ForumsWEPRBeing condemned for my beliefs?

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263 posts

I hear all this talking about "GAYS" and it seems anyone who doesn't like it is considered a "hater" of the gays. I find the "lifestyle" of gays to be disgusting. This is my opinion, am i not in-tilted to it? I'm merely saying it is disgusting not that gays are "bad" nor that they aren't equal to everyone else, merely that i find it disgusting. Why do so many feel that I'm not entitled to my opinion merely because it isn't what they themselves think? I find sexual fetishes that involve children, piercing of skin, all those weird things to be disgusting including gays. I do not hate gays. Why do people feel they need to condemn me for this thought?

  • 59 Replies
1,707 posts

The fact you cannot see why he didn't define gays lifestules has led me to believe you are either lacking or are simply displaying a juvenile refusal to think critically. Which is it?

I meant the fact you cannot see why he didn't define gays lifestyles has led me to believe you are either lacking in cognitive abilities or are simply displaying a juvenile refusal to think critically. Which is it?
3,224 posts

The fact you cannot see why he didn't define gays lifestules has led me to believe you are either lacking or are simply displaying a juvenile refusal to think critically. Which is it?

Instead of coming up with any real argument, all you are doing is parrroting my posts. Which is fine if you're 13, but it doesn't really hold much water in the real world.

You do realize I didn't call you dumb or stupid eh? I just said you were acting dumb and stupid.

You said I was acting dumb which was stupid. It may not be explicit, but don't try to hide from the blatant truth.

It is verifiable... Ever heard or a poll or survey?

Until you link to this survey/poll, I have no inclination to believe what you have to say.

Btw your is a word just to let you know.

I never said it wasn't a word.
9,434 posts

Oh for f...
Trying to keep this post short.

Not nesseccarily some people when insulted try to act better, or improve in their knowledge of what ever there doing to prove the insulter wrong.
Gratz, you just invented flame wars. Don't use insults to further a discussion, it doesn't work. Particularly not on the internet.

Then they shouldn't post unless there 100% sure what there talking about.
Oh yeah, because that's likely to happen. That doesn't even work in real life. Why would it work on the internet where an opinion can be stated with no actual consequences?

Side-note: This thread is really steering way too far off into arguing about tangential things. And the OP hasn't been back yet...

Also, I stand by the point I originally made, which no one cared about because apparently it's more important to pick fights about who's ignorant or stupid and who shouldn't say anything about ignorance and blah blah blah.
3,224 posts

it's more important to pick fights about who's ignorant or stupid and who shouldn't say anything about ignorance and blah blah blah.

Not more important, more fun.

Jokes aside, Panzer and I have gone so far off topic we need a plane ticket back.

So back to the argument itself:

I stand by my point about ignorance and bigotry. Unless you can provide legitimate reasons to spout hate speech like calling an entire group disgusting based off of their lifestyle as well as declining to define such a vague term, it is no surprise you will be condemned for holding these beliefs. From the OP, I can only surmise that you hold a gut feeling, formed by society and your peers, against homosexuals in the same vein that whites would have held against blacks decades ago. It's just that as a society it's not cool to rail against blacks anymore. Gays are still apparently fair game though.
1,707 posts

Side-note: This thread is really steering way too far off into arguing about tangential things. And the OP hasn't been back yet...

Sorry I got to get the last words...

Instead of coming up with any real argument, all you are doing is parrroting my posts. Which is fine if you're 13, but it doesn't really hold much water in the real world.

What you say works well in my arguements, so why not use it? You do realize I'm 14 near enough to 13?

You said I was acting dumb which was stupid. It may not be explicit, but don't try to hide from the blatant truth.

You missunderstood me I was not meaning that you are stupid I just meant you were acting stupid. IN NO WAY DID I CALL YOU STUPID OR MEAN THAT.

Until you link to this survey/poll, I have no inclination to believe what you have to say.

You said it was not varifiable when it is but it just isn't verified yet. But it can be verified.

Oh yeah, because that's likely to happen. That doesn't even work in real life. Why would it work on the internet where an opinion can be stated with no actual consequences?

When I post I try to be 100% sure what I post about or pretty sure what I say is correct.

