ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
1,633 posts

James a brother of Jesus said in 1:5,"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and will give it to him.

I thought Jesus was an only child. Oh well, any way If God gave out wisdom like tick-tacs we would have far less stupid people in the world. And yet, nearly every one is ignorant and lacks common sense.

Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing they donot hear or understand. 15)... For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn,

Right here Jesus basically says people are stupid. Jesus then claims that he is the only one who can save them. So, by letting Jesus control their *the crowd* lives, they can reap the benefit of going to heaven! Yea! One party dictatorship! Hurray!

Why did you give me all the definitions of some systems of government with some famous leaders? I know who all those men are and what they did. Your definitions only support my claims.

1) one party rule: Hitler, Stalin, and Mao abolished all other branches of thought. If any one disagreed, then jail/ firing squad you go. God only allows Christians into Heaven. All other Regions are wrong and must die in hell-fire.

2) Censorship: Hitler and Stalin employed censorship to destroy any claims questioning their ideals. They need their people to be 100% loyal and never question the Fuhrer. Christians dismiss ANY claims that go against their Bible. rather than changing their beliefs to suit the modern age, they bash anything that is considered "sinful and heresy to the LORD"

3) propaganda: Stalin won mass support from his forms of propaganda. He convinced Russians that communism will bring prosperity to Mother Russia if they work hard and obey Stalin. There are posters that say "Look what the October Revolution has given to working women" in my textbook. The poster is trying to rally the support of women by saying now they can attend school, work, ect. Today, Christians advertise themselves on TV trying to win the support of Americans. There are also those Mormons who knocked down my little Buddha statue and staple their hand outs to my door telling me that I'm an infidel unless I go to church. Even at church, they reinforce their propaganda. When I went to church with this girl, I sat down and this video played. It was this white woman with a terrible Spanish accent saying how her life was shit until some missionaries came with food and talked to her about Jesus. Now she is thankful to the missionaries for bring Jesus into her life. The problems with this video are that, if the Jews decided to bring food to her, she would probably be Jewish, not Christian; and that probably in reality, she care more about the food than idea. If you are a starving white Spanish person, you would really want some food, not some people telling you that you are going to hell if you don't join. Also if you join, then you can get more food! This white girl gained more food by joining the church.

The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you(disciples), but not them(crowd).

Members of the Bolshevik party were rewarded to power and wealth, while the Russians really didn't get anything as good as the Bolsheviks did out of Revolution.
9,462 posts

Let me see if I understand:

Not really understanding. For example the whole evolution vs. Creationism bs.

According to God he created everything all at once. No evidence supports this.

According to science it was a slow progression over millions of years. The evidence supports this.

So which do you believe the voice in your head telling you one thing or the proof right in front of you telling you another?

James a brother of Jesus said in 1:5,"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and will give it to him.

How is it then that many of the most intelligent people in the world are atheist/agnostic?

he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like the wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

The is ridiculous. Okay, there's an Invisible Flying Elephant floating about. There is not evidence to support this, but remember now it's not good to doubt.

Or maybe we shouldn't take everything at face value and doubt what we are told until we can confirm it with supporting evidence.

That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8) he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."

So all scientists are unstable in everything they do huh? Why then do you believe anything they say?
879 posts

big bang!

389 posts

big bang!

What do you know of it?
879 posts

What do you know of it?

I know that we can compute the expansion of the universe back in time until a split second after the "big bang". We don't really know what was before or why there was this huge energy. Propably some pieces of matters collided. And calculations show that the expansion of the universe is getting smaller and smaller but it's propably not going to contract because there isn't enough matter in space (--> gravity).

I hope this is right, because we talked about it in school^^
9,462 posts

I know that we can compute the expansion of the universe back in time until a split second after the "big bang". We don't really know what was before or why there was this huge energy. Propably some pieces of matters collided. And calculations show that the expansion of the universe is getting smaller and smaller but it's propably not going to contract because there isn't enough matter in space (--> gravity).

I hope this is right, because we talked about it in school^^

Sounds about right.
389 posts

I know that we can compute the expansion of the universe back in time until a split second after the "big bang". We don't really know what was before or why there was this huge energy. Propably some pieces of matters collided. And calculations show that the expansion of the universe is getting smaller and smaller but it's propably not going to contract because there isn't enough matter in space (--> gravity).

And once again, no one knows what was before the Big Bang.
9,821 posts

And once again, no one knows what was before the Big Bang.

No, we know that there was no 'before' before the Big Bang because all time was compressed in the singularity as well. The concepts of cause, effect, beginning, and end do not exist in a situation where time does not exist because they are reliant on a linear time.

I've said this before. A lot. In this thread. Please, retain the information. It will help you greatly.
389 posts

What information all I hear is there was no "before".. There is always a beginning to something, it just can't pop out with time being compressed..

3,826 posts

What information all I hear is there was no "before".. There is always a beginning to something, it just can't pop out with time being compressed..

Sure, everything has a beginning. That's not what Alt is saying. He's saying there is no "before." The before happens before the beginning - that's why he called it the before
That simple fact is that we live in a universe where space and time are intimately related. In our universe, it doesn't even make sense to ask the question, "What happened before the beginning of the universe?". That is simply an undefined set of events - though we can't even call them events.
1,751 posts

I know that we can compute the expansion of the universe back in time until a split second after the "big bang".

Anything in the universe that is not tightly controled goes into the cauos phase easily. This includes the universe, and probablly had done so, as we can find no set patterns in the universe. To see every diffrence you will need to find out the speed, direction and place of every single particle. Mathematicans and phisics say that you cannot find out the speed and place of a single electron with perfectness above a certain mathematican constant. Therefore we have apomixations only to deal with. Also add the fact that particles are more like waves than objects.
1,751 posts


1,751 posts
9,462 posts

No, we know that there was no 'before' before the Big Bang because all time was compressed in the singularity as well. The concepts of cause, effect, beginning, and end do not exist in a situation where time does not exist because they are reliant on a linear time.

Dudness I'm beginning to wonder how many times Alt has told you this.

What information all I hear is there was no "before".. There is always a beginning to something, it just can't pop out with time being compressed..

Time and space are unified. So since "before" the Big Bang there was no space you also don't have time. Since concepts of before and after and concepts of time you don't have a before.

I know that we can compute the expansion of the universe back in time until a split second after the "big bang".

This should give an idea on how the age of the universe is calculated.
Age of the universe
9,821 posts

What information all I hear is there was no "before".. There is always a beginning to something, it just can't pop out with time being compressed..

This gives me the impression that you lack either the intelligence or interest to understand what I'm telling you. There can be no beginning if there is no time, and until the actual decompression event, there was no time. Therefore, no 'before' the Big Bang.
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