It may not be the latest news, but it's news none the less.
Joseph Casias was fired from Wal-Mart. Casias has sinus cancer and an inoperable brain tumor. To ease his pain, he was issued a medical marijuana card, which allows him to smoke marijuana legally. Marijuana was found in Joseph's system after he took a drug test. Wal-Mart fired him.
I disagree with them firing him, but the fact of the matter is that the law is on Wal-Mart's side.
How could the law be on Wal-Mart's side, when the smoker did in fact legally use marijuana, has proof that the usage was legal, and was doing what the patient's doctor, as in hospital policies, told to do? Wal-Mart's employee policies are rules of their own, but theirs are like agencies. They cannot go against something that was legally applicable.
Freak, marijuana in the United States is illegal under federal law. It doesn't matter if you are Bill f'in Gates with 1000 doctor's signatures for a prescription to marijuana.
The only sigh of relief lately is Obama pushing for the DEA to lay off busting dispensaries in California.
How do you get around "at-will" states, then? Granted, there are exceptions to this policy, but smoking marijuana doesn't fall underneath any of them.
I don't know who you were asking, but if it was me then we have to take the problem directly to Wal-Mart. If enough people are dissatisfied with Wal-Mart, they will probably change their policy. If they don't, then we will just have to resort to something else. We don't really need to depend on the government to fix all our problems.
Freakenstein, if it's illegal to fire someone for having their shoes untied and you sign a paper to work for a company that gives them permission to fire you for having untied shoes, then you can't hold the company reliable if they fire you for having untied shoes. The company policy is the dominant policy.
I don't know who you were asking, but if it was me then we have to take the problem directly to Wal-Mart. If enough people are dissatisfied with Wal-Mart, they will probably change their policy. If they don't, then we will just have to resort to something else. We don't really need to depend on the government to fix all our problems.
I agree, forget the government. It is Wal-Mart that needs to have it's ethics straightened out. Unfortunately, that will never happen. Many, many other things would have to change first. There are still too many ignorant people living in this country to form opinions on their own merit, and not just what is fed to them through Fox News.
I agree, forget the government. It is Wal-Mart that needs to have it's ethics straightened out. Unfortunately, that will never happen. Many, many other things would have to change first. There are still too many ignorant people living in this country to form opinions on their own merit, and not just what is fed to them through Fox News.
It will be easier to change Wal-Mart's ethnics than to completely legalize marijuana. I say we should shoot for both. : D
By working for Wal-Mart, you are liable to company policy. So, you should be held accountable for company policy.
Second, if *I* had cancer, I wouldn't be working at Wal-Mart.
And just to throw in a 'what-if' scenario:
If has been proven that marijuana is an addictive substance, so whats to stop the employee from stockpiling the Marijuana to take all at once, or from him coming in to work all stoned? I for one wouldn't want to be serviced by an employee of ANY company that was stoned...
It has been proven that marijuana is an addictive substance,
No. We already established that marijuana addiction is almost non-existent.
so whats to stop the employee from stockpiling the Marijuana to take all at once,
The fact that he could get in trouble by doing this?
or from him coming in to work all stoned?
The fact that he may get fired?
I for one wouldn't want to be serviced by an employee of ANY company that was stoned...
He wasn't stoned while at work.
Thats my 2 cents...
I won't be accepting this tip.
So, what you're saying is that he MIGHT abuse his marijuana privileges? He's already been working at Wal-Mart for years and he never did anything wrong.
Yes, you should always take into consideration the 'what-if's. However, you must then decide if making a rule to counter the 'what-f's will harm more innocent people than guilty.
It's not up to the state to make sure everyone does the right thing in our life, it's up to the state to make sure we don't harm or screw each other over. We should have every right to make our own mistakes. Rather than the government taking extra precautions to make sure marijuana won't be abused by keeping it illegal, the government should only take action when someone actually abuses marijuana (which is, in all reality, very **** ing rare).
