ForumsWEPRWal-Mart Fires Cancer Patient for Legally Using Marijuana

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5,043 posts

It may not be the latest news, but it's news none the less.

Joseph Casias was fired from Wal-Mart. Casias has sinus cancer and an inoperable brain tumor. To ease his pain, he was issued a medical marijuana card, which allows him to smoke marijuana legally. Marijuana was found in Joseph's system after he took a drug test. Wal-Mart fired him.

Source 1.

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  • 65 Replies
5,043 posts

Medical marijuana can cause addiction, too. It's still marijuana, after all, and it's still an addictive drug.

That wasn't my point at all. Yes, I realize marijuana is not extremely addictive, but I didn't say it was. All I said was that medical marijuana is just as addictive as regular marijuana. I didn't say it was more addictive than every drug out there.

Why did you bring up marijuana addiction the first time?

Doesn't really matter if it's legal or not, Wal-Mart can fire who they choose.

The man didn't break the law. He works for this company many years in the row and was even employee of the month a few times, and they reward him by firing him. Not only that, but they are trying to take away his unemployment too! He might lose his unemployment because he took a drug that the state told him he could take.

Regardless of it being legal, its still Marijuana, it can still get you high

Who cares if you get high off marijuana? Marijuana highs are NOTHING like alcohol highs or the euphoria of popping certain legal medications. The thing is, he wasn't high at work. What if you were over 21 and you were fired from a job for getting drunk over the weekend? What if you were fired for having a sip of alcohol over the weekend and didn't even get drunk? Alcohol can get you drunk, so I guess you should be fired if you drink it, even if you don't go to work drunk.

Just imagine if your greeter was came in like this

(A child and his mother walk into Wal-Mart)
Greeter:Hay lil' mon!!


Greeter:I got a lil' smiley sticker for just for you, juuuuusssst for lil' mon!!


Mother:Timmy, we're getting out of here.

Word would spred, and you'd lose customers

Yeah, because every time I get drunk I begin to talk with an Irish accent...

This is exactly why is not a good idea to legalize this.[quote]

Quite the opposite. Marijuana legalization will change the way that people look at marijuana. The ones who don't support it will tolerate pot smokers because they will get in trouble if they don't.

It will happen all the time. What happened is this guy was high, and then he hurt hisself on the job. So he wanted Wal-Mart to compensate his injuries. [/quote]

Where did you read that he was high when he hurt himself? Where did you read that he wanted Wal-Mart to compensate his injuries? He probably missed a single day of work, that's it.

If people come into work high, then they can get in trouble as if they were coming into work drunk. The thing is, if you get high at home and you are sober at work, then that is your right.
5 posts

to me theres nothing wrong with marijuana, i think drinking is worse then that cuz you get all loud mean and annoying and we your high your the oppisite your cliam you laugh alot. plus marijunana isnt a real drug its a plant like tobacco.
so to me i think its dumb for it to be illegal at all

5,001 posts

Just FYI, marijuana does not possess any qualities to promote physical or mental withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, addiction is impossible. It is like saying you're addicted to picking your nose.

8,051 posts

The man didn't break the law.

do you have to to get fired?

He might lose his unemployment because he took a drug that the state told him he could take.

first amendment is freedom of speech but you can't say whatever you want without consequence on AG.
996 posts

Just FYI, marijuana does not possess any qualities to promote physical or mental withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, addiction is impossible. It is like saying you're addicted to picking your nose.

bull shit!
weed doesn't have chemicals that are naturally addictive, but anyone with addictive tendencies is going to have a hard time getting off of medical marijuana.

as said above, it doesn't affect the person poorly when they're not high.
5,043 posts

bull ****!
weed doesn't have chemicals that are naturally addictive, but anyone with addictive tendencies is going to have a hard time getting off of medical marijuana.

If you're going to use that argument to justify keeping marijuana illegal, then we should make fast food, video games, jacking off, and soda illegal. People with addictive personalities can become addicted to just about anything.

As it is, most people who smoke marijuana don't become addicted. Only a VERY small fraction of a percent actually becomes addicted.
3,880 posts

Right, its the individuals responsibility not to go to work drunk or high, not the corporations.

3,660 posts

Only a VERY small fraction of a percent actually becomes addicted.

Most people I know that actually smoke Marijuana can quit easily, so yeah.. tiny %.

Therefore, addiction is impossible. It is like saying you're addicted to picking your nose.

Addiction doesn't have to come from chemicals..
15 posts

It would be ok if wal-mart states in there employee rules that they can't use drugs. Otherwise they should be sued

909 posts

It would be ok if wal-mart states in there employee rules that they can't use drugs. Otherwise they should be sued

It's stated in the article that Wal-Mart has an anti-drug policy and this man failed his drug test.

There are lot's of cancer patients who can still physically work, that want to continue to work and this man said, "I just want to provide for my family."
He may still have a case but unfortunately he may not have any money to hire an attorney. His cancer is in remission, Wal-Mart's insurance company knows this and they want to cut him off of his benefits.

It's cases like this that made me walk away from working for insurance companies and instead I worked for a group of doctors, which I much prefer.

He's done the right thing by putting his name out there and openly talking about his situation in front of a camera. He should be picked up by a large law firm, that's hungry enough to tackle the 'insurance company' that want's to drop him.
You see what I mean? Don't go after Wal-Mart, go after their insurance carrier.
13,344 posts

Why did you bring up marijuana addiction the first time?

I never said medical marijuana was not addictive. I just said it was less addictive than other drugs. That doesn't mean it isn't addictive, though.

Believe me, I used to be an alcoholic. I know how addictive alcohol can be, and I know marijuana doesn't even compare to how addictive alcohol is.

However, just because something is much less addictive than something else does not mean that the first something is not addictive.

But, it was wrong for me to argue here in the first place, because every time I try to argue about marijuana against people who smoke it, it just gets into a dead-end discussion.
669 posts

"OH NOES!!!!
Oh so now Wal-mart doesn't even let people smoke Marijuana?!? How many more rights are they going to take away!!!!"

If you're wondering those quote marks are "sarcasum" quote mark except for the ones around sarcasum those are real.

This is different. Cancer can be extremely painful for some people, especially towards the end of their battle with it.

Ordinarily I'm not in favor of people (especially healthy people) doing mind-altering drugs. But I think in this case, there should be an exception. Clearly this guy is suffering.
9,504 posts

Really Wal-Mart, use your head. It was legal, the guy has cancer, prescribed by the DOCTOR... They are misinterpreting what the law says and what their expectations are in one mix.

1,026 posts

How many more rights are they going to take away!!!!"

Stop worring about weird right being suppressed, and sooner or later you will be abducted from your house, because even your important ones are gone.
3,660 posts

Really Wal-Mart, use your head. It was legal, the guy has cancer, prescribed by the DOCTOR... They are misinterpreting what the law says and what their expectations are in one mix.

Actually yeah.. You have a point I mean, what if the doctor prescribes him something else that's not marijuana.. Like pills.. Would they still fire him?
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