ForumsWEPRUniversal health care

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Who thinks we all need health care? I mean it may be expensive but canada did it germany did it, and there system works. I hope they pass the health care bill.

  • 83 Replies
9,821 posts

15% of Americans don't have health insurance and that is not a reason to screw over the 85% that do.

There is an in-between. As long as the 15% have any insurance, even bad insurance, it's better than none and if it just so happens that the government is the provider doesn't mean that the welfare of our economy is shot.

Health insurance is out there for anyone to purchase, but is highly regulated by the government. Government regulation leads to higher prices for insurance than it would be if it were allowed to reach economic equilibrium. In a free, unregulated market, both producers and consumers come out on top.

Government regulations tend to make an industry incapable to reach either its pinnacle or its lowest point, which is a bit of a trade-off - but not always a bad thing. A completely free market is unpredictable enough that it may not follow through and reach that equilibrium where produced and consumer come out on top. It may continue to grow into an impregnable paradise or it may plummet into a third-world state - it's a total gamble, because of the unpredictability of an unregulated free market.
338 posts

Ok, I dont know very many people but almost anyone I know who 'have' insure still cant afford to go to the doc. because all their insurance does for them is reimburses them the money they spent. But the thing is they dont have that money in the 1st place.
In my town, maybe 9-6,000 people. There is a lady who is going to die from brain cancer because she did have the money to go to the doctor when it was treatable. Thats fucked up. Oh, and I know a guy who has grand mal seizures, has insurance, but does have the fucking money to go see a neurologist to help him.
That is fucked up.
So I donât care how logical you can make it sound your WRONG.

527 posts

i hope they dotn, its a stupid idea

653 posts

The benefits of universal health care outweigh the risks. Yeah, its probably gonna be a crappy system but, that doesn't mean it won't be improved in the future.

996 posts

15% of Americans don't have health insurance and that is not a reason to screw over the 85% that do.

Either you need to learn about the tax system, or you need to stop saying things you know are untrue.

Not all 85% of people who have healthcare would be taxed, as it depends upon your salary.
One thing you need to take into consideration.

What if it were you? Part time job, maybe two of them, no benefits, can only pay rent/food/small chance events. You get into a car crash, or for some reason you need a major surgery. Your credit score as you know it just ended. The possibility of you getting to the social status you want to in life just ended. The chance of an enjoyable life just ended.

If you'd like that, then don't pay taxes.
3,224 posts

The benefits of universal health care outweigh the risks. Yeah, its probably gonna be a crappy system but, that doesn't mean it won't be improved in the future.

Fundamentally, I agree with this statement, although I have to say, one of the biggest problems with US healthcare seems to be the attitude of the public.

You want efficiency and low cost? The privatised US healthcare system is among the worst in the developed world in that regard. Due to your insurance based system, it encourages doctors to recommend more expensive treatments, so heightening the cost.

Public discussion needs to take place to correct the hugely distorted perceptions in the US, about how public healthcare works, as a large part of the problem seems to be that many US citizens genuinely believe that public healthcare would be a worse option than the current system. For example, it is common to assume that no one has a choice of doctor in a European national health service, which is not at all the case.

There's also been an overconcentration on the Canadian system - a sysetm which makes it very difficult to have private medical care, whereas in Western Europe, public healthcare schemes are free at the point of delivery to all, yet also allow for private care in addition to the state service.

Just look at the Indian state of Kerala. They are a good example of a functioniing, efficient healthcare system which provides healthcare for all, ata relatively low cost.
3,562 posts

since both of my parents are doctors, I disagree with universal health care, because it lowers incentive among doctors. My father said when he went up to Canada to do a presentation on anesthesiology for obese patience he told me that doctors clock out at a certain time and if it is not their time to work, they will no want to because there is no incentive to do so. However in America, if it is not your shift and you work that night, you will be paid a bonus which is marked down into a point system. The loss of motivation to work as a doctor bottle necks the health care profession. There is a reason why American doctors are some of the best in the world, because of the money incentive lots of people apply to become doctors and with competition, only the best get the job.

1,416 posts

I am denied insurance from every private company because of my OCD. Even if I select the option to pay for my meds, I'm still denied. I do not qualify for the state plan either. At the moment, the only way I can get insurance is to move to, and become a citizen of a country with Universal Health Care. How fair is that?

