
72 9095
4,871 posts

So, I know this has been tried before but I'm going to attempt to start a thread for the purpose of the explanation of Christianity.

All questions are welcomed but it'd be really cool if only one or two were asked at a time until the previous questions are resolved.

The questions can pertain to Christians as a whole or my own personal faith and beliefs. Also if the questions could remain focused on Christianity and not just become flame it would be great.

Please avoid needless debate as there are plenty of forums on this subject for debate.

Last the floor be open for Q&A

  • 72 Replies
2,269 posts

I'm not really sure a question will go down without a flame war. By now, that's a habit among these types of threads, especially the 'Christianity/Atheist' threads.

909 posts

Thanks, Samy. Personally, Mage and Desert Eagle have loaded me up with important'Genesis' based questions that really need answers.

I'm going to use this thread to delegate the research so all of us can get involved. My hope is to find these answers, if possible, more quickly.

The first question:
Was creation completed in a 'literal' 6 day time frame?

Science keeps adding more time, meaning thousands of years, to prove the 'big bang' theory, just to name one theory. Recent science shows evidence of sediment layers at Mount St. Helens that although appear to have taken many thousands of years to make, were actually made within24 hours.

3,817 posts

I think I will start with the standard:
Do you have any proof?

If your god is all loving then why is he so violent?

Why did he only dicide to speak to people in the middle east?

Why is there antigens if your god exists?

Why have no studies proven praying to be effective?

Why is Cristianity used as a political tool in so many cases?

Why dosen't god protect Cristians like in the bible?

Why do you ignore all controdicting proof of your riligion?

I think that should be a good start...

374 posts

Thanks, Samy. Personally, Mage and Desert Eagle have loaded me up with important'Genesis' based questions that really need answers.
I'm going to use this thread to delegate the research so all of us can get involved. My hope is to find these answers, if possible, more quickly.
The first question:
Was creation completed in a 'literal' 6 day time frame?
Science keeps adding more time, meaning thousands of years, to prove the 'big bang' theory, just to name one theory. Recent science shows evidence of sediment layers at Mount St. Helens that although appear to have taken many thousands of years to make, were actually made within24 hours.

Ah, see thats the point! Remember, the bible was written in the time when technology was, well, didn't really exist. So they had to write it without any research or anything, therefore their work is designed to fit to that certain time frame. Do you get me? Its like writing a book in 2010. In 7100, that book is like an antique. Their technology may already prove or debunk the bible. They are able to actually see in the past if their technology is that great, and therefore be able to answer the holes and loops in the bible. Or something like that.
374 posts

Do you have any proof?
If your god is all loving then why is he so violent?
Why did he only dicide to speak to people in the middle east?
Why is there antigens if your god exists?
Why have no studies proven praying to be effective?
Why is Cristianity used as a political tool in so many cases?
Why dosen't god protect Cristians like in the bible?
Why do you ignore all controdicting proof of your riligion?
I think that should be a good start...

Let me try and answer this through a christian's point of view:

1. Our proof is the bible. We believe that it did happen and it proves God's existence.

2. Our God may seem violent, but he is just testing our faiths and our beliefs. It may even be for the greater good. We can not question God's actions as we could not possibliy understand being mere mortals. (That didn't sound right haha)

3. Err...gotta research that.

4. Interesting question, I wouldn't know how a christian would answer it. Perhaps it is the creation of man, and we are free to do what we want, as God gave us free will. We created it.

5. Praying is effective. You can not prove something like this with science. It is all about faith. It is faith that leds us to salvation and happiness.

6. Because it is good to spread our religion, to let them see God and Jesus Christ as our lord and saviour.

From my view, its just how easy it is to attract people with just religion in politics.

7. comment. Lol.

8. What contradicting proof? There is no contradiction in the Bible. The bible is truth and we live by it.

Note: I'm just trying to put myself in a christian's shoes and try to answer those questions. I'm an atheist, but I want to see it from their perspective, and to see if my answers are actually similar to those of a believer.

