Please no ridiculous or idiotic comments. And no hating on beliefs either. My belief: Accept God is the only God and Jesus was your savior, the only way to Heaven, other choice an eternity with the Devil in Hell.
I could accept the fact that there might be a heaven, but no solid proof presents itself. However, I find the notion that you have to accept Jesus as you're savior to go to heaven preposterous. Should there be a God, I would assume that He would judge people on their actions, not core beliefs.
My thoughts exactly, hojoko (I'm guessing South Korea?). What kind of intelligent designer would reward individuals with the credulity to accept the idea of a ruler whose very existence is questionable?
Apparently if we are murdered... die to young... or something like that, we remain as ghosts for eternity to get repaid for our unfair death...
It isn't so much a repayment as it is to fulfill a spirit's wishes so that it can be at peace. A murdered person could haunt an area until their murderer is put to justice, or a spirit could haunt it's home so as to watch over family members after an untimely death. But it is most often that there is something tying a soul down that has to be taken care of before it can depart.
Well actually I use to...well they didn't really wear suits.
There may be just the slightest bit of suggestion in that sentence.
In the afterlife I believe if you were a good person, and such you'll got to your own heaven that God makes specificly for you. And if you want it God'll make sure your wife isn't there as well as your kids except maybe on the weekends :P
I reject the idea of an afterlife as false. Fools alone choose to believe that their lives mean something and their actions earn them praise or punishment from an immortal being upon their death. Smart people realize that you do get judged - however, the judgement comes from your peers and instead of immortality you get remembrance.
I don't know what to believe. If there is an afterlife, then awesome. If not, then I guess that's just too bad. I plan to just live my life trying to be the best person that I can, cause either way it's always nice to be nice.
I think the religious threads are making love and have no access to birth control
This. They gotta learn to keep them babies under control! Beliefs are beliefs, just leave it at that. It's nice to discuss, but remember not to bash guys.
If their truly was no Heaven nor Hell, then being dead would be the same feeling as before you were born, or even started to develope, wouldnt it? That is one thing that has allways puzzled me. If nothing existed then what would anything be? The answer is nothing i think, but does anyone else find it strange to imagine if the universe didnt exist? Then nothing would make sense, because their would be nothing. OMG MY HEAD HURTS. I dont think my human mind is capable of comprehending the concept