ForumsWEPR"AMERICA" The worlds police?

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America seems to get involved in other countries affairs, is this the right thing to do when we have problems of our own, or do we need to control the out side world to ensure our own safety?

  • 99 Replies
5,043 posts

You know that Israel is one of the world's leading Arms dealers -- and they train every single person with your average rifle and send them each to boot camp? Thanks to all the money we've sent them, they've created an army within their own society. Pretty creepy, especially when you look at where western media points the fingers.

In other words, America helped prevent Israel from being blasted off the map of the Earth.

Israel will continue its Zionist destruction without US help?

Hitler also hated the Jews.
1,482 posts

Hitler also hated the Jews.

Sorry for your pro-semitic feelings, but I haven't used the word 'Jew' yet. Israel is a political state on the map, and I don't like their politics. I feel no resentment against those of a particular faith, but I feel I have the right to resent a government [acting on beliefs of a particular faith or not] due to its unlawful acts.

America didn't prevent many empires or nations from being 'blasted off the map' in Europe, or in rural parts of the Middle East, Africa, or Asia during the rapid change from imperialism to the formation of nation-states in the 1900s. Apart from all the 'aww, poor them' feelings that we eat during literature books in school -- Whats so important about them?

Its quite clear and obvious that
America helped prevent Israel from being blasted off the map of the Earth.

But how has that helped America? Our international goals are clearly defined currently as trying to bring about stability for economics. Yet we've created a war machine.
We basically gave them government, when we ask them to chill -- they say no. Good job, now we've got a country that kills with our own weapons for their extreme religious policies, and an unstable government hellbent on ethnically cleansing a region we practically stabilized for them.

In other words, we've got ourselves an out of control maniac that we still give money to. In regard to the thread, we are pretty crap world police.

Hitler also hated the Jews.

Is that supposed to be one of those 'ooooooh he said hitler' moments?
Comparing me to Hitler won't help you, me and him are nothing alike. Putting one quality of his that doesn't even relate with a quality of mine doesn't make any sense at all. It could, though, show how narrow minded you could be to say that just because someone hates one thing they are related instantly to the worst man on earth to have ever stood up for such a prejudice.
5,043 posts

First of all, are you implying that Israel should be blasted off the map?

Second, people complain when America does harm to other nations, yet when America helps other nations nobody notices/cares.

Third, I quoted Drace.

409 posts

Second, people complain when America does harm to other nations, yet when America helps other nations nobody notices/cares.

I guess that is partially true...but America has involved in so much politics and war which they should have kept out of...Take the Vietnam War for example: why did the states have to move in? Sure, there was the domino theory, but come on, one of the main rights of a nation is the right to choose their kind of government. The Vietnamese could have settled it themselves. It was good that the states moved in during WWII, although pretty late, but their involvment in things all over the world just makes everything more complicated.

As for the middle east, the problem is that they don't separate religion and their state. There wouldn't be half the trouble if Islam would be held out of the whole thing.
115 posts

First of all, are you implying that Israel should be blasted off the map?

Well, I don't think that Israel should be blasted off the map, just peacefully dismantled or something.

Just look at it from an unbiased view. If there was no Israel, just imagine by how much the violence in the Middle East will drop.

Imagine how many lives will be saved from the slow but steady policy of Lebensraum in use by the Zionists against Palestinians. Jews would also live more peacefully, without any threat from Muslim states, because (I know most will find it hard to believe) their argument is not with JEWS but with ISRAEL. We have a shared religious heritage, Jews, Muslims and Christians, and it is possible for us to co-exist.

yet when America helps other nations nobody notices/cares.

That is not a fair thing to say. When the U.S sent aid to my country (Pakistan) following the 2005 Earthquake, we certainly noticed. If you could give examples, that'd be helpful.
1,482 posts

First of all, are you implying that Israel should be blasted off the map?

Second, people complain when America does harm to other nations, yet when America helps other nations nobody notices/cares.

Thats completely untrue.
They (as usual) are listed #1 as foreign helpers by Government by the world community.
Every kid I know has gone through the brutal task of memorizing the end result factors of leveling off in a superpower economy, one of them being that America sends 50% of the worlds food aid and hunger resources. I'm glad.
Bloodscums argument is great, too.
Not only that, but America has sent so much money into the Haiti fund that Port-Au-Prince is stacked for the future [hopefully recovering to its former glory]
The text funding has been on sharply increase and everybody reports it.
We all know America's a big giver of the world.

