ForumsWEPRWouldnt life be better without religion?

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WAAIT!!!! Calm down and read plz

One day i was thinking: wouldnt be life better without religion?

Why did i think that? There are a lot of reasons:

1.War. Since religion was created, there was wars. One religion again a other, just because they don't agree with each other. Or like WW2, it was for making a religion (christians) to become powerfull and killing other religions (jews). U.S.A think that "god" is on they side and start killing whatever by the name of god. And same thing with the terorists.

2.Stops Science. A lot of famous people like Galileo or Copernic where stoped, cause they didnt have the same point of view then the church. Darwin had a lot of problems, and people didnt believe him, just because it was against religion.

3.Injustice. Womens where lower in society then mens. Mostly in Indu or Muslim, the women couldnt do anything. Had to hide face, couldnt choose who to marry. Also, there wasnt any freedom of speech. If u think differently then the religion, you get killed, tortured or you get send to prison.

So. Here is a question: Wouldnt life be better without religion? Wouldnt we be like 50 years in the futur in science? Wouldnt everyone be happier without a religion? Just living your life normaly....

  • 119 Replies
600 posts

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. .. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.

A quote from Hitler, its quite obvious he is not a Christian, that is until you start reading the part where he says he is.
13,344 posts

Hitler, an atheist/agnostic, decided he didn't like Jewish people and killed them.

He didn't kill them because of their religion; he killed them because of their ethnicity. I'm not sure, but I think he was part Jewish. If anyone wants to help me prove that, go ahead and do so.

In Romania, you can be killed for being Christian.

In Romania, you can also sing gibberish (what they call "Romanian&quot in a high voice, pay a fat guy to sing it online, and be world famous overnight.
508 posts

I agree...Muslims aren't too nice o.0 To be a Christian actually involves becoming "nice." You can't just say "I believe in Jesus" and be bad...if you do, you apparently didn't mean what you said. It bothers me how so many people do that and end up scarring the face of religion. People "without religion" aren't so nice either...especially since they don't think they have to be nice in the first place

Okay... where did you get that from? That's disgustingly stereotypical, and shockingly hypocritical coming from you, whose entire argument has been about how Christians aren't that bad, and received a lot of false press. 0.o

He didn't kill them because of their religion; he killed them because of their ethnicity. I'm not sure, but I think he was part Jewish. If anyone wants to help me prove that, go ahead and do so.

You're right. I believe Hitler's mother was Jewish, so technically he's a full Jew. And he didn't selectively kill Jews because of differential race or religion, but as a way to win over and unite a prejudiced Germany.
2,837 posts

Actually it was a possibility that a grandparent was Jewish, but most historians say it is almost certainly just a smear campaign by his enemies.

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Evil Penguins tell me what to say.

698 posts

A quote from Hitler, its quite obvious he is not a Christian, that is until you start reading the part where he says he is.
Note: he said he was Christian...did he show it with his actions? By no means! Why, then do we just listen to what he says and assume he tells the truth?

He didn't kill them because of their religion; he killed them because of their ethnicity.
sorry about that...

In Romania, you can also sing gibberish (what they call "Romanian&quot in a high voice, pay a fat guy to sing it online, and be world famous overnight.
XD I lol'ed

Okay... where did you get that from? That's disgustingly stereotypical, and shockingly hypocritical coming from you, whose entire argument has been about how Christians aren't that bad, and received a lot of false press. 0.o
The Muslim thing was my sarcastic example of a stereotype people in the US have placed on people of a certain religion...and it isn't just other religious people who say that. I know some Muslims and, to tell the truth, Muslims are not as bad as so many people believe.
The other stereotypical statement was how celebrity Atheists have presented themselves to Christians when telling Christians to stop telling them to "quit their immorality." The comment was just a stereotypical belief among Christians, not something I believe. However, I am quite irritated about the whole "Hitler was a Christian because he said so" scam...especially because it is always used by atheists as propaganda against Christians.
600 posts

.did he show it with his actions

Aside from at church do most average Christians show it?

Why, then do we just listen to what he says and assume he tells the truth?

Because the only way to find out what someone believes in is by what they say they believe in.
2 posts

or you could all watch the southpark on what would happen without religion, laugh while watching it, and then think about what was being told through the story, then come back.

I Find southpark to be surprisingly insightful

698 posts

Aside from at church do most average Christians show it?
No, and to tell the truth, I don't do much of that myself , but at least I realize I need improvement. Anyhow, what I meant was, his actions were the exact opposite of what a Christian ought to do.
Because the only way to find out what someone believes in is by what they say they believe in.
or by watching them
1,751 posts

Anyhow, what I meant was, his actions were the exact opposite of what a Christian ought to do.

