ForumsWEPRAll Things Marijuana

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This is a discussion thread about Marijuana, Cannabis, Weed, Dank, 420, Pot. It is currently legal in a few states, though they are regulating the usage of it.

contrary to popular belief, weed doesnt cause cancer, it's like alcohol, impairs your motor skills. that's about it.

I figure you young kids will be eventually come into contact with it once you hit your college/high school years, and it would be good to dispel some wrong and wayward thinking brought on by the government.

so please have fun, ask questions, keep it lighthearted.

For others who partake in god's choice smokes please give me some of your favorite dank

Weed is legal in a couple of states, cali, colorado. up in Canada, Vancouver has legalized weed. Amsterdam too.

It's a great experience really, not advocating you should try it, since it is also quite the expensive plant (prices are artificially inflated in legalized areas also for government control purposes)


  • 356 Replies
5,001 posts

Ok guys, first things first: yes, people actually have died from smoking pot, not directly, but it has happened.

Of course, there are always going to be idiots on any substance that goes and does stupid things and dies. Hell, people die from driving on Nyquil. So, point is, that area of discussion is moot. We are talking about the substance itself. So, no. There are ZERO deaths from marijuana.

And yes, it can be very addictive.

Wrong. And you are one of the reasons I'm making a fact page. Stop taking everything you hear on TV as truth.

Also, when you buy your pot, you have no idea what it may be laced with. The person you buy it from could have done anything to it.

We've already been over this. Wrong again.

Smoking a joint of marijuana is the same thing as smoking a twenty cigarettes.

Please stop passing BS facts off as truth.

I've known tons of great kids who are extremely lively and fun to hang out with, but then they started smoking pot, and it all went down hill for them. They flunked school, only hung out with people who could get them more pot, and lost their entire social life, and life in general.

This is the only things that halfway makes sense in your post. Kids should not use any kinds of substances. In fact, you shouldn't even be drinking Coca Cola because you are underdeveloped in your mind and body. Such a crucial time for you guys!

But, I will say that if one is going to smoke marijuana on a regular basis it needs to wait until you've figured out how to manage it and your life. Meaning, it does not need to be done in High School or earlier. But THAT, which I just said is just an opinion.
3,224 posts

Ok guys, first things first: yes, people actually have died from smoking pot, not directly, but it has happened.

The amount of THC you would need to inhale in order to die would bepreposterously high. Besides, there have been no cases where someone has died from a marijuana od.
5,001 posts

I believe it would be impossible to keep you conscious or you would die from suffocation before THC killed you. Actually, I am pretty sure you could OD on water faster than you could marijuana.

5,061 posts

@Asherlee I could be wrong here but isn't pot actually one of the least addictive substances there is?

Actually, I am pretty sure you could OD on water faster than you could marijuana.

Well from what I've heard you have to drink something around 15 gallons of water straight before drowning inside out.
3,224 posts

Well from what I've heard you have to drink something around 15 gallons of water straight before drowning inside out.

I'm not sure of the exact quantities necessary, but there have been recorded cases of it. The same cannot be said of marijuana. To die from a THC overdose would be incredibly difficult to achieve by accident. The average recreational user simply wouldn't be able to afford that much weed, or enjoy smoking it all in one go.
5,001 posts

Oh it bothers me when it screws up my apostrophes and quotations. If you have trouble understanding the messed up parts, please let me know.

3,562 posts

oh wow that is actually quite helpful asherlee

2,770 posts


Guys cmon lets just stop arguing.


5,043 posts

Oh it bothers me when it screws up my apostrophes and quotations. If you have trouble understanding the messed up parts, please let me know.

If you want to repost a fixed version, go ahead. I'll delete the messed up one.
5,001 posts

Questions answered about Marijuana

Disclaimer: All of the items listed below are facts based on peer-reviewed, double-blind scientific journals. Given on how one might interpret what is listed below, by no means am I condoning using marijuana or any other illicit substance. The fact of the matter, it is still illegal.