But when our economy is in crisis your happy that we're buying guns for people -- when you know that these guns are shooting people?
You didn't answer any of my questions, you just asked me if I think Israel should be blasted off the map. Poor argument.
Anyway, I think it should be restructured, changed, but not nuked or whatever crazy scheme you believe is in my mind. If your going for a 1 state solution and you want peace in the region, then give the people within it equality. A Palestinian that is in trouble with 'the law' in Palestine has but two options -- one would be to GTFO and the other would be to live a life of poverty (which might happen anyway). This is why there are so many refugees out in the world.

The end result is -- If the Israel is going to center there entire policies around Jews and exclude all that live there, then you can not expect that the oppressed man (of any religion) will feel hatred against them, why? Because they are ruining their lives for their own destructive regime that you support [And you still haven't answered why] I don't hate the Jews, I hate Israel. I see nothing wrong with that, its just a political entity. If that entity chooses to be racist and shine its prejudice on the world like a fart then I feel like I have a right to dislike.
3,224 posts

Hitler also hated the Jews.

This attitude is part of the problem. Implying that anyone who opposes Israel is a Nazi sympathiser is just plain ignorant. There are plenty of very good reasons to be pro Palestinian.

You do know what will happen if we stop helping Israel right?

They realise they can't continue blasting craters in Gaza every time a Palestinian tries to smuggle food inside the prison, and start to act like the democratic state they supposedly are?
3,437 posts

Tp adress the topic at hand, as a Canadian, I feel it is wrong for America to try and police the world. That being said I will agree that without the American presence in Isreal, there would be no Isreal. However, the war in the Middle East has gone on for far too long. Canada has troops in Afghanistan and it is my belief the only reason we are there is because our Prime Minister is a spineless coward who decided to go along with George Bush. But answer me this, does anyone remember why the Western World is IN the Middle East? I mean, it started with Afghanistan and spread to Iraq, how? What right did America, unsanctioned by the U.N I might add, have to go into Iraq? America has a terrible reputation of doing whatever they want because of their military superiority which started with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WWII. I say it is high time America stopped trying to police the world. By all means help those in need of helping, but other than that fuck off.

1,482 posts

That being said I will agree that without the American presence in Isreal, there would be no Isreal.

And how does it help the world [Or even America] if there is or isn't, why is America suddenly divine dictator that selects what forms a nation? Last I checked a nation is an entity of people thriving towards a common goal, not mixing two peoples together and screwing it all up.

Our presence in the middle east is uncalled for, and Canada and Europe relatively have basically no troops there at all. (Canada's about a tenth of America's population, too, though). Sadly our reason being there makes no sense, it helps nobody, and as you said -- they need to **** off.

I mean, the nuclear bombs of Nagasaki and Hiroshima can sort of be justified, but it seems that some take that justification 50 years later into the modern world and try to control it all when you already own it. Doesn't make sense.
3,224 posts

Second, people complain when America does harm to other nations, yet when America helps other nations nobody notices/cares.

Considering how many dictators and horribly corrupt regimes America has propped up in the past, by virtue of not being communist, this thread made me lol so hard. Other than nations who are slaves to dollar imperialism, or ones fighting Islamic extremism, the US hasn't really had much of a positive impact anywhere.

Just take Iraq for example. The whole irony is, you armed and trained Saddam to fight the Iranians who were rightly pissed off with you for removing their one good leader and replacing him with an autocratic maniac. Then, in 1991 you solidify his position in power by giving him a convenient scapegoat. American politicians talk about spreading freedom and democracy, yet only when it suits their strategic interests it seems.
409 posts

I mean, the nuclear bombs of Nagasaki and Hiroshima can sort of be justified, but it seems that some take that justification 50 years later into the modern world and try to control it all when you already own it. Doesn't make sense.

Kind of off topic, but do you seriously think this? Japan was already defeated, they were willing to surrender. All they wanted to keep was their emperor's dinasty, which was not a problem at all! Also, they got no warning at all, adn the few hours between the two droppings gave the japanese people no idea of what was about to happen! For America, it was just a power display to show the USSR their new weapon.
1,482 posts

Kind of off topic, but do you seriously think this?.

