I don't believe Deomons, Ghosts, or Angels are real. There is no proof what so ever if any one can find me proof or a link to the evidence that they are real plz show me.
Since we also dream things while we sleep, something could cause our brain to half re-create this as we are awake, and confuse it with reality, don't think there's scientific proof on that, just my opinion
Actually it's that you are half awake and half asleep. The subject often experiences sleep paralysis and often feels or even sees a being such as an old hag, demon, ghost, or alien in the room with them. It's very common and a well documented phenomena. Apparently you can even intentionally trigger it some how.
I hate sleep paralysis. I have it as often as 3 times a month, and it's usually fear that triggers it.
It hasn't happened to often with me but I have had a number of very interesting experiences with this phenomena.
The last one I fell asleep in the living room and woke up to see an 8 foot tall black wisp of smoke in human form stroll through the living room and out through the front door.
Alright, this is not proof, but these pictures are pretty fascinating. I didn't read much of the stories, and fair warning, there is biblical stuff involved. If you don't like that scroll down to the pictures. <I did> even though I'm a christian. Link! http://www.bibleprobe.com/ghostpictures.htm
Explain the stories. In particular the "Statue" near the pool. They both saw that one. And it wasn't a statue. Then the mother gets a strange cut as well. (That was probly an accident) but more than one person saw it.
Before my grandmother died she saw her mother as an Angel at the edge of her bed. She talked to her, right in front of me. That's all the proof i need.
Before my grandmother died she saw her mother as an Angel at the edge of her bed. She talked to her, right in front of me. That's all the proof i need.
So you are going to use someones hallucination as proof? Well, I saw a flying pink elephant and I talked to him. Do you believe in flying pink elephants?
So you are going to use someones hallucination as proof? Well, I saw a flying pink elephant and I talked to him. Do you believe in flying pink elephants?
No, but I guess we will only know if they are real when we die. Now wont we.
No, but I guess we will only know if they are real when we die. Now wont we.
I suppose so. But then again, if there is nothing after death then we will never know. If there is no afterlife then there will be no consciousness after our physical expiration and therefore no new knowledge will be gained.
Personally I do think they exist, although there's no proof, I guess I would just like to think that somebody or something is watching out for me. Agan no proof, just me liking the idea that maybe the do exist.
I suppose so. But then again, if there is nothing after death then we will never know. If there is no afterlife then there will be no consciousness after our physical expiration and therefore no new knowledge will be gained.
So how does that seem proof to the people who didn't see them? might as well ask Freakenstein what he was talking about. Just, ask politely.
Usually when we think of proof, we want evidence, not just experiences. I could go all night saying that I saw rocks crystallize before my eyes and you wouldn't believe it, unless you had evidence of it.
So..erm, my experience. My great-grandmother was on her deathbed one night. Everyone that was around was crowding near her, including a mother and her 8 month-old baby, which was me. According to them I was bawling my eyes out, and one of her last phrases was "get that dang child out of here!". So many years pass, about to the age of 12. We were sleeping at my grandpa's house, and my bed used to be great-grandmother's bed. I woke up to some intense pressure. It was both internal and external, like I was being squeezed and that my insides were being shuffled. I woke up to find great-grandma sitting on my stomach and her face looking me over. I had to stare at that face until morning, because I was under sleep paralysis. Which sucks.
So I told my folks about what happened (as I was white as a ghost *snicker* from my experience), and Grandpa just says "well you should have rolled over, because mom loved sitting on the back side of the bed!" All humor aside, I had an experience. Not something random or pleasant, but one nonetheless.
I could say all I want about it, but I don't have any proof of it. Something as a sort of recording or an image of great-grandma hovering over my bed would have partially worked. Anything else is just speculation.