Killing jews is the meaning of cristianity. He was a loyal cristian. The BEST cristian. When we talk about killing jews, what do we hear? lots of words- "spanish injusision", "cursades", "Pogroms" ect.., everything by CRISRTIANS, mind, but most often we hear the words "Nazi Party", "Germany" and "Adolf Hitler"
Whom are cristians proud about? the cursaders, big countries like Spain and the Russian Empire. Killing jews was favoured by the govorment and by the people alike. I now call Hitler the best cristian in the world, and thus my greatest enemy.
134 posts

It would, probably. but some countries use religion to hold themselves together. also religious people like sara Pailin would be smarter if religoin didnt exest

698 posts

Killing jews is the meaning of cristianity. He was a loyal cristian. The BEST cristian. When we talk about killing jews, what do we hear? lots of words- "spanish injusision", "cursades", "Pogroms" ect.., everything by CRISRTIANS, mind, but most often we hear the words "Nazi Party", "Germany" and "Adolf Hitler"
Whom are cristians proud about? the cursaders, big countries like Spain and the Russian Empire. Killing jews was favoured by the govorment and by the people alike. I now call Hitler the best cristian in the world, and thus my greatest enemy.
I can't tell if you are serious or not lol, and that was difficult to understand with the spelling errors...but what I could understand was totally ridiculous o.0 Where are you from?
1,751 posts

Israel and i'm jewish. key word-"/rant"
It still goes around a correct trail of logic.

Killing Jews is the meaning of Christianity. He was a loyal Christian. The BEST Christian. When we talk about killing Jews, what do we hear? lots of words- "Spanish inquisition", "crusades", "Pogroms" ect.., everything by CRISRTIANS, mind, but most often we hear the words "Nazi Party", "Germany" and "Adolf Hitler"
Whom are Christians proud about? the crusaders, big countries like Spain and the Russian Empire. Killing Jews was favored by the government and by the people alike. I now call Hitler the best Christian in the world, and thus my greatest enemy.

1,482 posts

Tomer align yourself. If the Christians hate you then why are the Jews so adamant on screwing over Muslims, who housed you wherever for centuries? I'm rather sure paying a tax beats massive killing. Just a guess.

But in honor of history, I think life would have been much better if Religion had not become a key player in Western Europe. The fact that it did was maybe okay, the problem was that it overtook Military status.

One fault, though, The Russian's housed Jews as the Western Byzantine did. It was not until the time of European nationalism (corresponding with things like the French Revo and the unification of Germany) was when Jews were looked at as people who could not assimilate, therefore not fit in with the common goals of the country. That Added with Eastern Orthodox/Russian Christianity = Ouch. USSR = Double Ouch but they aren't christians o.O sortakinda.

This has been a long post.
I just want to add to the "Stops Science" BS.

Learn some history, Bro. Without religion, there would have been no need to form Confucian China that bought along so many inventions that, if never dispersed, Europe would have felt lost without. No extremely and early modern empires of Israel that, when conquered, let ancient inventions of Egyptians spill. No Abbasic Islamic dynasty to make amazing improvements in mathematics and surgery. No need for Europe to explore the world (as terrifyingly in the name of god they did and probably killed more during that time that ever, but still). Science grew because of religion. Aristotle may have been the Atheists homeboy, but the world's scientific knowledge has a stick of religion poking its hole through. Islam, as far as I know, when looked at rationally not like an uneducated beggar is easy enough to decipher -- and from what I know -- I've been taught to work at my goals and be as successful as possible, and if I need science I'll use it -- I just have to keep true to some faith.

Also, don't you find it Ironic that 'Carpe Diem' was used in the 1890's of Germany? Promoting a unified national state based on the foundations of something people call the 'Holy Roman Empire'.
Idk, but maybe it means somethin'.

2,906 posts

I'm rather sure paying a tax beats massive killing.

but its nowhere near as fun.
1,482 posts

I now call Hitler the best Christian in the world, and thus my greatest enemy.

Whoa, Chill out.
Hitler denounced Christianity, and even wrote a book about his life. People were forced to read, and though the older German's sat back and watched because it was by then out of control, Hitler made sure that people referred to him as something of a supernatural leader. If not just the 'God' of their bloodline. I would not call him Christian. I would call him an over expressed extreme nationalist that felt that by being a German gave him superior status above all those not German -- and as I've stated before, due to Jewish customs, the exclusiveness of Jews was so against his regime. So as he built the third Reich, he made sure that, as earlier German/Prussian empires have done is to remove minorities, never like the pesky french and just kill them, and be very, very good at war
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