It dosen't mean that I actually believe and stand by my answers to those question haha! I believe that the bible is false.
909 posts

To: 314d1, The Op clearly stated that your questions can all be answered in current Atheist/Christian threads.

Please avoid needless debate as there are plenty of forums on this subject for debate.

As you can see this is an old topic on the community forum thread: World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc.
374 posts

Lol interesting haven't really thought about that...Perhaps there aren't a lot of Jews here, but idk...Good point haha

909 posts

Correction, I posted the thread links as 'quotes' instead of 'links':

God's creation vs big bang
if God created all things?

3,817 posts


It is a joke, as he made an identical one for the Jewish, probably inspiring this one.


Most of those were either ignored or answered with somthing sentimental. Some of them actualy whent as far as saying " Science is just tricks made by the devil to fool people" That is not a direct quote, but I believe it was somthing similar said by liv a few days ago... If they were not answered well, then it makes since to ask. If I asked my phisics teacher how gravity works and he answered it was controled by monkeys, I would logicaly ask agian...

9,462 posts

Helens that although appear to have taken many thousands of years to make, were actually made within24 hours.

Care to provide an actual scientific document instead of creationist bs website?

Just for the record if you want to say science says this provide actual peer review papers/documents. Bias religious websites aren't going to cut it.
909 posts

I had no idea that you had already presented these question on other threads.

Regardless, I was first and let's please follow the rules for at least a couple of pages. OK?

I make a personal promise to you 314 to , as factually as possible, answer your questions. It appears I'm not alone and others posting here seem capable, in the mean time.

Back to my original question,(from Mage):
Did creation occur in a literal 6 day time-frame?

Here's what I've found out so far, please read these articles, too. It is my sincere desire to find the truth.


Big Bang-the buck(s) stop there

There's more that I haven't read, like dead sea scroll updates, etc.

3,817 posts

Wajor, if you use the bible to attempt to back up the bible, you will never be taken seriosly. Those cites have no actual evidince and only use the bible to state that the bibal is true. One even goes as far as saying"We now have a choice between the scriptures, authored by god, and modern science, autoured by man", witch is, in my opionion, trashing proof because of your emotional bias...

1,416 posts

I'm sorry, Wajor, but the ICR isn't credible (from a scientific perspective). I'm sure they try to be accurate, but they are simply too biased to provide credible information. They only accept material that is from a young-earth perspective and "aims to assist the development of the Creation Model of Origins".

Just as an example, the ICR maintains the accuracy of Genesis because Jesus references Genesis. From a Christian perspective this makes perfect sense, seeing as Jesus is infallible. But a scientist would never accept such a notion on faith alone.

4,871 posts

See I'm kinda starting not to like you numbers, you tend to ignore the point of the thread a bit now if you'd like to go flaming please go ahead but not here.

So ignoring him until he follows the rules onto wajor.

Did creation occur in a literal 6 day time-frame?

I'm going to give you some of the basic options here and then tell you which I believe and why. The first will be the most conservative and the last the most liberal.

1. The creation did literally occur in six days of time and the rest of genesis is to be treated as fact.
2. God's "time" is different than our time so six days could be millions of years.
3. God created the original cell, the garden of Eden did occur, and the rest of genesis is to be treated as mainly fact with a few exaggerations.
4. God created the original cell, the garden of Eden did not occur, and the rest of Genesis is to be treated as mainly fact with a few exaggerations.
5. God did not create the first cell, nothing in Genesis is true, but he does watch over us.

I personally fall into the third category for a couple of reasons.
A. The book of Genesis is written as poetry (which differers from the style of the rest) meaning it could be purely entertainment. However many important questions are answered by some of the stories meaning that some events did occur.
B. The evidence in favor of creationism is not great meaning that evolution did occur. If this is true options 1 and 2 are false.
C. Options 4 and 5 tend to exclude God from many things and raise many more questions than the ones they answer.
1,416 posts

Samy, I'm not quite sure how the "option three" time line works. Did god create the first cell, wait for it to evolve into complicated lifeforms, and then the garden of Eden occurred?

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