Also, I stand by the point I originally made, which no one cared about because apparently it's more important to pick fights about who's ignorant or stupid and who shouldn't say anything about ignorance and blah blah blah

I'm pretty sure I said something about it but I gtg for a little while so I can't double check it right this second.

Ok now if FireflyIV doesn't say anything to this were good and nothing off topic will happen by me.
50 posts

I think that we should get back to the topic of the fact that the guy who created this should be condemned for his god-awful beliefs.

9,434 posts

Sorry I got to get the last words...
Yeah, you know what, that's pretty bad to do in threads where it's been stated that the off topic needs to end.

When I post I try to be 100% sure what I post about or pretty sure what I say is correct.
Oh yeah, and none of your arguments ever get countered. When I post, I post 100% true to what I believe to be correct, or I state my doubt on the matter by questioning. Thing is, I don't know everything about the things I talk about. Neither do you. No one does, really.

I'm pretty sure I said something about it but I gtg for a little while so I can't double check it right this second.
Unless there was a tiny line somewhere that I can't see, no, you didn't. Feel free to point it out if I did miss it.

Ok now if FireflyIV doesn't say anything to this were good and nothing off topic will happen by me.
Actually, I'm gonna leave it thus:
He gets to reply back to what you've said in the last words you had to get, and then, if either of you wish to take your argument further, you take it to profile comments.
Same goes to you if you wish to reply to me for something in this post. Do it on my profile.

Now, let's get back to the topic. If possible.
I think that we should get back to the topic of the fact that the guy who created this should be condemned for his god-awful beliefs.
Hmm... "Condemn", according to my dictionary:
1 express complete disapproval of, typically in public
2 find (someone) guilty of a criminal act or wrong

I'm not sure I think he should be condemned for his beliefs, but I can understand why it happens. It's not exactly a criminal act of any kind, though. It's just opinion.
3,224 posts

He gets to reply back to what you've said in the last words you had to get, and then, if either of you wish to take your argument further, you take it to profile comments.

Thank you. Although Panzer, as a heads up, I have no interest in continuing this via profile so don't waste your time. I believe everything that needs to be said can be done succinctly here. And I may even be able to bring it back to the OP too...


What you say works well in my arguements, so why not use it?

Your argument is nonexistent. Instead of telling me why whynameistom does not need to come up with a clear definition of the term ''gay lifestyle'' you ignore my points about why this is so important to the OP and persist with asonine parroting.

You missunderstood me I was not meaning that you are stupid I just meant you were acting stupid.

Your exact words were ''your just playing dumb which is stupid.''. Therefore by acting dumb, I am by your logic displaying stupid behaviour. If you did not mean it, choose your words more carefully, lest they be construed in the wrong manner. If you did mean it, this is probably a good time to learn that personal attacks aren't the best way to go about discussions. Either way I'm more inclined to believe the latter, from your general demeanor throughout.

You said it was not varifiable when it is but it just isn't verified yet. But it can be verified.

If a study does not exist to verify it, it is de facto unverifiable. I'm not going to let you get away with logic so flawed as to believe anything which can possibly be studied is in fact true, and ok to use in an argument, it isn't. Your logic essentially adds up to this: Person A: 'Time machines exist'. Person B: 'Prove it'. Person A: 'They could exist if someone bothered to make one, therefore they exist'. Doesn't really work does it?

And back to the OP. The main gripe you are having with me Panzer stems from the fact you think it is ok for whyismynametom to decline to define the term ''gay lifestyle''. I initially called him an ignorant bigot primarily because of this. If you cannot define what you hate so much about a certain group, then it stands to reason you are ignorant of the lifestyle of that particular group. Therefore the only reason you would use such hateful speech against that group is due to bigotry.

I think the OP of this thread. sums up why whyismynametom's emotional appeal is flawed. He believes it is ok for him to hold such an extreme belief without any justification. I challenged him on this. Until he comes up with an answer to it, I am afraid that you are fighting a losing battle.

To draw a parrallel, what would you say if someone called Jews or blacks disgusting because of their ''lifestyle''. Would you stand for it? I hope not.
909 posts

I agree with Zophia that Sgtpeppers use of the word 'condemned' is too strong since the OP of whyismynametom is stating an opinion.