There's a chance you will eventually cuss on AG. Maybe you already have. There's a chance you can post nasty porn on our forums. There's a chance you will call me an ******* ****munch that should burn in hell. There's a chance you will abuse your privileges as a member on this site. Maybe I should ban you... just in case...
*claps* Bravo! That was hilarious and a well formed response!
Also, it is beyond me how so many people really do not know REAL facts about marijuana. They just seem to make it up off of what parents have told them, or personal experience. Open a book or a medical journal! It is free at your library!
That probably is true. The fact remains, that marijuana affects each individually in somewhat different ways. I recently read an article on the psychosomatic effects of marijuana in different countries.
For example, people in Jamaica smoke marijuana as hunger suppressant! So, it is possible that your "munchy" feeling is nothing but a preconceived notion of an effect of THC.
No. We already established that marijuana addiction is almost non-existent.
I'm sorry, but 'we'?
The fact that he could get in trouble by doing this?
How so? Is there a committe that goes around checking this? Photographic eveidence that you have indeed taken all your pot? Whats to stop me from stashing it in the attic for a while?
The fact that he may get fired?
Not if he has develpod a need for the drug. He might weigh taking the drug more than keeping his job.
He wasn't stoned while at work.
Never said he was. I was simply saying 'what-if', which you seemed to have addressed further down in your post.
I won't be accepting this tip.
Never said you had to. And who said it was directed at you?
For example, people in Jamaica smoke marijuana as hunger suppressant! So, it is possible that your "munchy" feeling is nothing but a preconceived notion of an effect of THC.
What THC does is sends your body into a panic mode, and you need more blood to flow to your brain to function normally, so non vital organs like the stomach get less blood. What it does is gives you a light feeling of hunger, for Jamaicans that probably feels better than the actual feeling of hunger, whereas for us that feels really hungry because we are usually fed. It's just that our normal hunger levels are so different that the level that weed puts us at is different. Just like how the bodies of someone from australia and someone from the arctic will react completely differently to weather from Toronto!
No. We already established that marijuana addiction is almost non-existent.
I'm sorry, but 'we'?
almost non-existent
How so? Is there a committe that goes around checking this? Photographic eveidence that you have indeed taken all your pot? Whats to stop me from stashing it in the attic for a while?
Let's say he did stash his marijuana and smoke it all at once. Let's say he wasn't caught. No harm done. If harm was done, then he gets caught. As simple as that.
Not if he has develpod a need for the drug. He might weigh taking the drug more than keeping his job.
The thing keeping him from coming to work stoned is that hey may get fired. If he still insists on going to work stoned, then they are in the right to fire him.
Never said he was. I was simply saying 'what-if', which you seemed to have addressed further down in your post.
You can't keep something illegal just because it "might" be abused by someone, because it will. Id you keep something illegal because a minority of people will abuse it, then the majority who would use responsibly will suffer. That's not right.
Quote from your own site: "Even then, the physical withdrawal symptoms are likely caused more due to psychological factors than by a real, physical withdrawal."
Marijuana only has withdrawal effect to those dumb enough to think there are some and get a placebo effect going on, dumb s***.
How so? Is there a committe that goes around checking this? Photographic eveidence that you have indeed taken all your pot? Whats to stop me from stashing it in the attic for a while?
How does the guy need to stop smoking medical marijuana if it's not a problem for him to not go to work high dipsh*t.
Not if he has develpod a need for the drug. He might weigh taking the drug more than keeping his job.
That's the dumbest thing I ever heard, firstly you don't get addicted so you don't feel a need for it at work, even though work is boring as your old convoluted opinion. Secondly, how do you pick weed over job if the job is paying for the weed, gen
Never said he was. I was simply saying 'what-if', which you seemed to have addressed further down in your post.
Then why should we let people fly planes, what if someone wanted to carry a bomb on and kill everyone?! WE SHOULDNT LET ANYONE ON PLANES! If we based peoples lives off of a what if then we could just say what if Maverick becomes the next hitler lets find out where he lives and beat him to his death to just double make sure he doesn't, cause I didn't say he did, I am saying what if.