ForumsWEPRWouldnt life be better without religion?

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4,206 posts

WAAIT!!!! Calm down and read plz

One day i was thinking: wouldnt be life better without religion?

Why did i think that? There are a lot of reasons:

1.War. Since religion was created, there was wars. One religion again a other, just because they don't agree with each other. Or like WW2, it was for making a religion (christians) to become powerfull and killing other religions (jews). U.S.A think that "god" is on they side and start killing whatever by the name of god. And same thing with the terorists.

2.Stops Science. A lot of famous people like Galileo or Copernic where stoped, cause they didnt have the same point of view then the church. Darwin had a lot of problems, and people didnt believe him, just because it was against religion.

3.Injustice. Womens where lower in society then mens. Mostly in Indu or Muslim, the women couldnt do anything. Had to hide face, couldnt choose who to marry. Also, there wasnt any freedom of speech. If u think differently then the religion, you get killed, tortured or you get send to prison.

So. Here is a question: Wouldnt life be better without religion? Wouldnt we be like 50 years in the futur in science? Wouldnt everyone be happier without a religion? Just living your life normaly....

  • 119 Replies
8,051 posts

More believable then your God

hay hay hay.....agnostic here.

False hope.

how can you determine if it is false or not unless you know the end result?
80 posts

yes, there would be less war and conflict and pointless disputes

600 posts

hay hay hay.....agnostic here.

My mistake.

how can you determine if it is false or not unless you know the end result?

Its more than reasonable to assume its false, given the evidence that proves God(Or the evidence that has yet to prove God).
11 posts

Seems that religion has a real bad name here. Anyway, just because the people who use religion to gain more power doesn't mean that the religion is bad. Sometimes religion stops science, but it also inspires and encourages science. For example: The Middle Ages, known as the Dark Ages because of the lack of information and more or less interesting things. But that was only in Europe. Go East a little to Baghdad and you'll find it was the center of knowledge. The Arabs succesfully translated vast amounts of Greek and Roman texts and scholars made discoveries of thier own, just google it. The vast majority of these scientists were seeking knowledge as the Quran and the Prophet had ordered them too. There are countless verses in the Quran about seeking knowledge and countless Hadith too. One at the top of my head says "Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make a path to Paradise easy for him." (I think Al-Bukhari, not sure though). And another "When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three â" an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous child who will pray for him." (Muslim).
Infact, because the Arabs had collected and translated such texts did Europe enter the Renaissance.
Relgion does not hold people back from science, it is just the people that seem to control religion

4,206 posts

kk, so some people say religion isnt responsible for some of the stuff. But i never said that like war was only because of religion, im just saying religion made some wars. And im not saying that all the problems in the world will be resolved if we take out religion. Jeez guys

2,837 posts

Ya, lets just forget that Roger Bacon, Nicolaus Copernicus, William Turner, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, René Descarte, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, Carolus Linnaeus, Leonhard Euler, Gregor Mendel, Louis Pasteur, Lord Kelvin, and John Ambrose Fleming were all Christian Scientists.

Let us also forget that it was the Catholic monasteries that remained the sole depositories of knowledge throughout Europe during the Dark Ages.

Seriously people without the people I have listed and the preservation of knowledge we would be hundreds of years BACKWARDS not forwards.

8,051 posts

Its more than reasonable to assume its false, given the evidence that proves God(Or the evidence that has yet to prove God).

i thought my first point already agreed with this.

wouldn't it be hard to suddenly change your views?
oh wait, just found out: Humans are derived from kangaroos. Believe me?

oh wait, just found out: Humans are derived from kangaroos. Believe me?
[quote](...) but still false.

how can you say for sure? because of theories you AGREE with? or are you a nihilist?

Yes, but in the context he was talking about, there are multiple forms of justice, each for a different group(women vs men).

this doesn't mean that the justices' aren't opinions.

Remember when church and state were the same thing?

Church and state separation was gradual and supposedly started by Thomas Jefferson in around 1802 suggesting it was a violation of the first amendment.

First Womens' Right's Convention? 1848.

is religion the cause?

was religion involved?
600 posts

how can you say for sure?

With the current evidence its more likely that we did not evolve from kangaroos, so why would I say we did?
or are you a nihilist?

If anything you would have to be a nihilist to disagree, but nihilist is not the right word for either situations.

this doesn't mean that the justices' aren't opinions.

Of course not, but the opinions are mostly prejudice.

Church and state separation was gradual and supposedly started by Thomas Jefferson in around 1802 suggesting it was a violation of the first amendment.

First Womens' Right's Convention? 1848.

is religion the cause?

was religion involved?

I don't know enough American history to make a decent reply to that.
698 posts

Or like WW2, it was for making a religion (christians) to become powerfull and killing other religions (jews).
I don't recall how Christians are connected with the holocaust...Adolf Hitler was definitely NOT a Christian if I'm thinking of the right person. Also, how did you decide that the purpose of WWII was to make Christianity more powerful? I believe you have some history to learn

2.Stops Science. A lot of famous people like Galileo or Copernic where stoped, cause they didnt have the same point of view then the church.
like several people have already mentioned, the two scientists you mentioned were Christians as were many others. The Roman Catholic Church had become extremely corrupt because the leaders, greedy pigs as they were, were using their power and position for personal gain. The new ideas floating around were against THEIR set of mandatory beliefs, not those of the Bible. These ideas were drawing people away from their churches and therefore lowering their income (those forms they made people sign and pay for to shorten their time in &quoturgatory&quot. Next, look at the Dark Ages. True Christianity was practically non-existent (monks preserved it during this time) and raw superstition/other ideas prevailed. Did any science come out of it? Hardly any. I think what you meant by this point was "corrupt leaders and superstitions stop science."

