ForumsGamesModern Warfare 2

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This thread is for anything related to Modern Warfare 2. Post your classes, reviews, glitches you found,random talk about the game, or anything else. Although if you wanna talk about, and see other peoples tactics/strategys for playing MW2, then go here: because I don't want to repeat a topic.

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AND: does anyone else think that the issue of boosting is kind of subsiding? I mean, I don't really play a lot of FFA anyways, but still. And another thing: I think people are learning to shoot down air support more readily now. Opinions?

As for boosting, I just started playing free for all alot over the last week, and I have never run into boosters, so I really don't think they are a problem. if anything, I want to run into boosters so I can end their killstreaks :O

As for shooting down air support, I did notice that, and let me tell you, it annoys the hell out of me. If I'm going for the nuke, the only way my harriers ever get kills is with the airstrike, and I usually only get 3-5 kills with the chopper gunner before it gets shot down. And about 50% of the time I don't get any kills with it at all. So when I'm going for a nuke, I usually have to get 20 out of the 25 kills by myslef becasue everyone shoots down air support.

I understand how its important to shoot down airsupport, but I think that it should be a little harder to shoot it down. I mean, seriously, if someone is good enough to get an 11 kill streak, then they should get a reward that doesn't take less then 5 seconds to shoot down.
1 posts

your right about the chopper gunner 5 sec. shootdown thingy but i get those all the time but im a level 70 8th presitge so i get them like every emergencey airdrop.

2,128 posts

I just beat the "all pro" challenge with akimbo rangers XD

3,562 posts


I just beat the "all pro" challenge with akimbo rangers XD

I got it with 1887's I picked up on the ground for RiippinDIX and I got it with the barret on witness :P
3,562 posts

Don't hate on the intervention. In real life, that is one of the most accurate guns ever made. Go on youtube, and type in "Future Weapons, Chytec Intervention"

I dont hate it at all, in fact I really like it since it is really accurate like you said for "skill shots" But I'm a die hard M40 fan at heart slash barret fan, so basically any sniper rifles other than those 2 = eww for me

I went 43-0 using the Tar-21 with a red dot and hardline


I just started using the tar too. I find you have to burst fire it a lot, which is different for me cause I spam SCAR LOLOLOLOL. One of my friends is TAR pro, like he'll average 10-15 head shots a game and 20-25 kills a game with the TAR. it's crazy.

Barret, Thermal scope, Fall camo

that sounds hot LoL

The funnest thing ever is getting a quick-scope collateral. Yesterday I almost got a triple collateral by quick-scoping but the 3rd guy was in last stand

one of my buds on machinima: "hutch" as I'm sure some of you are familiar with. received a clip of some dude getting killing the entire other team on domination within the first 5 secodns of the game. a triple kill noscope and a double grenade thrown on C spawn estate domination.

Thats what I was doing when I went 43-0. It would be kind of hard to get that many kills without running around. I think the only time I stayed in one spot was when I was controlling my AC130.

on the contrary, I find staying around in hotspots and playing defensively allows you to get crazy ammounts of kills. 90-4 domination scrapyard. 33-0 domination terminal.

But the again, I feel like Im the only person who does the marathon lightweight commando tac knife and goes negative lol...

AND: does anyone else think that the issue of boosting is kind of subsiding? I mean, I don't really play a lot of FFA anyways, but still. And another thing: I think people are learning to shoot down air support more readily now. Opinions?

ppl boost on ground wars. FFA seems easier but its not b.c there is less ppl imo. But If someone has an unnaturally high amount of deaths and someone on the other team kills wise. I switch to my boost hunting class, cold blood, sitrep, oneman army.

I usually have to get 20 out of the 25 kills by myslef becasue everyone shoots down air support.

I just got my nuke with this kill streak choppa gunna, emp, nuke, also got my lovely new emblem from ultimate sacrifice 35-5 on scrapyard.

Lovely huh

of course... I dont play any other game types other than domination.... soooo it's expected I would get lots of nukes when I &quotlay defensively" on spawns. aka camp.
2,513 posts

that sounds hot LoL

Lol I get it
one of my buds on machinima: "hutch" as I'm sure some of you are familiar with

Hutch is a LEGEND. He's the best CoD player on youtube, which consists of Seananners, OpTic H3CS (or whatever his name is lol), OpTic Predator, Smoky DRFT, and zzirgrizz.
Bottom line, Hutch is a God.

