ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
1,455 posts

Can't read german, so I can't read the atricle, but I notice you got it off wikipedia. Not that it's always wrong, but it's not the most reliable source.

5,838 posts

The Germanic SchÃ&parafungsgeschichte has to some parallels with the early creation myths other cultures (such as where the) in , the Greeks or the ancient Egyptians ).
In the prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson (especially in Gylfaginning ) and the Codex Regius of songs Edda (including in) Völuspá and Vafþrúðnismál ) are the described here myths been preserved, although it accept is that it is here already came to the mixing with Christian added performances.
Initially there Nothing (in accordance with philosophical understanding). This nothing called you Ginnungagap (yawning gap). You presented it as a deep gorge of nothing and the Windstille reserves. In the South of this Canyon was Muspelheim , a Kingdom in the fire and heat was. Later came Niflheim ("nebula home", in the North of Ginnungagap) shows a realm full of smoke, Frost and cold. In the Centre of Niflheim is the fountain Hvergelmir . From this source entsprangen 12 rivers, which together mentioned Ãlivágar . They flooded very Niflheim, and it formed a Eisschicht on the other until they proposed to the Canyon Ginnungagap. Only since this event there in Niflheim ice and snow. The fire spark of Muspelheim brought the ice to melt.

Auðumbla leckt Buri from the ice. From an Icelandic handwriting of 18.jhs.
Ymir Urriese and Urkuh Auðumbla , always flowed milk from their genetic developed from such a drop. This milk served Ymir for food. One day fell the giant in a deep sleep and sweat left Achselhöhle came a male and a female giant system out. Further paarten is two feet of Ymirs, and it was Vafþrúðnir , whose six kÃ&parafiger son was the progenitor of the Hrimthursar (Reif-and Frost Giants) gender. Auðumbla Coombs, by it schleckte the salty ice, but one day came a long Menschenhaar to light. The next day was a head and discovered a whole body on the third day.
This was Buri , Urriese and progenitor of the gods. He paarte with itself and bears the giant borr . Borr begat three sons with Riesin Bestla : Odin , Vili and Vé (the first Bulgaria ). Bestla is the daughter of Hrimthursen Bolthorn , so she was a ripe Riesin (Ymirs number), still she friedliebend (the Hrimthursen were as evil and martial).
All lived peacefully and were happy, until the three Bulgaria the giant Ymir erschlugen. From his blood developed a tidal wave were where all ripe Giants drowned except Bergelmir and his wife found refuge on a box of wood. The new ripe Giants gender emerged from them. The Bulgaria was Ymirs body into the Canyon Ginnungagap. You built the world from following body parts:
Blood = Sea
Body = Earth
Bone = Mountains
Hair = Trees and grass
Teeth and skull splitter = Stone and rocks
Erganımadenı of the body = Dwarfs *
Skull = Himmelsgewölbe
Brain = Clouds

* another story says that the dwarves were from Brimirs blood and Blains outlining arisen.
The Himmelsgewölbe were horns at the four corners. The Asen lifted high Ymir again and put each Horn a dwarf, should keep the vault. You were: Austri (in the East), Vestri (in the West), Norðri (in the North) and Suðri (in the South). Last took the gods sparks from Muspelheim and set in the sky (Star).
To set day and night, Dag and his mother, the Riesin Nott , each a bespannten with a horse car received from the gods. The Dag horse was Skinfaxi (certificate maned) and the Nott went with Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi (ripe maned). With these drive at intervals of a day around the world, introduced the Teutons as flat, round disk. The giant Mundilfari dared his daughter Sol and his son Mani synonymous with the gods, Odin therefore continued both in the sky, where since Sol the Sonnenwagen and Mani the Moon car over the vault draws. The car created the Bulgaria from two large pieces from Muspelheim. Mani is tracked by the Wolf Hati . Whenever he vorbeikommt too close to the Moon car is a lunar eclipse. The same applies to Sol, whose Wolf called Sköll (instead of moon just solar eclipse).
In the East of the disc is Jötunheimr , the Kingdom of great. To protect against the Thursen , the gods built a wall of the eyebrows of Ymir to Midgard . Midgard is the Kingdom of the people and center of all worlds. The three Bulgaria last took the brain of Ymir and threw it into the sky. The first people were carved Odin, Hönir (other name for Vili) and Lodur (other name for ve) from an ash and Elm, or Schlingpflanze , which have been washed from the sea shore. From the ash they created a man from the elm woman. ask and Embla were the Stammeltern of mankind. Odin gave them as air God breath, life and spirit; Hönir gave them clear reason and feeling; Lodur gave them warm blood, the flowering appearance, the language and the ear. Now lived in Midgard those who in Asgard the Bulgaria , the Giants and trolls in the Western Ãtgarðar and the dwarfs lived in black albums home. The Elves live in light Elf home.

that is basically what HardcoreNeverDiess article says if anyone is interested.

1,455 posts

Thanks Pixie

565 posts

Wiki. Is made of people wrigting what they want alot of it is not true. I was duing a reporyt one time and when i looked it up It was for the wrong country even.

5,838 posts

Yes and BigP08 but in this situation does it realy matter? Unless your planning on picking apart Germanic mythology. I think it is interesting myself.

565 posts

YA but it's not neccasarily true I couldn't even tell what you were saying so I couldn't read it.

9,821 posts

Can't read german, so I can't read the atricle, but I notice you got it off wikipedia. Not that it's always wrong, but it's not the most reliable source.

Wrong. Wikipedia, in studies, has shown to have more information than most comparable encyclopedias., and the info in it has been found to be about 98% correct.
5,838 posts

I couldn't even tell what you were saying so I couldn't read it.

D'you think that might be because I copy and pasted it from deutsche-wiki? And as alt said wiki can be accurate/ is accurate
1,455 posts

Yes and BigP08 but in this situation does it realy matter? Unless your planning on picking apart Germanic mythology. I think it is interesting myself.

I like to learn about other beliefs, whether or not I'm changing between them. Plus it's useful to get a more accurate depiction of what those who aren't Christian may believe. I find it interesting too.
1,455 posts

Wrong. Wikipedia, in studies, has shown to have more information than most comparable encyclopedias., and the info in it has been found to be about 98% correct.

That's probably because a lot of the facts on there are something you could just google to fact-check. Bigger explorations, such as Greek mythology, may ocntain flaws. I'm not saying it necessarily does, since I read the translation from Pixie, only that wikipedia doesn't have as much need to be accurate since people have started to rely on it a lot more (including myself).
131 posts

God of course. i know im christian and ill always go with god. wich is true but do you actually think a exlposion created such a buetiful place. and also how every living things effects the other. it just so hard t beleive that a explosion or a alien race created this world

5,838 posts

alien race

random but ok.

it just so hard t beleive that a explosion

No one believes that no explosion occured.As stated many times the big bang was bit a bang. It was an expansion, a conversion of of energy. E=MC^2 and all that.
131 posts

who cares big bang was like a explosion and i though creator meant aliens my bad if not

9,821 posts

The Big Bang was actually a decompression of mass, not an explosion. The entire Universe was supposedly squashed into an extremely small size, and eventually the tension gave and it expanded and still is expanding. It wasn't an explosion if it is correct.

131 posts

ya i know that but i dont feel like describing it. either wat the big bang is not true.

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