Global warming is real right? I mean the green house effect is real but there is so much controversy about if its man made or not, and even if it is man made will it kill us all. I think that it is man made and it will kill us all, but i want your opinion.
People think that only the polar bears and penguins and such will go extinct. But nearly everything will. In a global climate shift the temperature rises much, much faster than any animal can adapt to.
It's too bad that the earth for the most of its existence has been at 22 degree celcius. Ice is the enemy of life. When you pass through tropical to subtropical to winter and frost regions, biodiversity plummets by about 90%.
Global Warming is making the extremes more extreme, and people should look nowhere further than GW for the reason 90% of the country is going to set a record low tonight and we got our annual snowfall in 5 weeks... It's been above freezing here 1 day of the last 21 days
Then when can you say it's not global warming? If it's snowing, global warming. If it's raining, global warming. If it's sunny, global warming. Every so often, the earth goes through a geomagnetic pole reversal.
at which point Earth becomes extremely susceptible to space weather.
and don't tell me Humans are responsible for the Sun. The sun burns up more fuel in one second than Earth ever will.
[quote]animals farting
makes up for five percent.[/quote]
I must ask you, what's happens in the ice ages then? Animal life diminishes, and then there's not enough CO2 to 'Warm up' the atmosphere.
Global Warming is a fact! Stop denying it... We don't really feel it now but we will if we don't do anything against it. I think about 99% of the scientists say that the humans are responsible for the global warming (right now)...
The ideas to be green are just going to bankrupt everyone. Such as: Electric cars. Where do you think the energy you put in your electric car comes from? Your house. It actually takes more power to charge an electric car than just fill it with gas.
+ those car batteries are thrown out after 2 years.
the IPCC has it itself discredited the data they've shown.
The british high court declared Al Gore's movie as scientifically flawed and has nine significant exaggerations and factual errors where Al Gore either misstated the IPCC or prodigiously exaggerated what they had found.
global warming is as accepted as much as evolution, there is absolutely no data what so ever to disprove it but all the data in the world"literally" to prove it. here is a small fact that is true, i am to lazy to Google it for you so you will have to, the earth temp. has risen 1 degree in the past hundred years, so what right, well that degree is enough to melt a lot of ice and eventually will go up even more, this degree is the average degree so snow blizzards will still happen and life won't change that much, Global warming is natural process that is a fact, ice ages and thawing happen over time everyone's that hence the ICE AGE. The global warming concern is that we are speeding this process up, not many people know that and think that global warming is humans by themselves doing it, no most of it is natural, just where speeding it up, that 1 degree change would have taken considerable longer, to what extent idk, but we sped it up and in the future the earth might flood QUICKER tha it would have. that is what i have to say.
The ideas to be green are just going to bankrupt everyone. Such as: Electric cars. Where do you think the energy you put in your electric car comes from? Your house. It actually takes more power to charge an electric car than just fill it with gas.
That's a very capitalist point of view. It's all about the money huh? Who cares about the environment, let's worry about the money intead. Brilliant fucking idea Graham, I thought you were smart.
we must f*ck nature, or nature will f*ck us.
And where did you get this statistic?
Is nature cutting off our limbs? Is nature polluting our air? Is nature destroying the rain forest? Are you proposing Graham that by continuing to destroy the earth we are preventing disaster?
The ideas to be green are just going to bankrupt everyone. Such as: Electric cars. Where do you think the energy you put in your electric car comes from? Your house. It actually takes more power to charge an electric car than just fill it with gas.
Graham your wrong, do you want to be rich and or poor and alive i dont want to die so id rather be poor and alive. you say your looking at it from a humanistic stand point, well humans want to live so you are not a human because you want to
fuck nature
so... well i made my point. (dont take offense to this because i dont want someone i dont know to hate me)