loloynage2, you are obviously speaking about religions totally different from Christianity.
I didnt say they wernt christians, i just said that they had ideas against religion.
against the IDEAS OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC LEADERS!!! Their IDEAS were created for the sole purpose of getting more money and these CHRISTIAN scientists were taking apart the very ideas they made, causing people to leave the church. That is not religion, that is the misuse of undeserved power.
effects of religion in to it are saying Adolf Hitler did Christians a favor? Christians, by the way, are not trying to destroy people, especially not the very group the center of Christian belief was born out of.
Wow all the theories based on religion where false (well most of them)
care to explain this one? I'd like some sound proof against Christianity in this area.
No, not at all. Instead of saying for tousands of years "God created this or that!", people could of find ways to expain it, find new ways and discover other stuff.
As I said, that is quite an un-Biblical perspective on life. "Fill the earth and subdue it" was a very specific command. We are to populate the earth, discover how to use the resources here, and take care of it. Yes, God created things, but how do the things work? What are the things like? Galileo and the other Christian scientists did just that.
People try to not do that, not eat that, must do that.
And they are right. Physically, all the "must nots" are quite bad for your body, so you shouldn't be doing that anyways. (Of course, you are talking about other religions too, but that is beyond the point)
So they could go to "heaven"
This is what I meant when I said you aren't talking about Christianity, but about every other religion on earth. In Christianity, you go to heaven "not by works, but by faith..." The reason to "be good" is
because you want to be. Tough concept, so I won't go into it.
If people could live open minded and free, without any of those rules, i think world would be better
If only they could... o.0 believe drinking, smoking, raping, killing, stealing, etc. are all fine? The rules of religion are on all those things and you think the
rules are bad? really need to re-think you life.
and suppressing anything they deemed to be heresy causing that era to last far longer.
Monasteries did that? I thought those were secluded places o.0