I also gave up on nukes. I'm never gonna get one. So I'm not gonna bother trying for them.
3,562 posts

Oh, hutch imo, is pretty good. Never met nanners myself, but I've played with smokey.

Also the person I think is the best is xcalizorz. In my opinion there is no one better than him. plus I love his commentaries (I hate my team 6 (cod4)) and other movies.

2,513 posts

Oh, hutch imo, is pretty good. Never met nanners myself, but I've played with smokey.

So, are you saying that you've played with/met hutch, and you've played with Smokey? Dude, wtf.
Also the person I think is the best is xcalizorz. In my opinion there is no one better than him. plus I love his commentaries (I hate my team 6 (cod4)) and other movies.

Then I better go check him out soon. But seananners is an absolute beast. He gets nukes without killstreaks. Pretty nice guy I heard too
3,562 posts

sorry for the dp.

but pauler if you'd like you can play with me and I can help you get a nuke (NOT BOOSTING B/C I HATE BOOSTERS. kirbzy should know lol)
I'll watch over you body and take hits for you ect. ect.

3,562 posts

So, are you saying that you've played with/met hutch, and you've played with Smokey? Dude, wtf.

I havent met hutch in person. I've played with him a couple of times cause he is on my friend's friend list (xcalizorz) and I've played with smokey, he is like ACR slash TAR pro.
125 posts

Holy crap! Hutch is great. Does anyone listen to the podcast they put on? It's funny.
And I almost got a nuke today. I was at the 21 kill streak mark, and in my good ol' AC-130, and I got killed.
Another question: AC-130 or Chopper Gunner? I prefer the AC-130, just because it's harder to shoot down. Before people learned to shoot stuff down, the Chopper was a lot better. But it also depends on the map, and also gametype. I've noticed that on FFA, NO ONE shoots down air support. I guess the thinking is "oh someone else will shoot it down..." So I guess the moral of the story is... shoot air support down?

2,513 posts

I prefer the chopper gunner because it's way easier to use and lasts longer (provided no one shoots it down)

3,562 posts

Another question: AC-130 or Chopper Gunner? I prefer the AC-130, just because it's harder to shoot down

true dat my friend. but I prefer the choppa since it kills people faster (imo)

Holy crap! Hutch is great.

if you wanna meet him you can play with me sometime, and my friend will probably let you in on one of his private games

So I guess the moral of the story is... shoot air support down?

oh yes lol, I always have a coldblood AA (anti air as trogable put it) class so whenever I die by air support I can immediately shoot it down.

I've noticed that on FFA, NO ONE shoots down air support

I generally play FFA with coldblooded on, so i dont have to deal with crap like that

my good ol' AC-130

I like it because it takes 3 shots to take it down, but also sometimes it is a tid bit harder to kill people due to the reload delay on the shells
125 posts

I like it because it takes 3 shots to take it down, but also sometimes it is a tid bit harder to kill people due to the reload delay on the shells

Well, in some cases it's not as good. It is in the air 15 seconds shorter than the Chopper, I think a major disadvantage. On the more open maps such as Wasteland and Scrapyard, it just destroys all.
On the subject of Hutch, did you see his video of him getting like 22 kills in 45 seconds on rust with it? Funny stuff.

What other killstreak rewards do you all use? I personally have on UAV, Predator Missile, and Harriers, because I'm not very good... Sometimes when I'm feeling really bold I use the good ol' Predator, Harrier and AC/Chopper. I've been using the latter setup more nowdays.. I guess that means I'm improving.
3,562 posts

On the subject of Hutch, did you see his video of him getting like 22 kills in 45 seconds on rust with it? Funny stuff.

Um, I dont believe I have.
I tend not to watch a lot of vids on youtube b/c like it is supposed to help gameplay ect. but usually these folks all play really differently from me and when i try to play like them I end up with not as amazing spreads. I tried one game to play like hutch (quick scope sniperr) failed horribly. another time to play like nanners. didnt do too hot either.

Predator, Harrier and AC/Chopper.

I usually play with those streaks. though of late I've been doing Chopper gunner, EMP, NUke lol. basically you're set on getting the nuke once you hit 11 kills lol

AC130. is fun to use b/c people go. OoooooooH Sh¡t theres an AC.... plus people sometimes think Oh, that AC will shoot towards clusters of people, instead of me. so I'm safe here camping with my sniper and marshmellows. and then they die lol.
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