ForumsGamesModern Warfare 2

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This thread is for anything related to Modern Warfare 2. Post your classes, reviews, glitches you found,random talk about the game, or anything else. Although if you wanna talk about, and see other peoples tactics/strategys for playing MW2, then go here: because I don't want to repeat a topic.

  • 1,600 Replies
1,523 posts

Most of the gametypes sling you in teams with 0 coordination. That's why I'm heading off to BFBC 2 . . . As soon as the price drops. ;P

Its not the game, it's the players. No matter where you go, alot of the time you will have to be in a party with people you know if you want to get any communication going.
1,207 posts

There would be no stealth

There are red dots on the map regardless of whether a UAV has been announced or not which leads to me to believe that the UAV is both operative and functional to some extent. Why some people are excluded from visibility and some are blatantly shown on UAV makes the game unfair.

and it would be near impossible to build up good kill streaks.

Good. Which pot-smoking developer thought it was a good idea to let a solder fire from an AC130 or spawn-camp from a helicopter? UAV, Counter UAV, Air Strike (not stealth bomber), Care Package, Emergency Airdrop and Attack Helicopter (not Pave Low) are all fine. They do become ridiculous though.
1,207 posts

Sorry for the double post. :S

in a party with people you know if you want to get any communication going.

And it's sad that it's true.

Its not the game, it's the players.

To some extent the community's lack of willingness to play from strategic positions and use intelligent tactics causes much of the solo-gameplay but some of it lies in the game: guns and map design to be specific.

The guns (G18 and TAR-21 and Scar-H are the ones I instantly think of) have some ridiculously high statistics - ones that most guns do not compete with. Next to none of the guns have their specialities in this game, they're either over-powered or they normal thus offering no competition or motivation of use. The insane amounts of damage that these guns unleash does just allow people to run around and whomever draws, aims and fires first wins.

The knife is also a culprit (i.e knife running).

So abuse of ludicrously powerful weapons allows people to play by their own and if they can get a higher KDR by playing alone than with their team they'll do that. KDR reflects your skill much more than Win/Losses - so that's what people go for.

Map design is also very basic. One side is relatively
advantageous - the three connected rooms in Rundown is a prime example - and the other side is fairly crappy - the side that no-one enters on Sub Base is a good example. Now the game is either a fairly bland deal of Assault/Defence, trying to capture the advantageous side and then camping their until you're flushed out, or you begin and camp for as long as possible.

Either that or both sides meet at one central advantageous spot (the large building in the centre of Skidrow is what I am thinking of) and each side has to reach their in time to encounter their enemy and then kill them.

Three maps - and also the smallest - that these rules do not apply to are Rust - where neither side is advantageous and fights rarely occur for control of the central tower - then Scrapyard - where neither side is particularly good for camping hence why fights happen all over the place - and Highrise, where neither side is particularly advantageous and the amazing sniper spots are rarely abused nor fought over.

In the three smaller maps, people seem to group together much more tightly for assaults, whereas on the larger maps where it's a basic job of assault/defend people will go all the ways possible and try and slice through the enemy defence massively boosting their KDR.

I put lack of communication, teamwork, and cooperative gameplay down to them three factors.
1,523 posts

There are red dots on the map regardless of whether a UAV has been announced or not which leads to me to believe that the UAV is both operative and functional to some extent. Why some people are excluded from visibility and some are blatantly shown on UAV makes the game unfair.

No and no.
1) use of a scilenced weapon will keep you off radar if a UAV is not announced.
2) it is fair that some players don't show up on a UAV because they have to sacrifice something to be able to stay off of it.
less bullet damage= not on UAV (coldblooded)
more bullet damage= on UAV (stopping power)

So you have to trade strength for stealth, and this is fair. I think you are just not a fan of people using coldblooded.

Lastly, I could quote everything you said, but I can pretty much sum up my opinion in this without quoting you:

If you hate Call of Duty so much, then stop playing it, and stay out of Call of Duty threads. If you think the game sucks, DON'T PLAY IT! Its that simple. Obviously, a lot of people disagree with you, so just stop posting negative comments everywhere, and let the people who actually enjoy the game discuss it.
One of your complaints was the PC servers. Well guess what? Call of Duty was ment to be a console game. They just made a PC version of it becasue PC gamers wanted one so badly. So of course it isn't going to be as good as the console versions becasue the game was made to be a CONSOLE GAME. Just get over the fact that its not good for PC and move on.

I'm pretty sure I said something similar to this before to you in another thread, but apparently it didn't register in your head:
If you do not like the game, don't play it, and stop constantly hating on it. Yes, some of your complaints are valid, but almost everything that comes from you about the game is negative. This is at least the 3rd time I've said this, but you seem a little slow, so I'll say it again: If - You - Don't - Like - The - Game - Then - Don't - Play - It.