All I'm asking for is a bit of decent health care coverage. Even though I'm fully for banning health insurance for profit, I know that's not something Americans will accept. So for now, all I'm asking for is a public option to help me out. I don't want to worry about a broken ankle costing me two months worth of pay checks. All I'm asking for is a little help.

338 posts

am denied insurance from every private company because of my OCD. Even if I select the option to pay for my meds, I'm still denied. I do not qualify for the state plan either. At the moment, the only way I can get insurance is to move to, and become a citizen of a country with Universal Health Care. How fair is that?

I know what you're saying. But Im lucky, because Im poor I get health care from the government. But I will never be able to make money and get insurance because of 'er existing condition'. Now that is fucked up.

There is a reason why American doctors are some of the best in the world, because of the money incentive lots of people apply to become doctors and with competition, only the best get the job.

What if, for the rest of the world, its not about money. Wow, thats fucked up isnt it. :P
1,416 posts

There is a reason why American doctors are some of the best in the world, because of the money incentive lots of people apply to become doctors and with competition, only the best get the job.

They are the best doctors in the world if you have money. Unfortunately, that screws a good portion of Americans. 25% of people are not covered, and an additional 15-20% are under covered. If you're lucky to be in the top half of Americans, then you are fine. But the bottom half is not fine. That needs to change.

2,837 posts

Only 15% are not covered... Don't inflate data.

Either you need to learn about the tax system, or you need to stop saying things you know are untrue.

I didn't say they would be paying it in taxes. It will raise all current insurance premiums. And it will force many people happy with their insurace into the Government plan.
9,821 posts

@ List and Bal

Various studies have shown anywhere from 15.3 to 29% of Americans are uninsured.

A good way to pay for this would be to raise taxes on stuff like cigarettes and alcohol, and legalize marijuana and heavily tax it too. That would give us a few billion dollars quick and easy. The soda tax thing would help too. Or maybe taking some of our defense budget and putting it into this.

Part of the reason America is in so much debt is because since our formation we haven't paid back a cent of it. We still owe France for their help with the Revolutionary War, for example.

A public option would help a lot of people - it's a worthy trade-off for some people to have to pay more to give insurance to more people, especially if it may be a matter of life or death. About 2000 Americans have died due to not having enough money for healthcare - one kid died from a toothache that went untreated and spread to his brain, for example. It can't be denied that there is a major problem with our healthcare system, and having a public option will help it immensely at the discomfort of a bunch of well-off people. I'd rather have living poor people and living yet disgruntled middle-class people than a bunch of happy middle-class people and a bunch of dead poor people.

938 posts

I'd rather have living poor people and living yet disgruntled middle-class people than a bunch of happy middle-class people and a bunch of dead poor people.

Really? My mentality on this is a bit different, but basically the same.
My way is to make a test that is extremely hard and make the poor people take it. Anyone who passes gets the healthcare, while the others go to gas chambers that are spread out and located in what at one point was Nebraska.

...anywho, most of the poor people are people who messed up in life and spent all their money on drugs, alcohol, etc.
I say screw them and let the people who became poor through no fault of their own get healthcare. That way we would have relatively happy middle class people and some living and some dead poor people. In my mind this will work out well.
3,562 posts

A good way to pay for this would be to raise taxes on stuff like cigarettes and alcohol

false... raising taxes will only cause the market for BM goods to rise. cigarettes are already 8-10 dollars a carton, the cigarette companies only get about 1 dollar of those sales.

About 2000 Americans have died due to not having enough money for healthcare

that should raise incentive to find work, instead of lounging around.

I'd rather have living poor people and living yet disgruntled middle-class people than a bunch of happy middle-class people and a bunch of dead poor people.

also, that might not happen because usually the middle class outvotes the lower class, it is only in the recent election has the lower class outvoted the middle class.
3,224 posts

that should raise incentive to find work, instead of lounging around.

You can have all the incentive you want, but that doesn't matter if there simply aren't enough jobs to go around. I don't really see laziness as a big factor in employment rates when talking about the US, considering how minimal your welfare is.
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