Please no ridiculous or idiotic comments. And no hating on beliefs either. My belief: Accept God is the only God and Jesus was your savior, the only way to Heaven, other choice an eternity with the Devil in Hell.
I can help simulate it, if you wanna try it out. Go out into an empty, barren room in your house. Make it pitch black, have it so no sound is audible at all, and just lay on your back motionless. Try not to think about something at all. This is a simulated death experience, except for the fact that real death means that you don't know you're dead.
I'm not sure if I would call this a very good simulation of death. Think what it was like for you before you were born, before you were even conceived. This is the closest we have to being dead. Another close example would be that of a coma, but I hope you haven't had one of those.
I look at after school as an addition to school agreed?
Do you look at being awake as an addition to sleep? Do you call comfort an addition to pain? Aside from some home work I don't understand how after-school is an addition to school
That sucks so much hhaa. I can't do that. I'll stick with God
It does suck, but it's reality. Afterlife most likely does not occur, and you won't get into it by simply believing in a lost cause.
Could you explain how the concept of Afterlife can occur on this planet, or why any intelligent designer would only reward suck-ups while granting his followers ignorance from the truth? If you cannot, then your God does not exist.
I respect your opinion, bacobit, but if you are able to, please contribute more to the forum by stating your reason for believing in your deity/religion. Currently, we are debating over evidence for afterlife, and whether it exists or not.
I could accept the fact that there might be a heaven, but no solid proof presents itself.
However, I find the notion that you have to accept Jesus as you're savior to go to heaven preposterous. Should there be a God, I would assume that He would judge people on their actions, not core beliefs.
Though I don't want to be buried in a concrete tomb. Much rather have a tree planted over me or something, and just a nice wood coffin that wouldn't prevent bio-degradation. Better being circulated back into the life cycle than to rot in a hole.
I would much rather go out with a bang. Or a twinkle :P
Did you know that being cremated and being shipped to space to have your ashes fall into the atmosphere costs less than a premium christian burial? It comes with the added fun that people who watch closely get to see you sparkle with light! Too bad you're not able to witness it Xp
I think I'd want to spend as little as possible for my funeral. Hell, I could make a simple coffin. All I'd have to pay for is people to dig and lower me, if not having family members do it, and then buying a seed or a sapling.
DARN! Well, I guess I'll see you in Hell Mage! We can go play pranks on the devil for the next gradrillion years hahaha
If that does happen I'll be running the place in a year.
Though I don't want to be buried in a concrete tomb. Much rather have a tree planted over me or something, and just a nice wood coffin that wouldn't prevent bio-degradation. Better being circulated back into the life cycle than to rot in a hole.
Humans make great tree fertilizer I've seen the effects first hand....What? Why are you all looking at me like that?
It comes with the added fun that people who watch closely get to see you sparkle with light!
Okay Edward. Cremation is a pretty cheap method just being cremated and scattered runs about $350. Even a cheap casket burial runs about $800.
Do you hang out with violent Italians who wear suits?
I laughed my head off at that.
AS much as I'm taught to believe in heaven... as much christian as I am... I don't believe i it completely. Mostly because of ghost things and stories I see. Apparently if we are murdered... die to young... or something like that, we remain as ghosts for eternity to get repaid for our unfair death... if not then guess THATS when we have a judgement. If we are judged or Jesus comes back in the next hundred years... I have no doubts of my faith... until then... I'm not 100% sure. More like 99.56%.