But how do we know the probability that objects persist mind independent? We can calculate the probability that an object really is where we perceive it to be, but not much else.
Assuming the only thing anyone can really know is that you yourself and your own thoughts exist. Therefore, the only way to test whether or not anything else is actually real would be to kill yourself. If your thoughts are real, they shouldn't be able to be killed by things which aren't real. However, if the only things which are real are your thoughts, perhaps you can use them to kill yourself by imagining jumping off a building.
After doing a little reading up on it, I've had a bit of a change of heart regarding my use of Occam's Razor to conclude that everything we perceive is actually real, rather the opposite, that we are living in a simulation, so pleae bear with me:
In fact, it actually seems unlikely that ''reality'' is real.For those who don't care to read the link, here's how the logic goes:
1) It is possible that a civilisation can exist which can create a simulation with sentient AI.
2) A civilisation like this would run many of said simulations for various reasons, experimentations, for fun, the reasons don't matter, but what matters is that once they do it, they do it a lot.
3) A being inside the simulation would be unaware of this, and it is also possible that civilisations within the simulation would run their own versions of it, once they'd developed the necessary technology.
So that leaves us with 4 possibilities:
1) It is impossible to reach a level of technology sophisticated enough to simulate sentient AI.
2) Races that reach such a level would not run simulations like this.
3) We will be the first civlisation to run a simulation.
4) We ourselves are almost certainly in a simulation.
The second possibility is patently false. I mean, how many computers was Spore running on within a week of its release? The first possibility is probably false, as the only thing preventing us from doing it is a lack of hardware, which is getting cheaper and more efficient by the day.
So that leaves us with the third and fourth possibilities, the fourth one being much more likely than the third one (if you could create your own simulations, wouldn't you?)
So um, yea. It seems we are totally living in the Matrix. Or even weirder, we could be the creations of another Matrix, which was created by another Matrix and so on.
Things like that hurt my tiny-unimportant-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things brain. I think I'll go watch some Champions League and drink beer for awhile