I tried to lessen the impact of what I was trying to say with 'sort of' -- we know that Japan was defeated, but remember this was the 1950s. Satellites weren't floating around and all we had was radio.
We had continuously air-raided around 67 Japanese cities (got the # from Wikipedia ) -- but I don't think there was any real justification to see they were 'defeated' until after the bombs dropped and numbers crunched.

Japan was already defeated, they were willing to surrender
Not so much surrender, many links I searched say they were 100% ready to say 'Back the F***k off!'. The regime of Japan chose not to accept... I forgot the name of the document, but something that outlined they're surrender. Without that signed out, the US couldn't trust them. They were still at war. I suppose ethically it is very wrong, especially considering they dropped two -- little boy AND fat man!
It probably was a display of power -- but from that point on we helped Japan [miraculously, I might add] rise into a state of being the most advanced country in all of East Asia (except for now, China's tailgating, lol). Maybe THAT was to support our own interest of looking like angels.

Back to the topic...

Just take Iraq for example. The whole irony is, you armed and trained Saddam to fight the Iranians who were rightly pissed off with you for removing their one good leader and replacing him with an autocratic maniac. Then, in 1991 you solidify his position in power by giving him a convenient scapegoat. American politicians talk about spreading freedom and democracy, yet only when it suits their strategic interests it seems.

Great example! The usual one I throw out there is how the US practically gave foreign weapons out to anyone they could in Afghanistan to stop the Russians during the cold war's war in Afghanistan -- they also used foreign aid to Pakistan so they could help fight in the war. The end result was the Taliban and Afghani independence, now we are off fighting a war to stop what we created.

But I mean, the US throws out 50% of the worlds food aid, gives out load of national aid which (in some instances) is actually beneficial for people.

Sadly, America's got issues with money management. They are imperialistic controlling the world with their money, and to make it worse they use their weapons to enforce it.
3,880 posts

Not only that, but America has sent so much money into the Haiti fund that Port-Au-Prince is stacked for the future [hopefully recovering to its former glory]

Most of that money is being spent on occupation troops! There are now more than 12,000 US troops in Haiti.

Of the few hundred million spent, it was found that only about 9 cents goes to food and other 9 cents for the transport. In comparison. 33 cents of every dollar are being spent on the military troops =/

Though $380 million has been spent. However, in comparison, that's a 100 million less then the money spent on Iraq each day!

Foreign aid is less than 0.10% of the GPD. I think the number is around 0.05%
3,880 posts

little boy AND fat man!

At its worst, I can justify the first bombing, but the second was uncalled for.

I throw out there is how the US practically gave foreign weapons out to anyone they could in Afghanistan to stop the Russians during the cold war's war in Afghanistan

It was actually the US actions that led to the Soviet war with Afghanistan. For years before the Soviets invaded, the US was aiding the muhajadeen. They created the opposition and the Soviets responded militarily to protect socialist Afghanistan.
A member of Carter's administration even admitted that the goal of the aid was to get to the Soviets to invade. I forgot his name, I think it started with a B.
1,482 posts

Of the few hundred million spent, it was found that only about 9 cents goes to food and other 9 cents for the transport. In comparison. 33 cents of every dollar are being spent on the military troops =/

... but thats our style yo

Foreign aid is less than 0.10% of the GPD. I think the number is around 0.05%

I know that, after all, we make 2 Trillion whatevers a year.
Then again, considering our economy and debt, I would still find it best if .05% of the GDP was spent on something more worthwhile than somebody else's cannons.
Its only small because we make about 14 Trillion a year -- But considering so much of that is spent on things like Medicare, our defense, and social security that if you look at our foreign aid compared to our investments into our own countries improvement its not that far apart. We've left our own modernization to capitalism for years, but its been a while since the Governments done something [Like Ike's creation of the interstate].

It was actually the US actions that led to the Soviet war with Afghanistan. For years before the Soviets invaded, the US was aiding the muhajadeen. They created the opposition and the Soviets responded militarily to protect socialist Afghanistan.
A member of Carter's administration even admitted that the goal of the aid was to get to the Soviets to invade. I forgot his name, I think it started with a B

Well Idk about that, maybe another of those almost uknowing things. I know that part of the reason of the war was the cold war. I also know that the US aided the Taliban and started their foreign aid connections to Pakistan to pwn the Russians. They succeeded. Now they're stuck.

Imo, they should mind their own buisness. Capitalism is fine, being a watchdog isn't.
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