I keep checking back in because I would also like Tom to answer Firefly's question to justify, verify why he's disgusted.

Thirdly, I would like to apologize to anyone who may have found it offensive that I used such an outdated cliche, "gay lifestyle" in my earlier post.
I only used this cliche to illustrate a dramatic change with my father's lifestyle away from a family-oriented to a lifestyle more akin to "animal house".

1,101 posts

I kinda agree with the OP. Like i have 4 friends whom are gay, and like there extremely chill guys. I dont mind the making out either, i mean its awkward to be around, which is why im with my gf so we can just kinda maybe hold hands, walk away, etc... What i find gross is gay guy sex... Females are ok, cuz its still an object (strap on =0) going into a well... punani? i hope that word works XD. With gay guys, its a pulsating member, entering a very dark cave... Very dark. In the end is sick, disgusting, and I rlly couldnt give a crap if you condemn me for thinking that. But all it does is allow for an easier access to get AIDS (anal lining gets damaged) and other viruses (which is why people who have alot of pulsating members entering their cave cant donate blood). Not to mention rectal bleeding???? ouch... In its entirety, gay guys are chill people, but please, PLEASE, maybe an HJ and BJ should really be the limits.

9,434 posts

What i find gross is gay guy sex...
OP stated he finds gay "lifestyle" disgusting. Still trying to figure out what the heck that even means.

One's sex life is not a lifestyle. Maybe with the exception of certain BDSM relationships.

its a pulsating member, entering a very dark cave... Very dark. In the end is sick, disgusting,
Oh yes, 'cause no straight guy has ever stuck his wang into the butt of his girlfriend. Or at least that is totally not the same thing.
... Seriously?

But all it does is allow for an easier access to get AIDS (**** lining gets damaged) and other viruses (which is why people who have alot of pulsating members entering their cave cant donate blood). Not to mention rectal bleeding????
See above. Don't forget straights do it too.
And as with sex in general, remember the effing protection or have one partner you know isn't carrying any STDs, then there is no issue. Aside from the poop. But again, that's the same for straight buttsex. Oh, and if it bleeds (more than if a tiny whatsitcalled breaks inside) it's probably been done wrong.

Need better argument than "...buttsex! D:" to claim gays are disgusting. Unless you wanna claim buttsex in general is disgusting. Just know there's a lot of straight people going into that pile of disgust too.

Though, nonconformist, I appreciate that you separate what kind of people they are and what they do in their bedroom in their perception of theme.
9,434 posts

in their perception of theme.
What the...

"in your perception of them."

I really don't know what happened there.
9,821 posts

Maybe with the exception of certain BDSM relationships.

At 6:09 AM, I wake up and get whipped.

At 6:11, we both tie ourselves to metal wheels we chill in a walk-in freezer in our basement.

At 6:13, we have a third person get put on a wheel and we have a fourth person set the three of us up like a Newton's Cradle.

At 7:00, if we're all alive and undamaged, we go watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Once it is over, we induce slumber on each other and wake up at 6:09 again to restart the cycle. This goes on 24/7.

. . . like that, Zoph?

On the whole gay lifestyle thing, I think they mean the whole San Fran lifestyle, what with the [lisp]Bohemian decor, and the expensive wine and cheese, and the hybrid cars, and adopted children, and the eggshell cummerbunds . . . .[/lisp]
9,434 posts

. . . like that, Zoph?
Not at all, but lol~ I do hope you're joking, though, otherwise I'm tempted to start a thread on BDSM and I'm not sure the forum of teenagers would be able to cope.

On the whole gay lifestyle thing, I think they mean the whole San Fran lifestyle, what with the [lisp]Bohemian decor, and the expensive wine and cheese, and the hybrid cars, and adopted children, and the eggshell cummerbunds . . . .[/lisp]
Oh lulz~ I'm not sure what's disgusting in that, though.
13,344 posts

I really don't know what happened there.

You added an extra "e".

"Enough pointing out the obvious," the crazy man said to himself...

At 7:00, if we're all alive and undamaged, we go watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Once it is over, we induce slumber on each other and wake up at 6:09 again to restart the cycle.

So, either you sleep for 23 hours, or you have 13 hours missing from your day?
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