3.Injustice. Womens where lower in society then mens. Mostly in Indu or Muslim, the women couldnt do anything. Had to hide face, couldnt choose who to marry. Also, there wasnt any freedom of speech. If u think differently then the religion, you get killed, tortured or you get send to prison.
As this has nothing to do with Christianity, but if you think it does, try reading the Bible and looking for where it says women are inferior (hint: it doesn't. Ephesians 5:22 does say, "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord," but if you read the context, men should respect their wives too.)

I'm out of time, so I won't be able to answer to the other problems today. Remind me the next time I'm on, k?
1,078 posts

Agreement. Another good example of religion killing knowledge was the burning down of the library in Alexandria(spelling?). All of that times lore and culture was lost, except for the religious aspect.

698 posts

ahh...posted too soon...quick answer to your questions at the end of the first post.

Wouldnt life be better without religion?
What religion specifically? Muslims encourage killing for religious purposes and Christians don't. All the immorality around (lewdness, murder, drugs, etc) is highly discouraged by Christianity. Unfortunately, people want to do what they want to do, so they hate Christians for telling them that what they are doing is bad...even if it is really bad for them.
Wouldnt we be like 50 years in the futur in science?
Actually, if it weren't for the corrupt Roman Catholic leaders mentioned in my previous post, Christianity would actually have furthered science by quite a few years.
Wouldnt everyone be happier without a religion?
Is dying from cigar smoke and alcohol a happy thing? I don't think so...
Just living your life normaly....
define "normal." Does that mean "like everyone else" or "without pain" to you? Being a Christian, I admit, is tough because people around you hate you for it. But I'd rather be alive, not a criminal, and free from addiction to drugs (including alcohol) than to be committing suicide because I'm on my own in life, chased by cops because of that dead guy in the alley, and hooked on marijuana or something. BTW, Christians have a higher average length of life than Atheists Go figure.
698 posts

>.< I hate how, once I get started, I can't stop...

Agreement. Another good example of religion killing knowledge was the burning down of the library in Alexandria(spelling?). All of that times lore and culture was lost, except for the religious aspect.
Corrupt religious leaders again...go look it up. The Bible happens to encourage the study of the universe and these guys didn't seem to know that.
4,206 posts

Ya, lets just forget that Roger Bacon, Nicolaus Copernicus, William Turner, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, René Descarte, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, Carolus Linnaeus, Leonhard Euler, Gregor Mendel, Louis Pasteur, Lord Kelvin, and John Ambrose Fleming were all Christian Scientists.

I didnt say they wernt christians, i just said that they had ideas against religion.

I don't recall how Christians are connected with the holocaust...Adolf Hitler was definitely NOT a Christian if I'm thinking of the right person. Also, how did you decide that the purpose of WWII was to make Christianity more powerful? I believe you have some history to learn

sry if i sounded wrong, but i wasnt talking about the purpose of WW2, but about the effects of religion in to it

Agreement. Another good example of religion killing knowledge was the burning down of the library in Alexandria(spelling?). All of that times lore and culture was lost, except for the religious aspect.

Very true, they baned a lot of stuff that wasnt in they religion. (Olympics, other believes)

Religion was created for one purpose: Explain the unexplainable. Lets take a got created by lighting. Impossible to know what it is people created something like "god", and said god created this or that.

Wow all the theories based on religion where false (well most of them). Well anyway this has not really anything to do with this, so im going back on topic.

this doesn't mean that the justices' aren't opinions.

opinions is influenced by other people. And opinions are religions. (well some of them)

Seriously people without the people I have listed and the preservation of knowledge we would be hundreds of years BACKWARDS not forwards.

No, not at all. Instead of saying for tousands of years "God created this or that!", people could of find ways to expain it, find new ways and discover other stuff. And about the people, well i talked about that before (look up).

I mean, its life a lot more complicated with religion? People try to not do that, not eat that, must do that. So they could go to "heaven". If people could live open minded and free, without any of those rules, i think world would be better
9,462 posts

Let us also forget that it was the Catholic monasteries that remained the sole depositories of knowledge throughout Europe during the Dark Ages.

and suppressing anything they deemed to be heresy causing that era to last far longer.

How is it that slowing down technology for a few hundred years make us thousands of years behind?

I didn't say thousands I said hundreds and corrected the guy who said thousands.
It's probably closer to hundreds of years.

Then the reply under mine was.

Or probably closer to "that type of speculation is absurd."

So how is it absurd?
1,416 posts

So how is it absurd?

It is somewhat absurd to assume that the scientific stagnation caused by religion couldn't be caused by something in the absence of religion. In this case, the existance of religion is irrelevent in regards to intellectual progress. Additionally, you are also assuming that religion and ignorance are causational, not correlational. For instance, maybe people were religious because they were ignorant*, not the other way around. Or maybe both ignorance and religion are caused by a third unkown force. There really isn't anyway to know for sure. Therefore, you are speculating.

But in my opinion, your speculation is probably right.

*That was just a possibility, I'm not saying that all religous people are ignorant.
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