I'm planning on trying weed for the first time, friday. I'm kinda scared about it. :S
Nothing happens your first time unless you really try hard, most people don't get the hang of smoking until 3rd try, don't worry; it'll all be fine as long as you go in with a positive attitude. What happens with most people who smoke is they think bad shit will happen, and then they feel weird and whatnot and think pot's messing with their brain.
I am sure most people know the placebo effect by now, and that's the biggest problem with marijuana I have had with people. First off, for people who know know, Placebo Effect is the idea that if you tell someone something will happen(like if you take this pill your headache will be gone), regardless of whether it should happen or not, it will, because the effect is completely psychological.
My friends start freaking all the time. "My arm hurts, could I be dying?!" and stupid stuff like that, so I want to get it clear:
Except for bad effects on your lungs like Cancer and nothing things from inhaling any smoke,
marijuana will not negatively affect your body in a way that put you in immediate or direct danger. It won't make your stomach not work, or your blood not filter or pump, you won't get poisoned or pass out and die. You won't stop breathing or get lumps that could be dangerous, you won't contract anything;
everything negative you feel is a direct correlation to the placebo effect and the fact that you THINK something bad will happen or you get scared/nervous about something small/insignificant.Think happy thoughts and you'll be happy, simple as that. Anyone complains that they got a bad high or it hurt them or they freaking out, being paranoid and a hypochondriac, and they tell you its NOT a placebo effect, they are stupid, or have asthma.
Warning: If there is a clear and evident thing wrong with your friend then ignore me and obviously get help. And when I say clearly something is wrong I mean he literally can't breath, or something is very clearly wrong; not like "I think there is a bump on me, I am scared!" or "I don't feel so good".
I've known tons of great kids who are extremely lively and fun to hang out with, but then they started smoking pot, and it all went down hill for them. They flunked school, only hung out with people who could get them more pot, and lost their entire social life, and life in general.
That's bullshit to the highest degree. I go to university and am about to move into the fraternity house I belong to. Guess what the average GPA is of our fraternity boys compared to the average gpa of the normal male student at my university(top in many respects of all canadian universities)? Well the truth is out average is higher than the average male. And how many people do not condone or ever smoke even slightly in the entire chapter? One person. So don't tell me people drop out and flunk.
If anything this kid finally starts smoking, realizes that it really isn't all that bad, and realized you are preaching the stupidest shit ever and if you are dumb enough to just sit back in your chair feeding stupid false information you can't even back up just because you want to fight for some dumb outdated cause, you must be absolutely retarded. And why hang out with someone absolutely retarded.
Hanging out with people who can get you pot or do pot past university is more than 95% of people. Get with the times. I have yet to find someone who has a problem with me smoking, not everyone WANTS to smoke but no one minds cause they know it's not dangerous and it's just a personal choice.
3. Will marijuana kill brain cells?
Just to add on this, marijuana does kill some cells(not brain), but the only cells that marijuana will kill are ones that are easily replaceable by the body's systems and done regularly anyways, unlike brain cells which do not come back once gone.
Good point. You can buy those tobacco papers, and they are treated with some nasty junk. I suppose I am just pointing out the substance in pure form without paper.
Tobacco papers are terrible, best be going with normal rolling paper. And if you are so short that you NEED to use cigarette paper, take out their godawful cig filter. That thing filters out a lot of the good stuff in weed.
Note: any kind of smoking, including pot, will increase your risk of any cancer of your respiratory tract, simply because you're exposing your lining to irritants. Pot itself isn't carcinogenic. In fact, it'd probably be better on all counts if you looked into ingested forms as opposed to inhaled.
You remind me of this every day you jerk. And yes ingesting pot is exponentially healthier for you. It could be argued that the only negative aspect of pot is the smoking, which you don't even have to do anymore. But there are lots of pros and cons for each:
-Can secretly feed people weed and see how they react
-Tasty Cookies/brownies whatever; YUM!!!!~~
-Really good high regardless of what weed quality you use
-If done properly you can get super awesome long highs, my first time I had the greatest day of my life. Was 8 hours of being super happy, then I started drinking while high down was coming so essentially buzzing for like 16 hours straight. Again: BEST DAY EVER.
CONS-Takes a long time to cook, lots of prep
-Takes a long time to take effect(I took around 5 cookies, normal dose is half a cookie, still took 2 hours to hit me)
-Prep for eating is so much work; gonna make butter which depending on how you do it could take 1 hour to 24 hours of simmering butter, then letting it cool overnight, then baking. And remember if you gonna eat weed you want to have a pretty empty stomach or the effects are lessened.
-Takes a lot of weed; 12 cookies took 7g, depending on what you get could cost 40$-80$ for those 12 cookies, not counting the butter and the cookie mix/ingredients.
-People can eat your cookies
-Depending on how good a cook you are/what weed you use/methods of cooking, could make your place reek like weed.
SMOKING:PROS-Like the taste of weed/smoke in lungs personally
-Lots of flexibility (joints,bongs,grav bongs,specialty joints, vaporizers, interesting new ways of smoking). My biggest joy is finding new ways of ridiculously smoking. I have a huge photobin full of them, from just normal coke cans, to apples, to watermelons(yes), to 18.5 litre water jugs for water coolers.
-More social, fun to go outside on lawn and just pass a few joints,or roof of my house
-easier to carry around; I have a joint with me most times so even in obscure place I can be ready to blaze,harder to keep cookies in bag
-very immediate high
-taste/feel difference when smoking; all different weed strains taste and give you different highs which is something you highly miss out on with baking
-lots more I don't feel like listing :P
CONS-Smoke is terrible for you
-easiest way to get caught smoking out in public :P
-learning to roll is really hard for some(aka me *cry*)
-sometimes you have nothing to smoke your weed out of(bong/papers/pipes) and it makes you cry that weed is sitting there and you cant even physically find a way to have it, or if you just all forget lighters: life? ruined..
end of replies, start just straight up rant:At the end of the day weed has some bad things about it just like everything else and people should take it understanding those risks. I don't think it's impossible for me to get lung cancer while smoking but it's a risk I am stupid enough to be willing to take. And think positive, you can have weed prescribed to you for cancer. So you win win. It's like driving a car, you could get hit while driving and die but you still drive. With everything you do there is risk attached to it and you need to accept that if you want to do it!
All modesty aside, I know more about pot than anyone else here, not trying to be rude or demeaning, just the fact. This "knowledge" comes from the fact that I probably smoke on a scale of 1-10? Way to fucking much for me not to get cancer sooner or later.
And not only that. I used to be so afraid and against it as a child; mainly because I knew nothing about it. Which is why I've studied every aspect of weed through books/internet/tv/anything I can get my hands on. I probably have one of the most thoroughly knowledged people on this subject, so you should probably trust me when I talk about this stuff. I don't have any false belief that this isn't bad for me, it's just you have to come to a realization that a lot of the stupid shit you hear just isn't true.
Anyways I have been writing so long I literally lost track of my game plan for everything I have been saying so I am just gonna stop, and wait for something else to comment on.
If I want to I could keep rambling on for days but I will wait for more comments and people opinions.
Ask anything you guys want by the way I'll answer as best as possible, and don't be shy to ask something you might think is dumb or obvious. Cause with something like pot it's hard to find answers to simple questions because things are just jumbled into the internet and you never know who is telling the truth. I smoke pot and am pro pot but I don't ever lie to you to make you think it's some sort of miracle plant.Klaus