Who thinks we all need health care? I mean it may be expensive but canada did it germany did it, and there system works. I hope they pass the health care bill.
Animal Farm is a fun book, and the mantra you stated is the only truly valid point there is in the book.
it wasnt a fun book. you guys should learn to stop misquoting books and taking them out of context.
Naw. Too busy watching a show about puppies to appreciate jokes, lol. It's sapping my wariness.
because you havent read the book obviously
I think not all people are equal, but wealth doesn't determine how equal or unequal you are
obviously not, because there is social classes.
I'm not going to argue the practicality of Universal Health Care.
because there isnt practicality, basically we pay taxes so people who cant afford it get medical care. again this is totally like the democrats in effect "taking money" from the upper class and giving it to the lower class (upper class have to pay more money in relation to the middle and lower class). Obviously this would create problems as the poor people will lose the incentive to find a job (for health insurance and monetary means) Other than that none of anyone's argument makes sense. This thread basically divides people in two groups, those who give S*** about the lower class and those who dont.
Part of the reason America is in so much debt is because since our formation we haven't paid back a cent of it. We still owe France for their help with the Revolutionary War, for example.
Uhh thats not true bill Clinton paid all of it back but George w bush spent so much on the wars we have so much debt. this is why were screwed and have no health care system.
Lol Danb, you mistook that entire conversation. I *did* read Animal Farm, and the thing about the show had nothing to do with Animal Farm. I think you quoted everything wrong >.>
I thought it was a fun book. It was a fictional tale about communist animals.