No use in ruining it for people that actually DO enjoy it.
3,562 posts

2) it is fair that some players don't show up on a UAV because they have to sacrifice something to be able to stay off of it.
less bullet damage= not on UAV (coldblooded)
more bullet damage= on UAV (stopping power)

right but none of this matters on hardcore since the already increase in bullet damage, plus limited HUD is really nice as sometimes when people call in UAV's you can still be stealthy when you shoot it down.

anyway coldblooded = not seen by predators and enemy air support, that in my opinion is really nice since you can be easily killed in HC. for those of you who dont know.

a map comes up when you press the start button, that map is always on unless youve been EMPd or JAmmed. and people who shoot without silencers will appear on the map, thats why I always use a silencer in case they have a spotter on their team.
1,523 posts

a map comes up when you press the start button, that map is always on unless youve been EMPd or JAmmed. and people who shoot without silencers will appear on the map, thats why I always use a silencer in case they have a spotter on their team.

I'm guessing you match Machinima's videos... Thats where I learned this anyway. I used to play HC a lot on Call of Duty 4, but to be honest I only tried it once in MW2, and I didn't like it too much.
3,562 posts

I'm guessing you match Machinima's videos..

No, actually my friend got me into HC, and he explained that a mic was important, and you need a spotter just in case.

I've only watched a couple of machinima videos but stopped, because almost all of them are about getting a nuke, I don't even know if there is one on machinima of hardcore gameplay. well Im sure there is but I just havent seen it yet.
1,523 posts

I've only watched a couple of machinima videos but stopped, because almost all of them are about getting a nuke, I don't even know if there is one on machinima of hardcore gameplay. well Im sure there is but I just havent seen it yet.

One of them started a HC S&D series. (i think it's Next Gen. Tactics) I found it pretty cool because it was a nice break from normal modes.
3,562 posts

One of them started a HC S&D series. (i think it's Next Gen. Tactics) I found it pretty cool because it was a nice break from normal modes.

hmm.. Might have to check that out. but yea I like hardcore cause limited HUD = confusing sometimes and also no kill cam means relying on your teammates more so there is more communication.
589 posts

this game is so awesome

1,207 posts

1) use of a scilenced weapon will keep you off radar if a UAV is not announced.

As far as I know that's only when shooting? That's not exactly helpful.

less bullet damage= not on UAV (coldblooded)
more bullet damage= on UAV (stopping power)

I am not talking about UAV once you've pressed the button. I am fine if a guy with cold-blooded sneaks behind me and knifes me - I've got absolutely no problem with that, whatsoever. What does annoy me is when some people on the team will be shown as red dots and other people who use Stopping Power are completely invisible. Ninja Pro, Cold-Blooded Pro, these are sacrifices for stealth, but when UAV is not clicked Stopping Power, Lighweight and Hardline should not adopt the abilities that the stealth perks grant.

We know that the UAV is functional before the button is pressed so why do non-stealth perks hide you? That's what I am annoyed about. :|

Obviously, a lot of people disagree with you

And lots of people agree with me.

If you hate Call of Duty so much, then stop playing it, and stay out of Call of Duty threads. If you think the game sucks, DON'T PLAY IT! Its that simple

The game itself is not bad, it is just extremely broken. I still play it and I'm both entitled to an opinion and have liberty to voice my opinion. I bring up a feature I dislike in this game and see what others think likewise you post about features and I'll response with agreement, disagreement or my opinion. We're equal, I just recognise a few things as flaws that you disagree with.
3,562 posts

We know that the UAV is functional before the button is pressed so why do non-stealth perks hide you? That's what I am annoyed about. :

ohhhh you mean like why doesnt the mini map show you at all times as a red dot or something if you dont have cold blooded right?
125 posts

Ahh, I'm back from a long break cause I'm way to lazy to actually log in...
I've noticed a lot less nuke boosters. Back on page 54, people were talking about the underslung shotgun. I think this attachment is highly underused, as it has about double the range of a single Model 1887. I used it on my FAL, but it didn't work too well because I use coldblooded pro on my FAL class.
On the topic of a FAL, I've started using it a lot. I actually really like that gun, even if I really, really suck with it... It's odd, because I hated both the G3 and the M14 in COD4.
Oh wow. I had a FFA game on Rust, and I decided to roll with the good ol' Mad Bomber class. I was being weird that day, and had a stealth bomber on instead of the usual Pave Low. I was on a 9 killstreak with danger close pro on (makes killstreak reward 'splodes bigger).. and I called it in on the middle of the map. I killed all but 1 person for the game-winning kill it was fun

1,207 posts

mean like why doesnt the mini map show you at all times as a red dot or something if you dont have cold blooded right?

Exactly that. If the UAV is operational only perks that grant stealth abilities should hide you. You shouldn't have to make the UAV "more operative" as it were, that's why I proposed that UAV should do something else - faster sweeps.
1,523 posts

And lots of people agree with me.

Way more disagree.
I doubt that PC gamers as a whole make up more then 25% of the MW2 community. Correct me if I'm worn, but most of the complaints come from them.
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