1. Can marijuana be considered a beneficial medical drug?
The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer, osteoporosis and other bone diseases,glaucoma and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day. (Aug. 2008 Neuropsychopharmacology Vol. 34 Pages 672-680; June 2008 Journal of Pain Vol. 9, Issue 6, Pages 505-521; Nov. 2007 Anesthesiology Vol. 107, No. 5, Page 785; etc, etc, etc there are at least 100 more I can find)

2. Can I overdose from marijuana?
"The cannabinoids in whole marijuana can be separated from the burnt plant products by devices already being perfected that will be inexpensive when manufactured in large numbers.Inhalation is a highly effective means of delivery, and faster means will not be available for analogs (except in a few situations such as parenteral injection in an unconscious patient or one with pulmonary impairment). Furthermore, any new analog will have to have an acceptable therapeutic ratio.The therapeutic ratio of marijuana is not known because it has never caused an overdose death, but it is estimated on the basis of extrapolation from animal data to be 20,000 to 40,000. The therapeutic ratio of a new analog is unlikely to be higher than that; in fact, it may be less safe because it will be physically possible to ingest more." (Nov. 2001 International Journal of Drug Policy Vol. 12, Issue 5-6, Pages 377-383)

3. Will marijuana kill brain cells?
This study shows how THC actually promotes brain cell growth and even produces an anti-depressant-like effects on the brain. Side note: this has further led to evidence that THC will help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's in later life. Cannabinoids appear to be the only illicit drug whose capacity to produce increased hippocampal newborn neurons is positively correlated with its anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects." (Oct. 2005 Journal of Clinical Investigation 10.1172/JCI25509)

4. Is marijuana addictive?
There are a few studies out there that claim a type of psychological addiction, but none that I can find are credible. You are more likely to become addicted to bottled water if we want to go that route. So, I can whole-heartedly say, no. Marijuana is not an addictive substance. There are no physical withdrawal symptoms from the use of marijuana unlike nicotine, alcohol, etc. (Please request citations, as there are numerous amounts)

5. Is marijuana a gateway drug?
No. Like I said, that would be like saying milk led you to beer. The CORRELATION is not between the use of marijuana to harder drugs. The issue at hand are those people that are predisposed to use harder drugs have also used marijuana. Think of it on terms of video games. Video games do not CAUSE violence. Those that are already violent are drawn to violent video games. Get it? (Please request citations, as there are numerous amounts)

6. Is marijuana going to make me stupid?
Well, that is just a stupid question and you need to explain it to me better. So, I am going to assume it means memory and cognition. Marijuana produces immediate, temporary changes in thoughts, perceptions, and information processing. The cognitive process most clearly affected by marijuana is short-term memory. In laboratory studies, subjects under the influence of marijuana have no trouble remembering things they learned previously. However, they display diminished capacity to learn and recall new information. This diminishment only lasts for the duration of the intoxication. There is no convincing evidence that heavy long-term marijuana use permanently impairs memory or other cognitive functions. (Block, R.I. et al., Acute Effects of Marijuana on Cognition: Relationships to Chronic Effects and Smoking Techniques. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 43 (1992): 907-917.)

7. Is marijuana smoke worse than tobacco smoke?
This is a tricky question because it has a lot of variables, including that amount of cigarette smoke versus marijuana smoke. Moderate smoking of marijuana appears to pose minimal danger to the lungs. Tobacco contains many carcinogens. There have been no reports of lung cancer related solely to marijuana, and in a large study presented to the American Thoracic Society in 2006, even heavy users of smoked marijuana were found not to have any increased risk of lung cancer. Unlike heavy tobacco smokers, heavy marijuana smokers exhibit no obstruction of the lung's small airway. That indicates that people will not develop emphysema from smoking marijuana

5,001 posts

mmuuuuccchchhhhhhhh bettttteeeerrrr!

1,287 posts

LOL. What are everyone's favorite movies to watch when high?

My favorite list includes: Superbad, Supertroopers, The Men Who Stare At Goats, and Half Baked. Airplane wasn't really intended for it but it just freakin' rocks anyways =P

I heard that the people who made Beerfest were thinking of making a Weedfest movie as well. Anyone know about that?

3,562 posts

I actually enjoy harold and kumar goto white castle/guantanimo bay

quite funny

superbad seems quite nice too

5,043 posts

Let's keep this thread as something to inform people about marijuana, not endorse it.

9,821 posts

7. Is marijuana smoke worse than tobacco smoke?

This really can depend on how you're smoking the pot. Tobacco companies put a ton of treatment on cigarette paper, so if you use cigarette paper as the vehicle to hold the marijuana, the smoke will be worse than normal.

Probably the best thing that marijuana spawned was this site.

I wonder what zoos in Africa are like. I bet they're filled with animals we think are normal, like dogs and cats and groundhogs . . . .
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