well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
Hi, I am 'Voidy. And I am here to quite frankly disagree with everything you blindly believe in.
First of all, what is the difference between 'creator' and 'god.' Same thing, correct? That is like holding two roses, but calling one of the just a flower.
I go for big bang, simply because it is the most logical idea (that, and I am not a religious man). There is actually even a bit of proof for the big bang theory. It goes along with the theory that the universe is ever expanding and, ever so often, it stretches out too far and then violently collapses in on itself. Then back outward. This would be on such a massive timescale that there is no way to prove it in a life time, perhaps even the lifetime of our whole race.
That said, it is more likely than saying "Yeah...this one dude who is all powerful and all knowing and stuff just made everything out of nothing. Cuz he got bored."
hey if you think god is bogus do you think space goes on and on and on and on. seriously their is always and end to something. (not saying their is a end to god)
@christian: Nope. Some things are infinite, like a repeating decimal. 3.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 and so on. . .it never ends.
One of them being that there is, purely by logic, a centre to the universe. Each solar system has one, each galaxy has one, each star system, each nebula, etc.. The universe is just one giant version of all these, and there is some centre of it.
That centre is where everything rotates around (granted, very indirectly). It is also the same centre where everything came from and will go to.
I think I added more of my own personal theories to this post than anything. >_<