ForumsWEPRHaiti: Friend or Foe?

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53 posts

I'm creating this thread to discuss the international involvement in the so-called "crisis" in Haiti. Am I the only one who believes that Haiti should solve its own problems? Haiti contributes virtually nothing to the US economy or the economies of the other global superpowers. Why should we be trying to solve their problems when we have those of our own? I say that we let them deal with their own problems. Our involvement there isn't going to help them contribute to the world and it's only digging us deeper into the recession.

  • 97 Replies
5,838 posts

Well lets have a look at why Haiti is so poor (poorest country in the Western Hemisphere) and so in need of help.

After the 1804 revolution and independence the U.S. and France put a Embargo on the new country (and didn't recognice it as one anyway) crippling it. And france got reperations of 150 million francs. To pay this back Haiti had to borrow money from the U.S. and France (I'd liked to have seen how that went) and didn't paid it off to the U.S. till 1947. And when I say it I mean the equivalent of $20 Billion.

Then for 19 years from 1915 the U.S. invaded to stop the Germans >_> there are better ways than killing the Haitians and taxing them etc.

Then came the Duvaliers which stole a shit load of money ($520000000) and killed many.

I can't believe Drace is practically the only person here sticking up for the Haitians. Haiti is in a terrible situation and it was put there (at least in part) by France and the U.S.. Yes large portions of the ir debts have been wipes off but theys till owe alot and, obvioulsy, are on no position to pay it with out help from outside.

922 posts

I say that we let them deal with their own problems. Our involvement there isn't going to help them contribute to the world and it's only digging us deeper into the recession.

Listen, I have been to Haiti and it is a very sad, and beat up place. They cannot do it on there own, they are the second poorest country in the world! Then too make it worse they get sruck by a huge earthquake! They definately need our help, regardless of our financial problems.
53 posts

Well lets have a look at why Haiti is so poor (poorest country in the Western Hemisphere) and so in need of help.

After the 1804 revolution and independence the U.S. and France put a Embargo on the new country (and didn't recognice it as one anyway) crippling it. And france got reperations of 150 million francs. To pay this back Haiti had to borrow money from the U.S. and France (I'd liked to have seen how that went) and didn't paid it off to the U.S. till 1947. And when I say it I mean the equivalent of $20 Billion.

Then for 19 years from 1915 the U.S. invaded to stop the Germans >_> there are better ways than killing the Haitians and taxing them etc.

Then came the Duvaliers which stole a **** load of money ($520000000) and killed many.

I can't believe Drace is practically the only person here sticking up for the Haitians. Haiti is in a terrible situation and it was put there (at least in part) by France and the U.S.. Yes large portions of the ir debts have been wipes off but theys till owe alot and, obvioulsy, are on no position to pay it with out help from outside.

If they can't provide for themselves, fight off imperializers, and pay their debts, they shouldn't be a country. The whole point of being a country is to be independent and show your strength. Borrowing is one thing, but taking and taking and never giving, like Haiti does, is another. They're a waste of space and a burden on everyone. We should just be rid of them.
3,880 posts

Then for 19 years from 1915 the U.S. invaded to stop the Germans >_> there are better ways than killing the Haitians and taxing them etc.

It was really just a 200 Germans who had economic power in Haiti, not the German government.
The US occupied it because American investors had an interest in the island.

Papa Doc was also supported by the US and Artiside was overthrown.

So the US really has been partially responsible for the overall Haitian situation.

5,838 posts

Borrowing is one thing, but taking and taking and never giving, like Haiti does, is another.

What part of: borrowed money from the U.S and payed it back by 1947, do you not understand.

Was Haiti just supposed to continue on as a outpost of Imperial France farming plantations till France decided to slavery? One fo the main reasons Haiti was (almsot literally) strangled by the U.S. is because it was scared their own slaves would get ideas of their own if the saw Haiti prosper. No country given the parameteers Haiti was given could fucntion properly.
2,906 posts

you know why we are helping haiti? obama. he forces his niceness that we didnt ask for upon america. I doubt bush would have helped haiti. this is why we need a republican back in office!

53 posts

What part of: borrowed money from the U.S and payed it back by 1947, do you not understand.

Was Haiti just supposed to continue on as a outpost of Imperial France farming plantations till France decided to slavery? One fo the main reasons Haiti was (almsot literally) strangled by the U.S. is because it was scared their own slaves would get ideas of their own if the saw Haiti prosper. No country given the parameteers Haiti was given could fucntion properly.

I'm talking about now. Do you think they intend to pay back the millions of dollars that have been wasted on their people by global powers? Doubtfully. How could they and why would they? They're probably happy about the earthquake; who cares about the dead when people are paying attention to us?! They are going to milk this for all they can get because they're just a pathetic third world country that will never become something, and we just shouldn't be wasting our precious resources on them.
5,838 posts

It was really just a 200 Germans who had economic power in Haiti, not the German government.
The US occupied it because American investors had an interest in the island.

Sorry yeah I didn't mean the German government itself (about 20 years too soon for it's big imperial move lol). But it was the growing power of the Germans people in Haiti (especially their power in the bank) that made the U.S. uneasy.
131 posts

How selfish are you guys? Do you even know what they lost? Have you even watched the news lately? The average friggin salary of a person is $2 a day and more than half are illiterate. Think about that first.

2,906 posts

How selfish are you guys?

oh no...are you some kind
53 posts

How selfish are you guys? Do you even know what they lost? Have you even watched the news lately? The average friggin salary of a person is $2 a day and more than half are illiterate. Think about that first.

You're disproving your own point. Why take all of the time, effort, and resources to try to improve their lives just a bit, instead of letting them kill themselves off, and then using all of our savings to better ourselves? Survival of the fittest, friend. Not out fault or our problem that they were born into a bad situation. As Americans, we have problems of our own. Maybe not as "bad" as theirs in a humane way, but if we keep going the way we are, things are going to become catastrophic.
12 posts

More than 79% of statistics are made up on the spot. And people believe more than half of the people believe those statistics. And a large portion of Americans cannot speak proper English, nor can they read complicated words like hydrochloric. I'm not selfish, but rather being sensible as are others here. And if you paid attention duhman, we do know what they've lost. We discussed that earlier numbnuts.

197 posts

You guys are ridiculous.

Haiti cannot help itself. It was taken advantage of and it's economy was not developed and is devastated. It has constant violence, and even it's leaders are struck by poverty. Yes, we have plenty of our own problems that need to be addressed, but we have made it our own responsibility by constantly 'intervening' in places where we are not needed. It's not so much about helping the government, as you guys are making it out to be, but about helping the people, who live in conditions unimaginable to the average American.

2,906 posts

More than 79% of statistics are made up on the spot.

like that one?


wait, what word is that?

Haiti cannot help itself.

haitians are people too. they arent incapable of doing things for themselves.
197 posts

haitians are people too. they arent incapable of doing things for themselves.

You're saying Haitians can treat the wounded without supplies? Just how might they do that?
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