commonly to describe women. our society is so perfect, isn't it. and thats only sexism. what about racism? society discrimminates a hell of a lot more than religon
676 posts

isn't "fail" an insult? if you going to try and burn someone by saying they resort to insults, please don't add an insult yourself in the sentence

I would

that's very nice to know, know please contribute something, you just repeated basically what

quote]Funny thing. Jesus was telling me to give all my worldly possessions to the poor and to be thrifty... So why does God/Jesus need massive temples?[/quote]
Ummmmm I don't think the humble teachings of Jesus wanted the leader of his religion to own basically a city. He should sell the vatican, in parts if neccessary and donate the money to worthy charities. That's what Jesus would have wanted. Or make the Vatican into a homeless shelter or SOMETHING more productive than a home for greedy religious officials.

Jesus doesn't have a massive temple, people who worship Jesus build them. also, the pope doesn't own the city, he has a couple pairs of clothing, a cross, a bible, his ring, and his pastoral staff. he lives in an small apartment. he doesnt own any city. the vatican is a country, it has its own government. Basically here, you are telling the church to give everything away, yet you'll never do that, thats alittle hypocritcal

Congratz to them, they made 300 people have homes with millions more still go without. Yep their nice.

thats more than youve done. name some nonchristian organizations that have house the homeless, don't say the government either, they take as many people out of homes as they do put in homes, many more. there are countless christian charities around the world trying to end world hunger, and homelessness.

It's funny as hell, because the Vatican has this thing where they must protect their image at all costs. This means that anything the church does wrong will be hidden from public. You know all those priests who molested children

its also funny as hell, because every government has this thing where they must protect their image at all costs. the has said that they have done wrong. everything is going to do wrong, its human. do you know all those atheists who have molested children?

Our current pope is a retard, God never chose him... man did.

man did chose him though God's influence. from what i read, you're supporting the side saying there is no God. Yet you just said that God exists in that statement. i don't know if you believe in God or not, but there was no need to make an insult like that.

However, the church is a super power that does strive to control what people think and believe in (for the sake of gaining more power and money).

so do all governments, and organizations.
Showing 106-120 of 379